
Fate's Reversal: The Divines Return

Syphiinz · Games
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237 Chs

Kairo's Teaching II Part 3

'There's not much time left? Is he saying his life force will completely fade? Why is it so soon? I thought he had a month or longer? It's only been 2 weeks. What could be the reason, is it me?'

"Haha lad, you know...this is the first time you have referred to me as Master. I must say it feels quite good to know I'm appreciated." chuckled Kairo as for the first time, his feet touched the floor, his floating appearance disappearing.

Holding a light smile, Kaiden realized he came to appreciate Kairo, although he was insufferable in the beginning; the techniques he taught him, and the care he showed while monitoring Kaiden moved him.

"You deserve that mantle, the things you have taught me...I can use them for times to come. Furthermore, there are so many applications I'm unaware of. But with that being said, what is there not much time left for?"

Placing his hand on Kaiden's shoulder with a light sigh, Kairo looked slightly pained. There were some things he couldn't disclose at this time for he knew if he did, the effects would be calamitous.

"Haiz...young lad. I'm afraid that is unknown at this moment. You don't hold the needed strength to correct what is to come at this moment. All I can say is—in the midst of the inevitable destruction—become stronger."

"How much longer do you have, Master?" asked Kaiden.

"In here...5 days at most." pondered Kairo as he looked at his right hand which was withering at an accelerated rate.

"Then for these five days...I shall accompany you. No one deserves to be alone in their end."

"Thank you lad." turning his head he surveyed the grimacing Kriishna and Latahhya.

"Those two...they are fine specimens. One is hard-pressed to give up showing the needed tenacity for our practices and the other continues on to see you prosper. Don't ever let go of them." instructed Kairo with a solemn expression.

"I have no plan to." responded Kaiden as he nodded.

'Kriishna, Latahhya I'm here. You can halt your training for the moment.'

Opening their eyes, Latahhya sprang to her feet as she lunged into Kaiden's arms.

"Hun I missed you! You forgot all about me. That's unfair!" complained Latahhya sweetly as she leaned against Kaiden's sturdy chest.

"My Lord you have gotten stronger. Your physique seems...irregular. Why is it exuding so much vitality?" questioned Kriishna.

"You have opened your 2nd Gate. Is that a benefit acquired from the trial your prevailed through?"

Smiling bitterly, Kaiden recounted the experience of opening the Gate of Unfaltering Exuberance. "Yes, however, the pain has grown exponentially. I didn't know this Constitution would be so...torturous, to say the least."

"However lad, as you know the best benefits are acquired with the most pain. Wait and see the potential of this Constitution even I am unable to estimate what the completion entails." convinced Kairo.

"My Lord shall we spar for a moment?" inquired Kriishna.

Nodding, Kaiden took a stance. This realm didn't permit him to use weapons so instead, he settled for his body.

Dashing Kaiden delivered a half-closed fist to Kriishna chest.


A resounding echo traveled from Kriishna's body. Although Kaiden didn't possess equipment. After raising a Tier, he didn't receive the same consequences he did when he first entered the Forgotten Anomaly Realm.

Instead of his stats being reduced to Lv.1, he now possessed his base stats. Meaning only the stats gained from point allocation and quest/announcements rewards.

Arching his eyebrow, Kriishna was surprised by the sturdiness of this blow. However, Kaiden was surprised by the fact his body absorbed the counterforce and dispersed it.

'Oh, it would seem these gates have more hidden effects than I have come to realize. Perhaps...they work in synergy?'

"HAHAHA! Excellent my lord and you possess no outside help! (equipment)."

Taking his own stance, Kriishna delivered a quick hook towards Kaiden. Ducking, Kaiden dodged planting on the ground. Performing a spinning handstand, Kaiden swept Kriishna's legs.

Performing a kip-up, Kaiden's forearms and shoulders tensed as exerted a tyrannic strength. Tapping his foot and executing an aerial roll. Kaiden delivered a hell drop on Kriishna.

Unknown to Kaiden, he absorbed bits of Kassandra's fighting style.

Grabbing Kaiden's ankle, Kriishna flung him away as he dashed following closely behind. Joining his hands, Kriishna delivered a powerful smash.

Unable to dodge, Kaiden crossed his hands in front of his body performing an X guard.


Slamming into the ground, Kaiden smirked. Krishna had also gotten stronger—or rather, some of his original strength was unsealing.

"Haha! This is the feeling." exclaimed Kriishna as he roared to the sky.

Waving his hand, Kaiden split the immense dust cloud that Kriishna had created.

"Prepare yourself." chuckled Kaiden as he dashed in once again.

Partaking in the spar between men, the pair grew excited at the thrilling battle. What's more, it was becoming more apparent to himself that he changed slightly within the Secret Dungeon.

He knew Kriishna sought battle from being holed up in the Psychotic Sword Realm and then once again here. However, he found battle to be thrilling because of subconscious instincts.

'Previously I battled to level, but with Kriishna...this is just a way to evaluate ourselves and enjoy the adrenaline it produced.'

Although the two were embroiled in a heated battle, the system didn't recognize this as a battle. Because Kriishna was registered under Kaiden, it was treated as a training session. As a result, the attacks didn't carry any damage values however the weight was felt.

After the exchanging of heavy blows, soon enough the heavy panting of the pair pervaded throughout the atmosphere.

"My lord...your physique is already robust. I can't wait to experience what it will be like in the future."

"You're one to talk, the physique granted by being a Royal Titan is ridiculous."

"Now that you two have loosened your bones and stretched your muscles—I believe it's time we approach the matter at hand."

Calming his otherwise excited mind, Kaiden nodded to Kairo. Nevertheless, he still contemplated some movements made in battle. Many were subconsciously executed and others were improvisation. However, they all served their purpose of diversifying his battle style.

"Since you have gone through that trial you should have a slightly stronger mind. Show me what you can do in this environment." instructed Kairo.

Complying, Kaiden's gaze intensified. Moreover, unlike other times when he sat in the lotus position—he attempted this in a spellcasting manner. Notwithstanding the difficulty, Kaiden wanted to develop a means of casting unique to himself.

Holding his hand before him, open. Kaiden formed an image in his mind. Secondly, he enforced the idea of water's properties on the image. Projecting that image on the threads of Water Energy present in the air.


As he spoke, the Water Energy vibrated and that vibration soon turned into activity. Forming a small ball before Kaiden's hand the Energy began coagulating.

Off to the sides, Latahhya and Kriishna with slight shock. He hadn't been continuously practicing Energy Manipulation yet he had reached the same stage as them. Moreover, by the look of his countenance, his Concentration wasn't under such immense strain.

However, unknown to them—Kaiden has continuously drained his Concentration in chunks before so when it recovered it grew slightly stronger. The human mind wasn't something that remained stagnant—it evolved based upon the conditions it was put through. Provided you possessed the means to support it.

Raising his hand above his head, the pure transparent blue orb grew in magnitude. Conversely, slowly but surely his Concentration was being consumed—in this short period, nearly 30% had been consumed.


That same quantity of Water Energy began to bubble and spread thinly. From 12 inches in diameter, it spread to 2 meters in diameter.


The sparse areas of the barrier were filled in by excess amounts of Water Energy. Snapping his finger, the barrier disappeared and reappeared surrounding him.

This event caused Kairo to nod. "Indeed your mind has strengthened. Your gaze has become firmer and your Will more authoritative. As a result, you hold slightly more sway over Energy, albeit the basic ones."

Nodding, Kaiden accepted Kairo's praise.

"Judging by the slight fatigue on your face, I'm guessing you can withstand 1-2 more uses in this manner?"

"Yeah, approximately that much. My body seems to be normalizing to this environment."

Smiling, Kairo chuckled at Kaiden's realization."Since you understand the process of creating a defensive construct and are traveling a hastened unique route; let's step on to the offensive route.

"Because your orientation is originally the offensive side of combat you should grasp this fairly easily. I suggest you stick to what you're familiar with—the sword. Try creating your own." advised Kairo as he stepped to the side.

Holding his hands out in the same manner, the only difference being both hands remained elevated this time—Kaiden executed the Art of the 16 Quintessential Harmonic Cycles while also inciting the activity of the Energy.

An image wherein two sharp yet slender short swords appeared within his mind space. Additionally, the image of these blades was swift yet lethal—embodying the properties of both Metal and the Wind.

A grey stream of Energy began to steadily congregate before his hands. Simultaneously a second light pale green stream of Energy began to flow within. Unsurprisingly, the introduction of dual elements caused an exponential strain on Kaiden's Concentration.

However, at this point in time—it was bearable. Chanting his words to the energy, the Energy began to form into a sharp construct with little to no distinct appearance. It just looked like a plain blade.

Waving his arms, the harshly constructed Energy blades sliced the atmosphere, ricocheted off the ambient Energy in the air.

"Indeed, offensive technique is much easier for you to grasp. Energy tends to harmonize with the mindset. Depending on their ideas, a person would find it easier to correlate to certain constructs. For you, the sword shall be easiest offering little to no resistance in this creation.

"Take a short rest, your Will is now consumed. We will resume once again when your mind has recovered to a suitable state." said Kairo.

Taking that as an opportunity, Latahhya tackled Kaiden, sitting on his lap while wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hey hey, Hun, remember you said you would teach me and also help me? Can you do it soon? Hehe." giggling cutely, Latahhya smiled as she clung to Kaiden.

"Yeah I definitely will soon, but that move… I will teach you the ground version. It's more practical. Let's find other movements that complement your spearmanship."

"Lad, if it's spearmanship you need then here. I have a set for the young lass that can serve to help."

Waving his hand, Kairo fabricated two archaic, roughly made books. They weren't the usual skill books that would disintegrate after learning. Rather, it was a kind of teaching book—similar to the tome Kroxus gave Kaiden just in another form

The titles read [The Fundamentals of the True Spear] and the [Heavenly Chain Link Spear Style].

"These are for you." said Kaiden as he found this could only be learned by someone who had the Lancer or a related class.

"OH! Thank you Hun, and thanks Kairo!" said Latahhya excitedly as she kissed Kaiden's cheek, leaning forward she whispered something in Kaiden's ear that made his freeze and look at her.

Registered for TGIF but I guess they forget However, I'll still be double releasing.

Additionally, starting next Monday I will be incorporating the PS tiers for a while certain milestones = Double Releases the following week. The duration of this is uh...undetermined.

Top 200 = 1 Double Release.

Top 150 = 2 Double Releases.

Top 50 = 3 Double Releases.

Those will be the current tiers.

My Ko-fi is linked in the synopsis if you would like to support me in order to increase chapter output! Thank you, guys.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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