
Fate's Reversal: The Divines Return

Syphiinz · Games
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237 Chs

Shadow Realm X


"Phew..." prolonged sounds of exhaustion were heard as Kaiden finished off that last Shadow General in the area. Thankfully, there were no adverse situations that presented themselves. In fact, Kaiden was slightly jubilant; he didn't feel shackled any longer.

"Finally! This... is what I needed," breathlessly exclaimed Kaiden as he stabbed Genesis into the ground for support. Since the incident with the higher-ups of «Umbra», besides the presence of the stronger Shadow Generals, the day passed relatively peacefully. The first run-in with satiation levels took place as Kaiden's combat ability had continuously dropped at one point.

Luckily, he possessed suitable consumables provided by low-level Chefs. Hence, the state didn't last too long. Of course, in this manner, Kaiden realized the importance of Chef revamp and would more heavily invest in them.