
Naming Ceremony pt.1

Like each one before, her story started long before she even opened her eyes. Her parents always knew their child would special. So much so that it wasn't a wish or hope. They instinctively knew that their child was destined for great things. Selene was born under the Wolf Star on a full moon night. She grew to beautiful glistening jade skin and hair match, almond-shaped eyes as dark as the moonless nights, and a delicate face one would think fragile.

She was perfect, as all things within the greater plan should be. One day she would take on the role of writing these stories. She would step out from being just another character and become the author, pushing all things to their determined ends. But that day was not today. Today she is a young girl coming upon the age of womanhood, attending her final naming day.

The party had long since been in full swing, fathers sang, fires danced, mother's cried, but they all cheered. Cheered, for the daughter of the Wolfmoon.

Selene was at the center of a small crater that had become a natural stage and arena for her people. Behind her, a pale blue flame danced, and to either side, several other females and males stood.

A rumbling sound slowly permeated the party, the intensity growing becoming louder. The crowd was silenced and the flames were calmed. The jovial atmosphere quickly became solemn as the rumbling drums played everyone's attention was drawn to the center of the crater. The still figures of Selene and several others preparing for their naming ceremony.

Their bodies were painted with lines and markings, and each bared themselves in full.

On the far left a young male, jagged lines ran the length of his arms, legs, and back like layers of fur. His face and torso remained bare, his exposed chest and abdomen wide and hardened.

To the far right is a young woman. Spirals adorned her body, the markings coiling around every limb, even each toe and finger. The coils wrapped around her breast, neck, and face before joining at her back to form an almost closed crescent shape with uneven points.

On Selene's immediate left another young woman. This one had a beautiful pair of wings drawn across her back. Smooth gentle lines accented her eyes, cheekbones, and jaw. Light curled markings traced her limbs while some areas were far more filled in than the others standing beside her.

On her immediate right another young man. Similarly, he had a pair of wings drawn on his back. Uniquely though the wings were far larger and extended to his arms. The markings on his arms intersected and continued across his entire body resembling scales. Markings around his eyes and mouth were sharp, and his hair was long and dyed red.

Finally, at the center, Selene was decorated with sharp lines and curves that ran the length of both arms and legs. On her back markings resembling a shattered chain, between her breast the image of the moon, and finally marking her forehead the image of a wolf with its jaws wrapped around the sun.

Thump... Thump... Thump...

Dull sounds different from the drums rhythmically echoed around the crater. The crowd stomped in unison mimicking a heartbeat. The drums joined in and the sound rose once again, from a heartbeat to rolling thunder. The pale blue flame in the center of the crater began to gently dance again.

Abruptly the young man with the fur-like markings exploded forward, riding the sound of rolling thunder. He swung his arms into the flame. The flame traveled the markings but did not burn. He brought his foot down with a force, creating a sound that echoed with the booming drums. His arms smashed the air as if knocking down an invisible opponent. His dance was wild and strong, switched from slow and ferocious to lazy and gentle. He danced for some time the drums growing from rolling thunder to rushing rapids. Finally, it came to an end when he let out a mighty roar that echoed far into the night. The flames blazed one final time and formed the shadow of a large bear over him.

The drums slowed down back to a heartbeat as the young man began to walk away. Before he got too far, the young female with the coiled markings appeared behind his back. The drums once again picked up, and flutes from across the crater joined in. The two instruments battled outside the crater while inside the crater, the young man and woman were just beginning their battle.

So I know there is no direction or characterization here just yet but stick with me. Everything is already planned. I've just decided to go for a bit of a slow burn. Stick with me for a bit and celebrate the naming.

Godspeed_Augurycreators' thoughts