
Fate's Reversal: The Divines Return

Syphiinz · Games
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237 Chs

Kairo's Teachings 1 Part III

"Unlike its predecessors, World's Destiny was very versatile when it came to the means to clear a quest. Usually, you would need to abide by the quest guidelines, however, World's Destiny shattered this notion.

Based on your actions, you could influence the completion of your quest and even alter the timeline of it. For example, if this was another game, Kaiden would be ejected from the Forgotten Anomaly Realm and transported back to the Orthodox Realm, but this wasn't the case. Hence, Kaiden was able to forcefully continue his training in this environment.

'System: You have activated the "Hidden Condition" of Kairo's Teaching, the quest details have been modified to <Train at least 80 hours a day at your discretion. The longer you train, the better the benefits and Kairo's view>.'

Ignoring the notification, Kaiden was wholly focused on himself, inspecting the properties of the Inner Energy as he continued influencing it. The longer Kaiden focused entirely on the Inner Energy, the more minute details he unveiled.

Kaiden's curiosity was sparked as he was intrigued that he found microholes in his Inner Energy. Unbeknownst to himself, Kaiden was developing a hidden skill, unique to his profession. The mystical, True Sight - Inner Vision.

[True Sight - Inner Vision] (Hidden) - Enables you to look inwardly and inspect the flow of your inner pathways and energy distribution condition. The images become finer the more practiced you become.

Traveling a mile a minute, Kaiden's mind began to rapidly filter solutions for these micro holes. They were a clear sign that his Inner Energy was fragile and obsolete. This was the meaning of an unsteady foundation.

The options he was left with was to use his stats points and create more Inner Energy. Which meant he would have to increase Strength, Intelligence, Vitality, and Spirit in tandem as those were the core structures of Energy. However, stretching attribute points among 4 Attributes would make for an infinitesimal difference.

1 Strength, 1 Intelligence, 1 Spirit, and 1 Vitality = 2 Inner Energy Points. Just from this, you could conclude that the system leaned more toward you training it yourself rather than heavily investing stat points. There was also increasing his Profession level as that DIRECTLY affected Inner Energy.

His second option was to refine and collapse the Energy structure on itself, solidifying the composition of his Energy. This was looking to be the lesser of the two evils, but the more tedious; and this was the path Kaiden was willing to tread.

Choosing, Kaiden began reigning in the thinly spread Energy that traveled 1/9500th of circulation path, storing it back in his Energy Center.

Taking note of this Kairo was surprised at the actions, Kaiden was taking. 'Oh? He's understanding the essence of this Energy training now, however, will he be able to withstand the pain to come?'

Exhaling a strong breath, Kaiden began bombarding the energy in his Energy Center with oppressive force, his Energy Center began contracting as the energy created a sedate spiral. But slowly and surely it was gathering momentum and as a result, Kaiden's basal temperature began increasing.

Consequently, his Health also began dropping. At first, it was negligible, a measly -2 damage value appearing over his head every 3 seconds. Unfortunately, as he continued, 20 minutes later the detriment to his health became greater, it increased to -5 Health every 2 seconds. Furthermore, as he began to make initial progress, the consequence grew in tandem, losing 10 Health every second.

Luckily, Kaiden's regeneration rate was improved and he wasn't in combat so it was at its full value of 22 HP regen per second. But, that wasn't always the case as 5 hours later the damage per second increased to -30 whereas his regeneration rate was only 22.

Meaning, every second Kaiden lost 8 Health; hence in a state of constant temperature Kaiden would only last 446 seconds or 7 minutes and 26 seconds before he left in dire straits. However, that was wishful thinking as Kaiden's body was currently exuding increasingly feverish heat.

Despite Kaiden's increased physique, refining Energy was torturous. Within minutes, Kaiden was near the cusp of death, but he was in the presence of Kairo and he wouldn't let his successor's progress halt in the middle of great straits. As a result, a cool, milky aura embraced Kaiden.

His temperature was still steadily rising, however, the damage was being negated by the cloud of refreshing aura. Kaiden's expression was still a painful one, but at least he was no longer in the presence of death.

If he died, he would lose a precious level as well as 5% of his reputation, which was dire if he wanted to continue to monopolize the top spot. He would lose his stand as the upper echelon. In addition, based on his luck value there was a chance of dropping equipment, which was HIGHLY detrimental.

In light of the festering extreme pain, Kaiden's pain receptors began to become numb as he was reaching the threshold that exceeded his limit of pain reception. As a result, Kaiden entered a state of euphoric enlightenment. Similar to the experience at a chiropractor when they crack your neck just right - causing it to hurt so good.

Kaiden's originally pertinacious energy become more malleable as the reflexive protective instinct his body provided was nonexistent at the moment. In his state of selflessness where only the energy existed, Kaiden's mind willed for the energy to condense more naturally.

Complicit, the energy became easier to fortify albeit slightly. However, this was only in light of before as time became nothing other than a fleeting ember to Kaiden.

Completely unaware, Kaiden was now in this state for 400 hours. Looking at his skin from another angle, it looked molten as the temperature of his body was at least 2,200°F. Kaiden's expression was now hidden under the temperature of his body.

Inwardly, however, the change was staggering. The original yellowish color energy was now taking a solid silver hue, and well as condensing from a translucent state to an opaque one. Currently, the energy was increasing in density. Similarly, the heat was benefitting Kaiden's physique as well as a message repeatedly sounded every hour like clockwork.

'System: Physique is currently being refined through extreme heat. Strength, Agility, Vitality, Endurance, and Dexterity increased by 1 point.'

'System: Physique is currently being refined through extreme heat. Strength, Agility, Vitality, Endurance, and Dexterity increased by 1 point.'

'System: Physique is currently being refined through extreme heat. Strength, Agility, Vitality, Endurance, and Dexterity increased by 1 point.'

The message kept repeating. Latahhya took a break and stared at the horrifying state of Kaiden's body and felt a pain in her chest which made her frown slightly. However, not for long as she knew the encasing aura would keep Kaiden unharmed.

"Kairo, what's he doing? That doesn't seem to be circulation."

"Correct, it's another aspect of cultivating one's self; its Refinement. If you understand the premise then you can also begin and I'll oversee your condition in the same manner.", advised Kairo.

Gazing at Kaiden, Latahhya began to reflect on the conditions that would cause this state, as well as the word 'refinement'. She was understanding another meaning of his title, he never gave an exact directive but rather spoke in an enigmatic tone, leaving you to comprehend for yourself.

"I understand.", entering Kaiden's proximity Latahhya sat in front of him, gazing at him before closing her eyes and focusing on herself.

A few moments later, Kairo was nodding as he was pleased with the condition of these two, "Two prime prospects, their aptitude baffles me. Especially him. With minimal guidance, he explores the possibilities. He must possess a curious mind."

As Kaiden continued refining his Inner Energy, time became a concept that eluded him, inside his empty mind the only thing that took precedence was now - refinement. Not to mention, because the Forgotten Anomaly Realm was an independent space, user interaction was disabled. Following that notion, there were no notifications other than the ones directly related to his body.

In this state, a great deal of time elapsed so much so that Kairo was beginning to become shocked that Kaiden could hold this state for such an extensive period. However, at this moment another 1,728 hours later in this realm; Kaiden's eyelids finally trembled. Gradually, his scorching temperature declined and when it reached a suitable degree, Kaiden's eyes slowly opened.

His eyes were different, the glazing determination hidden in them was now becoming the dominant trait. His gaze became more captivating than before; it was firm, however it was also comfortable. There was no unapproachable feeling being exuded from him, he was exuding confidence rather than arrogance.

The color of his eyes shifted from an attractive greenish hazel to a more endearing cloudy light gold. His iris was emboldened as it began changing from black to a purplish hue. This new gaze was unquestionably related to his passive.

'Ah, he's achieved initial mastery over his energy, however, he lacks the quantity to take any step further but that is to be expected.', inwardly thought Kairo.

"You have achieved initial mastery of your energy however, inadvertently you've been stationary here for over three and a half days in the outside world's measurement of time. Will you be continuing or taking a break? At this point, you've more than earned one.", inquired Kairo with a quizzical gaze.

'Over 3 days? That shouldn't be the case. It felt no longer than 3 days.', clenching his fist. Kaiden was utterly shocked at the sensation coursing through his body.

'System: Your physique has been tempered further through unconventional means, developing two hidden skills.'

Those "unconventional means" were simply - Energy Refinement. Which was a Hidden Passive and Active in combination.

[Inept Energy Refinement - Initial Stage] (Hidden Skill) - Active Effect: Allows you to temper the quality of your Inner Energy while the quantity remains the same. Passive Effect: Decreases the cost of internal resources for actions. Decreases Inner Energy consumption by 5%.

Comparatively, his body wasn't the only thing affected. His profession bar increased by 40%. Meaning, in the past 3 days his Profession experience increased passed 1.6 million.

Curious, Kaiden checked his status to see if the attributes reflected his increase.

Name: Unsheathed (Human) *Adventurer

Lv.21 (0/755,000)

Class: Warrior | Profession: Ancient Spiritual Cultivator - Stage 1 (1,654,250/4,000,000)

Guild: Ethereal Conviction | Reputation: Baron (1,750/5,000)

Title(s): <Primary Title>[The Path You Tread Is Sacred] (Epic Rank) | <Secondary>[Combat Savant] (Epic Rank) | <Tertiary Title> [Momentous Pioneer (Epic Rank)

HP: 6,880 (33 HP regen/sec)

Inner Energy: 1,400 (1,000 + 400) (2 per second)

Attack Power: 819 | Defense: 1,352 | Attack Speed: 4 | Movement Speed: 9 m/s

Critical Damage: 175% | Additional Damage: 25% | Abnormal Status Resistance: 30 (2%)

Elemental Resistance: 25 | Defense Ignore: 20%

<Attributes> -

Strength: 335 (146 + 122 + 67) | Vitality: 199 (119 + 40 + 40)

Intelligence: 90 (32 + 40 + 18) | Dexterity: 309 (160 + 87 + 62)

Agility: 346 (184 + 93 + 69) | Spirit: 90 (32 + 40 + 18)

Endurance: 236 (119 + 70 + 47) | *Luck: 139 (71 + 40 + 28)

<Constitution> -

Unsealed - Basic

"This profession is a blessing! The immediately offensive attributes have increased exponentially.", exclaimed Kaiden.

However, one must know when it came to attributes they were only a sort of basic benchmark, as they were unable to denote your exact combat ability; because multiple aspects combined to determine your actual capabilities. These are only accurate when alluding to normal combat and not a personally revised one with techniques.

"I have matters to settle, so I'll take a quick break.", said Kaiden.

"Ah, I figured so. However, before you go, let's correct that circulation method of yours. The true hindrance is your breathing. Breathing, and circulation must unify to truly become special.", advised Kairo.

He himself started floating in the air, as he closed his eyes and sat in a lotus position. "The key lies in this sequence of breathing."

Inhaling, the contents of inhalation were a footy stream, it wasn't air itself, but rather pure energy. Kairo wasn't actively inhaling air per se but instead gently separating the essence of Energy that resided in the air. His breathing became rhythmic as a patter was created.

The sequence was: a simple long breath, 2 half expelling breaths, 3 quick successive inhales, 3 bated exhales, followed by 4 fluent inhales finished with 4 short inhales. In accordance with his breath, the atmosphere was turning into a whirlpool, as if a whale was parched and swallowing water to quench its thirst.

Kaiden realized an underlying keypoint, never at any point in breathing did Kairo fully expel the contents of his lungs. He was creating a compound effect.

Opening his eye, Kairo's gaze carried the eccentric gaze it held at all times, "These are called the 'Art of 16 Quintessential Harmonic Cycles."

Mimicking his breathing and seating position, Kaiden's mind cleared and his Profession experience bar began to minuscule but surely rise. However, there was no change in the presence of the atmosphere, he was unable to affect anything in that quantity.

30 minutes later, Kaiden opened his eyes and his Concentration was near depletion. Experiencing the training for this period, Kaiden began grasping the hidden gauge of his Concentration. As a reward, Kaiden's Profession bar increased another 8%.

Realizing it was time, Kaiden headed toward the realm exit as he spared Latahhya a glance, she was currently in a state similar to his previous one, just progressing at a much slower rate.

'You can do it, I believe in you.', mentally encouraged Kaiden as he turned and exited.

Unbeknownst to him, a slight smile crept upon Latahhya's previously grimacing countenance.