
Fate's Reversal: The Divines Return

Syphiinz · Games
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237 Chs

World's Destiny: Redemption


Opening his eyes, his throat shuddered producing a groan; body full of aches he slowly sat up in bed, gripping his head. This type of pain was unusual for him, his body should have been acclimated to his usual training.

"Ugh... why does my he-"

Turning over sitting on the edge of his full-sized bed, still gripping his forehead his surroundings and consciousness turned hazy and indistinct for a moment. Behind his closed eyes, a miraculous scene unfolded inside his mind. The scenery switched rapidly, bringing Kaiden a foreign yet familiar feeling. However, not much longer, the scenes finished and a spinning sensation engulfed Kaiden's conscience.

The intruding injected conscience of parallel Kaiden entered this Kaiden's mind, starting to dismantle into pieces assimilating in the process. In truth, he felt whole. Like something lost had returned to him. 

Opening his eyes, they now held a newfound light that was engraved in the depths of his soul as he exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, completely clearing his mind. A faint feeling of happiness overtook him.

Grabbing his holographic quantum watchphone; the latest 'Cosmos XC Edition' he attached it. Examining the time and date while toggling the holographic display: 'June 10th, 2096 9:03 AM' appeared. It was by 25 years from the point in which "Kaiden" had perished.

Another thing caught his eye as he approached the window, moving back the blinds revealing a luminescent sun and overactive city landscape. 'A morning announcement?' he thought.

[MORNING ANNOUNCEMENT: «World's Destiny: Redemption» has reportedly released a new review, detailing a successful closed beta as well as the official launch date: September 10th, 2096, 12:00 AM. Upon release, a lot of information will have been patched and new, thrilling content will be presented for you to explore. In-depth information will be unveiled in the days before the official release.]

After tapping this message, a countdown timer reading '91 days, 14 hours, and 56 minutes remaining' appeared, accompanied by some extra information.

Swiping up, Kaiden read the attached information review at the bottom.

[«World's Destiny: Redemption» will be the game of this and the next century. Based on current data predictions drawn from the closed beta server, it will easily outpace its former competition «Sword of Light».

It is an even more extensively developed immersive VRMMO. It boasts fluid gameplay in which the user is given the capability to harness their innate creativity, producing hidden benefits.

Game details developed and refined by the head members of WEPA (Worldwide Entertainment Propulsion Association) & interactive theories and calculations behind the game produced by HARDIC (Human Advancement Research & Development International Congregation).

Due to the fact that such a diverse group of creators designed «World's Destiny: Redemption», it possesses characteristics of various cultures, including but not limited to, their fantasy ideas. When it boils down to development possibilities and career choices, there is no limitation.

 Obviously, that is an exaggeration, there will be limitations. Only, it is undisclosed what they will be. Lastly, your general location is determined by your country of residence.]

Closing his hologram, he glanced down at his hand and feet. Next, he lifted his shirt revealing his athletic figure as he pinched his sides.

'I've put on muscle... but I'm guessing this odd sensation is the reason my body ached. Not to mention, I have a strengthened urge to train,' thought Kaiden before approaching the full-length mirror in his room.

His appearance came into view and it was quite commendable indeed. Standing at 1.85 meters and 85 kg, he was in the phase of rapid growth seeing as he was 17. Furthermore, his features were noteworthy as well, specifically his eyes.

To put it another way, whenever Kaiden met someone new, he would receive a multitude of compliments on his clear and bright hazel eyes alone. Not to mention, his caramel complexion only served to accentuate his aesthetically pleasing features.

Leaving his room, Kaiden headed towards the kitchen downstairs, only to be later welcomed by the presence of a seated man who looked like an aged version of himself and a stunningly beautiful brown skin brunette currently in front of a running sink. Those were in fact his parents, Michael and Christine Smith.

"Haha, good morning Mom; you look beautiful as always," complimented Kaiden.

Chuckling, his mom joked, "You sweet talker you, I hope you don't antagonize those innocent girls your age like this. It's clear you take after your knucklehead father."

"..." an audible gulp followed after Kaiden's abrupt awkward silence leading into a wry smile. Not long after he turned looking for solace in his dad.

"What's up champ? Did you prepare for tomorrow? I know I say this a lot, but I am truly proud of you son. Haha, looks like I need to think of a suitable gift for you," his dad chuckled with a meaningful wink.

Blurting out almost instantly, Kaiden's eyes gleamed, "Money!"

It was only a short moment later when Kaiden realized his outburst, revealing an embarrassed expression, resulting in the harmonious laughter of his parents.

"Sure thing, I'll surprise you with something nice," his dad responded.

Nodding, Kaiden informed his parents that he was going out to train, dashing upstairs directly into his room. Dressing in suitable training clothes, he recalled his outburst just now. "Speaking of money...", he swiped on his watch bringing up the holographic display, viewing his bank account information.

[Universal Plus Checking's - XXXXXXX7689, Available Balance: $3,589.61]

[Compound Savings - XXXXXXX6215, Available Balance: $27,542.88]

Altogether satisfied with the condition of his bank account, Kaiden nodded as he thought to himself, 'I'll need an Advanced Virtual Immersion Connector Helmet. (AVICH for short.) However, I'll wait until after my 18th birthday next month. That way, I'll be sure Mom and Dad won't receive a parental notification. After all, it's $12,000." 

The Advanced Virtual Immersion Connector Helmet is an immersion gaming device built by WEPA and HARDIC to access «World's Destiny: Redemption» providing a spectacular 82% synchronization rate. In contrast to its basic counterpart operating at a lackluster 74% synchronization rate, it was a piece of stellar equipment.

However, though this may be true the Gold Rank Virtual Immersion Pod took it a step further achieving an 85% synchronization rate. Unfortunately, despite that its large drawback was it cost over $200,000.

Eating a quick breakfast, Kaiden sprinted out of the door. Beginning a slight stretching routine on the sidewalk, he received a notification alert on his watch.


Curious, he checked to see who or what it was. Finding out that it was a video call request from Ezekiel Smith, he quickly accepted. On his screen appeared a mild, scholarly looking man, around 22 years of age with features similar to Kaiden. The resemblance was simply uncanny.

"Hey Zeek, not in your dorm?" inquired Kaiden as he performed his stretches.

"Aye Key, nope; I'm headed home! I'll be there to witness my mini-me graduate from my alma mater, walking across that fine stage," quipped Ezekiel.

"Really? You're heading home? Awesome! Not gonna lie, I missed you, man. We can do some training together!" exclaimed Kaiden with a delighted smile.

"Oh, so have I and hm, training. Sounds good. Speaking of which, have you heard of that new VRMMO «World's Destiny: Redemption»? The way they promote it, I feel it should be a fun experience," passionately replied Ezekiel, eyes glimmering.

"Yeah! I can't wait to try it out when we get the chance we should play together. But Zeek, I have to get to the training center for some essential training so, I'll see you at home when I get back," responded Kaiden, waving while ending the call.

Beginning a light jog, Kaiden headed in the direction of the local training center approximately 2km away. In due time, Kaiden places all his extra belongings in a training room locker. Sitting on a bench for a moment, he began pondering. 'I have multiple things I need to achieve.'

Falling deeper into thought, Kaiden began formulating a viable plan. 'My mind feels faster so I should assess whether it has impacted my reaction speed. I know VRMMOS depends heavily upon that. After that, I'll need to perform stimulating exercises to train my body's instinctual reaction.'

Proceeding toward the information desk, Kaiden reached and picked up an instructive directory to locate the mental agility and physical training sections. Eventually pinpointing them, he released a sigh of relief realizing they were located next to each other.

"Perfect, I don't need to drag my exhausted self up or down any flights of stairs, I guess this place takes physical training to the extreme provided the absence of an elevator, wow..."

Settling in an expansive 30 square meter automated ball launching room similar to a gymnasium, Kaiden removed his upper wear, leaving his bare body after setting the options of the mechanism.

「Ball Count: 50

Distance: 25 meters

Speed: 78 m/s

Required Reaction Time: 0.32 seconds」

Locking his focused gaze on the launching mechanism Kaiden exclaimed, "Start!"

'Beep! Beep! Beep!'

In quick succession, a countdown was heard. In the next moment, a tennis ball sized rubber projectile was launched forward reaching Kaiden in what seemed like an instant. Using a horizontal step, Kaiden narrowly dodged as the ball brushed past his right elbow.

Half a second later, another ball was launched. As a result, Kaiden used his right leg as a pivot, turning his left side counterclockwise; this ball grazed past his sternum. This scenario continued for the next 25 seconds. As this was just the beginning, it was only enough to make Kaiden work up a light sweat.

"So that's what this feeling is. My mind is indeed faster. I was always sitting at 0.35 seconds. Let's keep pushing to get a benchmark on where my current limit resides."

Repeatedly running the training mechanism while increasing the difficulty incrementally caused Kaiden to start experiencing mental fatigue. His actions required him to enter an extremely focused state. The results were determined after he began to consecutively get hit in the last 2 sessions of today's training, creating 5 visible bruises, yelling, "Stop!"

Dropping to the floor with sweat pooling underneath him, Kaiden uttered breathlessly after much difficulty, "Phew... 0.21 seconds; that's my current limit. It seems that there is this small voice telling me how to react. Regrettably, my mind and body are slightly out of sync but at least I have time to correct that."

Switching over to the room next door, Kaiden engaged in an even more exhaustive and strenuous workout than before. Consisting of extreme calisthenics, not to mention, weightlifting. He brought his body to the point of rebellion. Remaining sprawled across the floor, Kaiden's chest heaved as experienced aches in even places priorly unknown.

Unable to move, he laid on the floor heaving until he was able to. Dragging his still horribly aching body to the revitalization desk, Kaiden ordered something, "10 Grade 2 VitaShakes please."

"Okay, that will be $500 please." replied the desk attendant.

Wincing at the declaration of the price, Kaiden paid while also settling his curiosity, "Up to what Grade VitaShakes do you guys carry?"

"We carry up to Grade 4, as per regulations. Anything higher you would need to proceed to a state-level facility or be 18 with valid identification to place orders on the official website."

"Thank you," said Kaiden while accepting the container of Grade 2 VitaShakes. Afterward, he walked outside of the center hailing a cab while consuming one of the shakes.

Unfortunately, in mere moments, Kaiden was clutching his shirt groaning and screaming to the high heavens with a twisted expression, "Ugh!...C-CRAP!"

Despite having consumed Grade 1 VitaShakes before, the Grade 2 version was simply too potent. It felt as if magma was flowing through his system, expunging toxins from his cells.

VitaShakes are new-age evolutionary technology-based nutritional serums produced by HARDIC. Ranging from Grade 1-10, they are designed to continually temper the function of your cell's mitochondria, and overall your body.

Reaching home and spending the rest of the day eating the entire contents of the house and enjoying family time, Kaiden found himself in a deep sleep instigated by his exhaustive training.


Participating in graduation the next day, he received a notification afterward on his watch, reacting. 'Transfer received $5,000.00 added to your Checking's. Note: We are proud of you, here's a small gift, Dad.'

On another note, day by day Kaiden's training increased in intensity and sometimes duration. He spent this time familiarizing himself with the after-effects of the implanted combat instincts. Near the month mark, he began implementing deflection techniques with a sturdy stick and minute evasion methods, conserving energy more proficiently as his understanding of directional movement deepened.

Through Kaiden's proficient training curriculum, he obtained amazing results after 90 days. In a sense, it could be called a futuristic P90X regiment.


"This feels so much better, a 0.12-second reaction speed! Not the best, but this definitely puts me above the general masses. It's time to purchase my gaming necessities and absorb as much basic knowledge as possible over these next 3 days.

Transferring $16,000 from his savings to his checking's, Kaiden ordered an AVICH and 7-day supply of Grade 4 VitaShakes, at $500 each; instantly over $15,000 vanished from his account, by now with all his recent spending, he had grown used to it.

"With this, I should be ready. My plan is to earn enough with «World's Destiny: Redemption» and at the same time, temper, and enjoy myself," affirmed Kaiden while compiling the basic information he should know.

After spending almost 3 days compiling off and on, Kaiden lied in bed holding his AVICH, putting it on, and starting the bootup process.

"30 more seconds…here we go!" exclaimed Kaiden after exhaling sharply.



Announcement to all readers, new and old, this chapter has been edited. I have adopted a new format as well as snipped some useless bits out of this crap. Oh my, the blaring differences of early writing.

Syphiinzcreators' thoughts