

THIS STORY IS WRITTEN FOR A CONTEST, HOPE YOU WILL ENJOY IT AND SUPPORT IT. This story has 2 volumes. The first one is BXG and the second one is BXB. Additional tags: #BL, #romance, # Superpowers, #spiritanimals, #Alpha, #Omega ........ 1ST VOLUME RICHARD ALEXANDER EDWARD (ALPHA) X EMERY ARYA ABREO (OMEGA) What will happen when your body was no longer under your control? When the things you wanted and the things you do are completely opposite. The same thing happened to Emery when her body got occupied by an unknown entity for the last 5 years. And by the time she regained control over her body, her son's child-like innocence was long gone. Thankfully, her son was still a child and she was able to get divorced and escape the ill-fated marriage. ........ Richard Alexander Edward was the youngest major general in the history of the Empire. His life was everyone's wish but what they don't know was at some point in his life he had also struggled. He almost had to choose between his 6-month nephew and his career. It was his hard work that made him what he was today. Now, With a six-year-old nephew in his arms, he was living the life he wished for but at this time, he was being forced to marry an omega his parents choose for him. However, to rebel, he went to the compatibility office and chose to marry the person with who he has the most compatible pheromones. And just like that two people met. EXCERPT SCENE: Before marriage Richard- This marriage is for convenience's sake. All you have to do is to love my nephew like your own son. I can take care of your financial needs as for physical and emotional, don't expect anything from me. Emery- Same. All you have to do is love my son as for your money I don't need it. I can earn it myself. After Marriage Richard- Dear, don't mind Eric and Ian. They can look after themselves. Your priority is me. Your Alpha. Eric- Uncle/dad your cool character has collapsed. Emery- Who is that person sticking to you just a while ago? And why isn't our bank linked yet? Are you saving your money for someone else? Ian- Mom, you earn more than Uncle Richard. ----- Intelligent, caring, responsible ML x sassy, adaptive, intelligent MC. ------ 2nd Volume: Eric Leonardo Edward X Ian Owen Farrow/ Abreo Ian was abused by his father and neglected by his mother since his birth. He had given hope of getting loved and cherished by his parents. All he wanted was to grow up and get out of this hell hole called home. However, when he least expected, his mother changed. His life began to brighten up but the one to lighten his whole world was someone unexpected. He has never thought he would have a chance to be with that person but he did. ...... Eric Leonardo Edward become an orphan before he could understand the world. Thankfully he has his uncle/dad to support him. And his uncle/dad choose a lovely person to be his wife all he wanted was for him to be happy with his new family. However, he hadn't expected his aunt to bring a cold and distant person with her. He didn't like that person, he wasn't playful, won't laugh, heck! he won't even smile. He didn't want such a gloomy person in his family but to make his uncle and new aunt happy, he tried his best to be nice to the child. And without him noticing that gloomy child becomes the only brightest star in his life. I did say the second volume but even in 1st volume, they are there, growing together and being for each other like a family. Though their love will blossom in 2nd volume for the real. AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, IT IS AN OMEGAVERSE WITH POWERS AND WELL-DEVELOPED TECHNOLOGY. HOPE YOU WOULD LIKE THE BOOK. DO ADD AND REVIEW THE BOOK IF YOU LIKE IT. AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE. DO REMEMBER ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE. HAPPY READING. FOLLOW ME ON. TWITTER: CHArgergirl_06 IG- ch.ar2155 DISCORD- CHArgergirl#9795

CHArgergirl · LGBT+
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14 Chs


William had made up his mind to end his marriage. He had shared the news with his parents, who were pleased with the decision.

They had already begun planning for his upcoming wedding with Shane.

Upon finalizing the divorce, William had already planned on how to propose to Shane and spend the rest of their lives together.

With this thought in mind, William walked into the room. He was in full-on battle mode. He had made up his mind no matter what Emery do, he would divorce her for sure.

But once he entered the room and saw a fairy as beautiful as snow sitting on the bed, his mind went blank.

He felt his mind and soul captivated by her beauty, and a desire to possess her.

'What a beautiful thing, who is she?

Ah! If she is here on my bed, then she must be waiting for me, no? She is too beautiful' William salivates thinking of having his way with her. He dazedly walks to the woman.

"What do you need?" however before he could reach her, a sharp and irritated tone, interrupted his thoughts.

Feeling uncomfortable and offended by the way William was leering at her, Emery couldn't help but call out to him.

William was startled by her sudden question and raised his eyes to meet hers, he was again struck by her beauty but this time it was followed by a feeling of disgust and an uncomfortable taste in his mouth as he realized that the woman was Emery, his estranged wife.

He couldn't believe he had been caught in such a momentary lapse of judgment.

"Cough... Why are so dressed up are you trying to seduce others or what?" feeling a little embarrassed and irritated, William lashed out at Emery.

Emery was bewildered at William's shamelessness. How can this man be this shameless?

Emery's eyes were red from anger. All she wanted was to bash the man's head.

'Calm down, we have things to negotiate. I can't anger this man at this time. Be patient,' chanting this in her heart a couple of times, Emery somehow managed to calm herself down.

She took a deep breath and then looked at the slag of a man called her husband.

"William, if you need something then please speak up, otherwise, please leave," Emery tried to be as polite as possible but her frustration was still evident in her tone.

Willaim eyes went wide. He was shocked. Emery raise her voice at him!

He couldn't believe it!

"How dare you!" Willam roared in anger pointing his finger at Emery.

This woman who used to grovel at his feet dared to be rude to him.

This woman who begged and cried to him to not divorce her dared to raise her voice and tell him to get out of his own room. How outrageous!

The more William thinks about it the more his anger rise.

He marched towards Emery, anger written all over his face. He couldn't believe that Emery had raised her voice at him.

In an attempt to assert his dominance, William released a burst of his rose-scented pheromones directly at Emery, attempting to subdue her for her insolence.

"You coward! How dare you use your pheromones on me like that!" Emery was now furious.

This man dared to use his pheromone to make her submissive toward him!

Argh! How disgusting!

If it had been before her advancements, maybe she would have been affected by William's pheromones. But with her advancements in spiritual and combat power, overcoming his cheap suppression technique was effortless for her.

"William, if you continue this behavior, don't blame me for reporting you to the Omega Protection center for domestic violence," Emery warned William as she sat on the bed beside her son.

"You won't! I won't let you!" William panicked a little but soon thinking how Emery couldn't contact the outside world, he relaxed.

"And even if you want to, you can't. You are...."

"Do you think I won't be able to solve such a small restriction you have placed on my terminal? Did you forget my major at my university?" opening the Omega Protection Centre's page, Emery scoffed at William.

She was a topper of the IT department, for her this small restriction on her terminal was nothing.

"What are you trying to do?" William lunged at her but Emery Swifty dodged him picking Ian in her arms. She couldn't risk her son's life.

This man is a total nutcase.

"I am going to file for a divorce," Emery replied determinedly. She had been waiting for William to take action, but it seems she couldn't depend on him for even something as simple as this.

"Why?.... No!" William subconsciously asked. He had never thought Emery will ever ask for a divorce.

It shouldn't be like that. He should be the one to ask for a divorce, not Emery. Emery can't divorce him.

She can't leave him. Yes, this must be her trick. She was using reverse psychology. This is all her acting.

Yes, it should be.

"You are too cunning. Do you think this will stop me from divorcing you? Emery, I can't be with you anymore. I won't let you stand in the way of my pursuit of happiness. No matter what you do, we are getting divorced. Call whoever you want, I don't care," William scoffed at Emery. He felt disgusted by her attempts to manipulate him.

He opened his terminal and swiftly filed for divorce.

He wasn't afraid of Omega Protection Centre, they don't have any proof of his violence against this mother and son pair. They can't do anything to him.

Regaining his confidence, William calmly took a seat on the sofa, "You just wait for the Omega protection Center to reach you and informed you about the divorce I filed."

Emery, who had witnessed all this, was surprised. The man in front of her had panicked, deluded himself, and regained his confidence in the span of a minute.

Emery had never encountered such a shameless and self-absorbed man in her life. She had been with William for 15 years, but she had never realized that he had such a severe case of narcissism.

She knew he was arrogant and overbearing but she had no idea that his behavior stemmed from such a profound sense of self-importance.

What Emery didn't realize was that William's behavior towards her was not a reflection of his usual behavior with others.

Her years of passive acceptance of his actions had led him to believe that he was the center of her world and that she would never dare to oppose him.

If she had known the extent of his self-delusion, she would have been shocked and might have said something like "Wow, you really have a high opinion of yourself. Snap out of it."

Even though she didn't fully understand the extent of his self-delusion, Emery could sense that William was in his own world.

However, she still didn't say much and allowed him to delude himself as much as he wanted.

She didn't care who initiated the divorce, all she wanted was a fair share of William's money and custody of her son Ian.

If he agrees to these terms, she will sign the divorce papers without any resistance, If not, he had no right to blame her for making things difficult for him.

"Shouldn't you be calling your lawyer?" breaking the silence, Emery asked.

As for her, the Omega Protection Center will provide it.

"I informed him before coming here, he must be on the way," William disgruntled as he said.

At first, he thought they would talk about the terms of their divorce with his lawyer then informed the Omega Protection Centre but the order was messed up.

Well, it didn't matter. He was relaxed.

But what he didn't know was that this step messed up many things. He gave Emery a chance to counterattack.

As for little Ian, he was happily sleeping in his mother's warm embrace, unaware and unaffected by the events happening outside.




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