
Fate's Reversal: The Divines Return

Syphiinz · Games
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237 Chs

Heralded Existence

[System: Losing 1 Health per second in this new environment.]

Appalled, Kaiden paled as there was a tempest of sharp, piercing energy residing in this new room and this originated from a huge sarcophagus located in the middle of the room. Mind you, this is only the periphery and not the center where the density of energy was evident. It created a visual distortion as if some supreme entity was piercing the atmosphere.

'Just entering is already producing detrimental effects, what happens if I need to touch that sarcophagus?'

Tilting his head, Kaiden inspected the sarcophagus with a cursory glance and he approached steadily. With each meter Kaiden advanced, the Health loss was increased by an additional point. However, as he got closer, Kaiden also took notice of the fact that the energy seemed to be forming intangible swords that grew in magnitude.

'Even after death...whoever this is, their presence just leaks the way of the sword.'

As Kaiden reached the sarcophagus, a voice that regulated Kriishna's to a child's status resounded.

"I sense, the direction of the sword exuding from you young one, albeit minuscule. Your foundation is shaky at best, however, no feat is beyond my control."

At that moment, a phantom ascended from the sarcophagus as landed in front of Kaiden. As if it's master had made a grand appearance; every particle of Energy residing in the room became subservient--flowing into the phantom's frame solidifying its appearance.

The presence Kaiden felt vanished into nothing-- like a sheathed sword. The appearance that welcomed Kaiden's view was breathtaking, to say the least. The figure at about the same height as Kaiden, however, their build was a notch slimmer but that didn't diminish the prowess their physique held. His head--full of pale azure hair mixed with a silverish tint, an angular jaw that made swords grovel and eyes that pierced through even the heavens.

"I was once called the Psychotic Sword Fiend, however, as millennia has passed that name has also faded from the tales of time. Therefore you may call me by my original name, Kroxus."

[Lv.785 Kroxus, Psychotic Sword Fiend's Phantom (False Divine, NPC)

Health: ????/????]

Once again Kaiden's jaw slacked as his eyebrows passed through the 100-meter dash hurdles, jumping towards the heavens.

'Oh my god, how is that I keep meeting existence that exists outside of the current level cap? Won't the things they provide me break the game? AHAHAH! NO! Wait... Kairo's inheritance already gave me 2 insufferable quests.'

Looking at Kroxus, Kaiden's gaze trembled slightly... 'Oh dear god, please don't tell me..."

Turning his head, Kroxus inspected Kaiden thoroughly as his expression shifted to a thoughtful one, "Young one, you have an ancient presence melded with your existence. Who is it that you came in contact with? You hold a dormant power that shouldn't exist in this era. It emanates the feeling of the 'Origin Shifting' Era, similar to that old guy."

"I received the inheritance of Kairo.", replied Kaiden briskly.

"Al-Shakir? Ah...so it IS that old guy? Did he survive the assault of those damnable Supreme's subordinates? But even so, if he's clung on until now it should be infiniteismal--his life-force.

As Kaiden conveyed Kairo's general condition, Kroxus nodded as his presence sharpened and glinted with murderous intent. However, this didn't leak as he had walked the path of the sword and all emotions remained in his sword.

Randomly he uttered, "Never fall victim to those damnable Supremes' schemes. Now what you need is foundation training."

Nodding Kaiden readied himself for the possible training he would have to endure.

"Unfortunately we don't have the needed time, therefore I will only impart knowledge and shape the way of your sword. Now tell me, what is the sword to you?"

Contemplating, Kaiden reflected upon himself to find what the basis of the sword was for him, however, he lacked guidance in this aspect--resulting in his simple answer.

"It's an instrument for killing."

Rubbing his chin, Kroxus thought for a moment, "I see, well, I will broaden your view. Your sword is your partner, however, I don't mean your weapon. You are your weapon and your own sword. When you comprehend that you will unleash your unique way of the sword."

"What is the reason for the sword?"

Seeing no difference, Kaiden answered, "To kill your opponents and defend yourself."

"You have walked the path of the Killing Sword before, as your views are tainted by Killing. The sword is meant to protect your will; while protecting your will the sword becomes a way of life. As a result, you see the truth of the sword."

"This is the most important concept, and feel this one with your heart; what is the path of the sword?"

'The path of the sword...'

Unable to formulate an answer that suited his ideals, "I don't know, I don't feel the path is to kill everything."

"It is alright to not know the path of the sword as you have yet to walk it. Therefore I will instill the concept in you now. The path of the sword is a path of no retreat, forever advancing. Honing your sharpness, you and the sword become one. Only when you understand your sword will you open the boundary to the peak."

'!! No retreat...honing yourself...YES! This is exactly what I seek. I need his legacy.'

[System: You have opened the Mastery: True Path of the Sword.]

[True Path of the Sword] (Mastery): Sword skills deal an extra 10% damage. (Apprentice Rank) 0/50.

"Take out your sword and show me your understanding."

Taking a stance, Kaiden gripped Angurvadal and he dashed forward thrusting his sword at Kroxus. With minimal movement, Kroxus flicked the sword following up with a flick to Kaiden's forward.


Kaiden's body flew implanting in the wall losing 200 Health. As a result, Kaiden was left dumbfounded as he stared in horror at Kroxus.

'This guy is a bully!'

"Your stance is irregular full of holes, and your thrust lacks precision, you must provide deviations to encompass all possible outcomes, like so.

Forming a translucent sword of energy, Kroxus stabbed forward at a pace that seemed like the sword was frozen in time. However, the next second it appeared before Kaiden at point-blank range; it's trajectory creating the effect of a vortex pulling you towards its epicenter.

'What the...You can't dodge this? It's like...'


Kroxus's sword stabbed into the wall next to Kaiden.

"Did you understand that feeling? That is what happens when a strike meets its pinnacle and breaks through, you WILL strike your target. Everything cowers before the sword, for it is imperial. I have grasped your foundations from your strike."

Shaking his still trembling sword-wielding hand, Kaiden began practicing the sword strikes that Kroxus was teaching him. Hours passed as numerous sword strikes were exchanged and as a result, the experience was being ingrained into Kaiden's being.

'Wait isn't the sword trail of these strikes...slightly similar to those sword scars on the wall? I wonder..'

"Do you know why they called me the Psychotic Sword Fiend?"

"Eh? It's not because you killed all your enemies?", exclaimed Kaiden as he was shocked.

"Haha! No, good inquiry though. It's simply because I trailed after the truth of the sword like a madman using any chance as experience to further my understanding of the sword. And that was when I was deemed the Psychotic Sword Fiend by developing the Omniblade Wielding; becoming an existence a step shy of entering the Realms of the Divine, but not because of my shortcoming."

[System: Quest Alert! Kroxus's Acceptance (Legendary Quest)]

Details: Kroxus will soon impart his knowledge to you and you will inherit the Sword Fiend mantle, however, Kroxus was unable to reach Divinity as the Supreme's have the limited the Origin, as a result, this class isn't at it's full potential, it's up to you to take it further.


-0/1 Achieve 100% Completion Rate in the skill Thrust.

Time Limit: 3 days.

Reward: 'Sword Fiend' class, 1,000 Reputation, 5 Levels, and Omniblade Wielding.

[Do you accept? (Y/N)?]


Accepting the quest, it appeared in Kaiden's quest list.

"The concept I projected on that thrust is the basis of my swordsmanship. Every strike must embody many different sword styles resulting in the overwhelming of the opponent. Every route of escape would have already been sealed before my sword could pierce. That is my swordsmanship, formed with the combination of many styles learned throughout my journey".

Showing Kaiden the way, Kroxus began correcting his foundations and chiseling a new path for Kaiden.

Stabbing out Kaiden performed a Thrust, however, it was his usual 80% completed thrust.

"No, you have erred, drop your hip. Use the explosive power in your hips in tandem with the directional force of your toes.", instructed Kroxus.

Kaiden lowered his stance as instructed, focusing his weight on his toes; he exploded forth with a lunge that held more precision but lacked the encompassing feeling.

"Your wrist, angle in a position that can be shifted at moment's notice. Rather than striking from the top, initiate your thrust with your wrist in a downward position." corrected Kroxus.

'From the bottom? That feels...awkward.'

Turning his wrist, Kroxus appeared in front of Kaiden and stabbed out a basic thrust, however, twisting his wrist Kaiden met Kroxus's strike and was shocked.. in a mere few minutes, Kroxus had improved his swordsmanship by such a degree.

'He really is mending the holes in my existing swordsmanship by imparting aspects of his swordsmanship.'

Flicking his arm, Kroxus's expression showed slight satisfaction, "Better, however, you can still do more. Now it's time to reinforce your swordsmanship and believe in it. You will understand what I mean when you try it. Practicing the sword is to hone the mind as well."

Looking down at Angurvandal, Kaiden was stuck for a moment, 'Believe in my sword... this concept sounds familiar? What did Kriishna say? Hm...AH! My will is unstable. So that's what he means.'

Closing his eyes, Kaiden's thoughts retired to his sword, and his body began emanating his will.

'I use the sword, the sword doesn't use me so I am its retainer. The sword requires me to believe in it. Therefore...'

Opening his eyes, Kaiden's gaze was sharpening akin to the sword he was holding. Thrusting his sword Kaiden muttered, "My sword shall be unstoppable."

Enforcing his will on Angurvadal, the immediate sensation around it trembled and his thrust began exuding the feeling of drawing in it target but not yet proficiently.

'Oh? He's grasping the elementary intent of my words, he's using his will to complement the irregular angle of his sword. However, he hasn't begun sharpening that will so the preemptive piercing feeling isn't developed.

[System Alert: Thrust Completion Rate: 92%]

'92% there's still an 8 percent gap. Kroxus's thrust was beyond 100% so I won't be able to duplicate the strike, however, I should be able to emulate a portion. If I incorporate Second Drive.'

Readying his stance, Kaiden dropped his form once again, shifting his right leg back slightly as he exploded forth with greater momentum, combining his will into his sword, Kaiden used Second Drive. However, he didn't use it on his legs solely and instead split the force.

Using it in segments, Kaiden only focused the force into his left shoulder and calves, as a result--abrupt propulsion. Unfortunately, it wasn't at the standard Kaiden wanted.

[System Alert: Thrust Completion Rate: 98%]

Falling into a contemplating state, Kaiden's expression dazed, 'What's missing? Thrust...Thrust...what am missing? AH! It's my posture. my sword is unsteady. Although I strike, subconsciously I never pay attention to the control of my sword during the thrust.

Stabbing the air, Kaiden began to continuously perform a thrust with and without the skill on cooldown. 10...100...200...Time passed as the number of times Kaiden's trusted his sword increased. With each succeeding thrust the sword path became steadier until finally, his thrust reached a point of stability where he could precisely strike the point he intended.

'Oh? He corrected the inconsistency in his strikes through repetition, he has the making of a swordsman indeed, now he must slowly digest the meaning on the sword and correct his mental inconsistencies.'

Finally, Kaiden used a final thrust aimed at Kroxus and following the motion the feeling of being pierced enveloped Kroxus briefly who just nodded and let the sword land on his energy body.


[System: Thrust Completion Rate: 100%. Congratulations! You are the first person to understand the essence of their skill. Rewarding 10,000 Skill Proficiency, 100 Mastery Points and 1000 Reputation Points.

[System: Will you be announcing your name to the server? (Y/N)?]

'Haha, my name is back!'

"Yes, add Sonic Star Media Group" answered Kaiden.

Numerous system announcements sounded as Kroxus approached Kaiden.

"Following in my steps will cause you to forever be curious of the sword, do you accept this?"

"I accept it, there is no journey too tedious", answered Kaiden.
