
Fate's Re: Zero Transmigration: The Legendary King Awakens

In a twist of fate, Our Mc Alex, " finds himself in a world vastly different from his own. One moment, he was living in modern Japan, and the next, he wakes up as none other than the legendary King Arthur from the Fate Prototype universe. As he grapples with the shocking reality of his transmigration, Alex must come to terms with his new identity and destiny. Alex, an ordinary fan of the anime series, suddenly finds himself in an inexplicable and bewildering situation. One moment he was in an anime convention, and the next, he wakes up as the legendary King Arthur from the Fate Prototype universe. Transported to a world of knights, sorcery, witches, monsters, and destiny, Alex must come to terms with his newfound identity and navigate the challenges of the one this most coral worlds where Dog Eats Dog. .... I don't own Re Zero and Fate franchise or any element of Nasuverse, each of them belongs to their respective Author and Editor, this is simply are FANfiction, thank you very much! Also, this story could have a bad grammar since English is my second and native language.

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

CH 6 This is How it happens.


And when I read it, needless to say, my eyes were wide open, and my jaw dropped in astonishment.

#Data Sheet#

Identity: Alex Woodson/Pendragon

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Class: Saber

Height: 183Cm

Weight: 85kg

Strength: A

Endurance: A+

Agility: A

Mana: A++

Luck: C

Draconic Blood:??? (Locked)

N. Phantasms: C - EX

#Class Skills#

Magic Resistance (A)

Cancel spells of A-Rank or chants below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for Alex Woodson/Pendragon to be affected. Originally it was supposed to be A++, however it degraded to A since the heart of the dragon has not yet awakened.

Riding (B)

All vehicles and all creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be used as mounts. This rank is high enough to have aptitude for the Rider Class.

#Personal Skills#

Charisma (B)

Suitable for the king of a country or to command a country's army.

Instinct (B++)

This person sharpened sixth sense is closer to reaching the realm of predicting the future. Through this ability, it is possible to halve the penalties inflicted by visual and auditory interference. However for Alex Woodson/Pendragon this Instinct is mainly only active in combat or in few case when negotiating with people. Originally it was supposed to be A++, however it degraded to B++ since the heart of the dragon has not yet awakened.

Mana Burst (A+)

Increase attack power to the point where a normal weapon that is not on the level of a Divine Mystery can be destroyed in one solid blow. Raises defense several times over. Speed is increased to allow high-speed movement. Prana expenditure is very efficient, and Saber can maintain high level performances even throughout prolonged battle.

Beloved by Spirits (C)

Skill that was only attained recently. Alex Woodson/Pendragon is the wielder of Excalibur, Sword that was forged from crystals of the Planet itself. It draws lesser spirits who are connected to the Re:Zero Planet and while they particularly do not like Alex, their love for Excalibur is enough to make them take a liking to its wielder despite his rough personality. Lesser spirits will heal him if injured, albeit they can't heal severe wounds. If their quantity is large enough they can heal fatal injuries and even restore limbs or organs that are missing. Spirits though can't be ordered by Alex since they hold only a small love for him, only wishing for Excalibur's wielder to be safe so the sword keep existing for them.

#Noble Phantasms#

Original Excalibur - The True Sword of Promised Victory

Type : Anti-Fortress. Rank : Ex++ Invisible Air: Bounded Field of the Wind King / Strike Air: Hammer of the Wind King

Type : Anti-Unit/Anti-Army. Rank : B 

Excalibur is the "sword" that belongs to Arthur Pendragon. It is commonly known as the strongest of all Holy Swords, and it is so well-known and easily recognized that merely seeing it is enough for any Heroic Spirit to immediately deduce it's wielder's identity. 

Amongst Noble Phantasms, Excalibur is exceptionally powerful and very unique. It is technically in an entirely different class of Noble Phantasm entirely, referred to as a Last Phantasm. These are also referred to as "One of Humanity's Strongest Illusions". The "Sword" is not technically a Sword. In truth, it is the crystallization of the Hope of the Planet, and the dreams of all Soldiers of all time periods who have fought and died on the field of battle. When used as a Noble Phantasm, it condenses and enhances Magical Energy to create an all-consuming blast of energy that can annihilate virtually any evil.

Very few Noble Phantasms have proven capable of matching or surpassing Excalibur, with only Ea shown thus far to be directly capable of overpowering it. As confirmed by Grand Order, the sword itself carries several seals that restrict it's true power. As of now, it's greatest in-canon feat comes from the Extra worlds, where a Heroic Spirit wielding Excalibur was stated to have used it to defeat Sefar, who managed to defeat Amaterasu, who was directly stated to be a Multiversal level threat.

Excalibur Morgan- The Sword of Promised Victory

Type : Anti-Fortress. Rank : Ex

Excalibur Morgan: also known as Black Excalibur is the form Excalibur takes after being corrupted by evil. Just as the fairies of the Lake, Vivian and Morgana, can coexist as polar opposites embodying good and evil, Excalibur can also hold a dual existence of good and evil. Due to its nature as a sword that amplifies, it is blackened when Artoria was blackened by Angra Mainyu, reflecting her inner feelings and corrupted nature as Saber Alter.

The sword is gift from lady Morgana, Being corrupted, Excalibur Morgan is no longer sheathed in Invisible Air and takes on a different appearance. Rather than creating an almighty slash at the tip of the sword, Excalibur gathers a large amount of magical energy to cover the sword in a black light with the same shape. It matters not if it is filled with good or stained by evil as the fact that it is the strongest holy sword and thus does not change. It can either be used to attack as a blazing black flame in a similar fashion to the regular Excalibur or, as shown in Fate/unlimited codes, swung like a sword in an upward arc multiple times as a technique named Vortigern: Hammer of the Vile King Rank A++ Due to the corruption all the seals placed on it had been removed with the uses of enormous amount of magical energy wielder can fire this version of Excalibur without limit because of the enormous amount of magical energy provided too them.

The Everdistant Utopia(Avalon)

Type : Barrier. Rank : Ex

Avalon: The Everdistant Utopia: is the hallowed scabbard of Excalibur, the embodiment of the utopia King Arthur seeks, No one knows what kind of Divine Mystery it is made from, but it was created by fairies along with Excalibur, an inscription written in Fairy Letters engraved on its center to show that it is not the work of man. It bequeaths limited immortality through constant regeneration, as well as preventing physical deterioration caused by aging. The utopia Avalon was thought to be derived from the island that produced the "Apple of Immortality" in Greek Mythology.

The Noble Phantasm is not like one brought forth from the Throne of Heroes with the Heroic Spirit or actually possessed by King Arthur due to his unique status. 

The holder of the scabbard is granted potent healing, allowing for critical and fatal wounds to be rapidly repaired to restore the wielder's health. Minor injuries are restored easily, and even large missing portions of the body and destroyed vital organs like the heart can quickly be restored at the critical moment before death. Targeting anything other than the holder's head in order to destroy their brain is futile, requiring for a decisive strike to be landed in order to cause any true damage. It does have its limits in repairing the body, as counteracting more potent curses takes time.  

Its function as a Noble Phantasm is an "absolute defense" that completely shields its user in the domain of the fairies, Avalon, the unreachable utopia that King Arthur dreamt of and was said to have gone to after her death. It is the greatest protection in the world that goes beyond defending or reflecting, completely isolating its user in a world completely separate from the regular world. The scabbard dissipates into countless tiny particles in the air and engulfs the user to become a "portable fortress" that shuts out all interference. It is the Bounded Field of the tranquil domain of fairies that keeps out all filth from the outside world, and allows nothing to harm the tranquil King that stands in the land of Avalon. The individual is shielded from all destructive interference in the physical realm, transliners from parallel worlds, and multidimensional communication as far as the sixth dimension. Not even Ea itself could harm Saber while this barrier was active. It is on the level of true magic, an actual true magic in itself, that transcends all magecraft, and not even the Five Magics can overcome the barrier. As such it could be used specifically by King Arthur. 

Return by Death - Blessing and Curse of Satella and the Witch of the Envy

Type : Support. Rank : EX

Ability to Return from Death. To put it simply it acts like a Game Save File but the Save Point is decided by the Curse in a random manner. Whenever Alex Wilson/Pendragon dies he will return to the 'Checkpoint' that was designed. The nature of this Curse has yet to be known entirely, however it makes him smell like a Witch, attracting Demonic Beast that are nearby.

This Curse and its nature also can't be spoken aloud, if it does then it means instant death for the victim or someone that is precious to him. However one might be able to use this Curse to attract Demonic Beast, the 'reek' will be intensified when spoken, and the 'smell' also can be detected by those who worship the Witches.

It also can be used to repel possession since the 'body' of the victim that is Cursed have their soul connected to Satella and the Witch of Envy directly. Thus the spirit that tries to possess the victim would be cast out by them.

This Curse also degrade Luck by one parameter, Alex Wilson/Pendragon's Luck is supposed to be A but due to this Curse it became C.

I blinked, once, twice, before I openly balked as my mind registered what I just read. This was my status… This was my data… This was the status for Type Moon Servants and now I had one too?! I knew I was stronger than Humans, my fight with Elsa was more than proof. But reading it directly like this… Well, I guess I shouldn't be shocked that much. After what I went through today, this is the last thing that should shock me.

But what was more shocking is that I was hardly able to use those stats. I mean, if I truly had A+ endurance, Elsa's attacks shouldn't even tickle me. And if I truly had what this book says, then Heracles (Berserker)'s stats were the same, beside my luck and his strength, which was A+. He could shrug off swords stabbing into his gut with the same A+ endurance like mine. Yet I felt pain from that simple attack. If I truly have all this, why can't I do what he does? In fact, my skin shouldn't even be scratched by her attack if I truly had A+ endurance.

Does it mean my body has these stats? It's just I can't use them yet. If so, I need to train and train a lot to find out. This is the only way I would be able to tell if these stats are true or not. And I also have a feeling that somehow my mind can't follow my muscles' memory, as if my hands are holding a sword for the very first time, so they remember how to move, but my mind is blank.

Which could mean one thing: I also inherited King Arthur's body, or should I say his muscles? Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but I just transported to a fictional world filled with crazy cultists, half-elves, and vampires with two nukes and a barrier that can't be broken. If I have to say this, it's all bullshit.

And what is this Draconic Blood that is locked, and its rank has ??? on it? No, if I think about fate, it's clearly stated that all Authors were born with the blood of the red dragon, that's why they possess so much mana and their stats are off the charts. But why is it locked? How can I unlock it? And what will it grant me? These types of questions are lingering in my mind.

I began to further investigate the book. On the next page, there was a picture of myself in my current Saber costume. It was a pretty good picture, in my opinion. I stood there in my armor; it was almost like a picture drawn and painted by a professional. Then I focused back on my status.

It appears that my data is not like Saber at her prime, except for Mana. It looks like when she had Shirou as a master, save for Agility and Luck. Saber won in terms of Luck, while I have more in everything.

Next, I read my Class skills, and much to my surprise, instead of the famous A+-ranked Magic Resistance, mine was only A. It doesn't seem like much, but it's a big difference. Has Dragon heart yet to awaken? What does that mean? This makes me quite disappointed. First Draconic Blood, now Dragon heart.

But in all this darkness, with an A-rank Magic Resistance, I don't need to be afraid of Puck anymore. I could just repel his ice while in his Beast Mode. Though I still need to worry if he tries to trample me to death and fling ice boulders the size of houses at me.

From the Skills part, two caught my attention: Instinct and Beloved by Spirits. My Instinct is not as strong as Saber's; perhaps this is because I was not a fighter originally. But I'm not complaining as I am perfectly aware that this skill has saved my life when I fought Elsa. I'm quite sure it warned me when she was close to killing me a few times.

Beloved by Spirits… Now this is a big surprise. I never thought I would get something like this. This explains why spirits healed me; they are not drawn to me but to Excalibur. And since it was made from the heart of the planet… I guess spirits that are connected to it feel happy and joyful near Excalibur. My left eye twitches though when the book mentions my personality. Well, fuck you too, whoever created you. I never wished to be flung here after all!

Charisma… Well, this explains what Emilia meant by regal air and how she was not upset by following my 'order'. This also reminds me of how easily I made Leon and Samuel answer my questions just like I wished. Also, that explains how I spoke in… a medieval manner, something that was uncommon for me.

This certainly will be useful in the future. I'm sure of it.

When I read the Noble Phantasms, I'm not disappointed by it. In fact, I love it. It's just that deep inside, I feel I should have played a more OP character or a very powerful magician, as it could have solved many problems. With it, I wouldn't have needed anyone; I could have found a way to go home. Maybe Bone Daddy would be most useful.

But I'm still thankful. Damn, it's good that I got the most because Avalon will give me instant regeneration. Like Ulquiorra from Bleach, I would only be able to be killed if my head was blown up and stopped me from aging.

Excalibur… I got Saber from Fate Prototype, despite the fact that I was cosplaying as him. Well, while Excalibur Proto was far more powerful than the normal one, its activation was more complicated. It needed seals and special conditions before it could be unleashed.

So it's a good idea that I already have one that has all its seals broken. Excalibur Morgan was from Fate Stay/Night Heaven's Feel route.

Then… Return by Death – Blessing and Curse of Satella and the Witch of Envy… The description is exactly like the one in Canon. How it would kill me or someone close to me if I mentioned it aloud, it could be used to repel possession, made me smell like a Witch, and everything else. That it degrades my Luck by one parameter surprises me. No wonder Subaru always goes through shit. This Curse also makes him unlucky.

Consequently, having the Curse makes him very attractive to the Witch Cult and Demonic Beasts. Yeah, it's no surprise that he has it bad in the anime.

What part of it could be categorized as a Blessing? I guess Return from Death and being able to fix things could be considered as one.

But still, in the Beloved by Spirits description, it's written that I only recently got it. What does it mean? Does it mean I could get another skill in the future?

With this, there are more things that stay unanswered than being answered, even with my own data book. No, it's more like I'm still confused about what I should do after discovering this. This is not normal information after all.

"Alex, what are you reading?" Emilia interrupts my thoughts.

"Huh?" I turn and see Emilia giving me a curious look. "Oh, this? It's nothing, just notes I'm writing." I answered while closing the book and putting it back in the bag. I would research it later when I was alone. "How long before we arrive at the mansion?" I asked.

"It is quite far actually," Emilia pursed her lips in a thoughtful manner. "It depends on the speed mostly. When I came to the capital, it took about three hours. I guess it will be the same in return."

Three hours… That was quite a long journey…

"You look very tired," added Emilia. "Perhaps you should rest a little. You did just have a big fight after all."

"You can say so, but…" I was tired, exhausted, but my body was fine. It's hard to sleep in this condition, especially in a carriage. I thought it would only hurt my back. I couldn't say that aloud so I chose my words to make a good impression on her. Puck was asleep so he couldn't sense my intentions.

"I don't think it's wise to sleep right now. I'm worried that we might be attacked."

Emilia showed an exasperated look at my words. "Alex, there are knights all around, I don't think anyone is going to attack us."

"You would be surprised just how stupid people are sometimes," I replied smoothly. "How about you? Aren't you tired yourself?"

"A little, but I'm fine," said Emilia with a smile. But I could tell it was strained and a bit forced.

"You really need to work on your lying skill, Emilia-san." I let out a sigh. "While your kindness is very endearing and refreshing, you also need to learn this kind of thing."

Emilia's face turned slightly red; she seemed embarrassed that I caught her lie so quickly. "Was it that obvious?" she muttered.

"Unfortunately, yes."

I chuckled when she huffed her cheeks and began sulking. It was then that I noticed her body trembling slightly. 'Huh? Is she cold? But I barely feel anything. Is it because I am wearing armor and heavy clothes?' Or a body that is similar to a superhuman? Well, that could be the reason.

Wordlessly, I pulled my spare cloth–my coat precisely. Before wearing my costume, I actually wore the casual outfit of Saver Prototype. Black coat, red t-shirt, brown pants, and matching shoes. It was a decent and clean outfit, so why not wear it?

"Here," I offered her my coat. "You can use this if you are cold."

"Eh? No, I'm not cold," she paused, noticing the look I gave her. For a moment, she squirmed before sighing and taking my coat. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I answered. "Though it is strange to see you can actually get cold. I mean, you're an ice magic user, so…"

"I'm actually more of a spirit contractor than a magic user," replied Emilia. "Even ice magic users are not immune to the cold. I'm a bit resistant, though, since Puck was quite serious and I had to heal that injured old giant…"

"I see," I nodded in understanding. I leaned forward a bit from my place and gave her an interested look. "What is the difference between a spirit and magic user? I mean in their spells."

Emilia looked at me with surprise, probably because I didn't know such simple things, but she explained nonetheless.

"Magic users cast magic with their own mana, but those who use spirit arts draw mana from the atmosphere," she explained while waving one finger in a 'lecturing' manner. "In our body, there is something called the Gate. It works as a conductor for mana. Magic users produce their own mana by eating, resting, and absorbing it from the atmosphere. Whereas spirit users directly use the mana that is in the atmosphere."

"… So who is the best?" I asked, sounding more and more intrigued.

"It depends on each person," answered Emilia as she wrapped my coat around her. "Some people have a Gate that is fragile and can't handle much mana. Moreover, if the Gate collapses, it would be dangerous for them."

"Meanwhile, spirit users do not depend solely on the Gate, but rather on the spirit they contracted. True, they can use magic using their own Gate, but the spirit they are bonded with usually doesn't like when their power stays unused."

"So, it is safe to say that spirit users are actually better," I concluded with a nod. Magic users could only depend on themselves, but spirit users could use their own magic plus the boost from their spirit's powers.

"In one way, yes. However, the problem is contracting the spirit itself. Not all spirits are benevolent and kind like Puck. I'm sure you know what I mean, so some magic users think that making a pact will bring more drawbacks than advantages.

"And there are some people that see it as a sign of weakness since most spirit contractors don't have a strong Gate. Thus they can't cast proper spells by themselves and depend on their spirit to help them," Emilia finished explaining.

I see… So there were also downsides like that. If I remember well, magicians here could only use one or two elements with their Gate. So while spirit users were dangerous, there also were limitations.

Still… Calling Puck benevolent and kind, I did not think you would think like that if you saw what he would do if you died.

"You're very knowledgeable on this topic, as expected from someone like Emilia-san," I said with a nod of approval.

Emilia looked a bit embarrassed from my praise and shook her head slightly.

"It's nothing much, most people know about this."

"Don't think like that, the way you explained it makes it so easy to understand. So accept the compliment since you deserve it," I pressed.

After hearing that – just for a moment – she looked at me as if I had sprouted an extra head. She then shook her head with a smile and said, "Very well, thank you, Alex."

"You're welcome, Emilia-san," I responded with a smile.


I blinked when I caught her voice. It was low, and I almost couldn't hear it. "Excuse me?"

"… You can call me Emilia," she said in an uncertain voice. Why did she sound so uncertain?

But I guessed that was fine, calling her with honorifics was beginning to be uncomfortable. Not to be rude, but after what we went through today – fighting a dangerous criminal together and saving each other's lives – it made sense to call her in a more informal manner. I noticed that she also didn't like when she was called with such honorifics.

"Emilia then." I nodded with agreement. "But that's only when we are in an informal area, alright?"

I couldn't call someone who was a Royal Candidate in a careless manner, right? It could bring problems both for Emilia and me. For Emilia because people would look down on her for allowing herself to be called in such a way. And for me because people would think I'm an arrogant person.


The silver-haired half-elf seemed satisfied with my answer as she smiled beatifically.


I felt my left eye twitch in irritation at her smile and quickly turned away. God damn it! One was not supposed to be this cute! Seeing it in a movie and experiencing it directly was really different! Gah! Someone nerf her down, damn it! There was no further conversation between us, but the atmosphere was not awkward like before. Emilia was relaxed and looked peaceful. I also found the silence comfortable myself..

This will be my first checkpoint then… Well, at least I survived though the Arc One was far better than the Subaru.

I have yet to die after all, and I had no intention of doing so in the future… Especially when I could only be killed when my head is blown off, and I had no intention of letting that happen. Though Elsa's words kept haunting me. According to the script, she was supposed to return in Arc Four, yet with her hating me now, I had a feeling I might see her sooner than that. 

That meant I needed to be stronger and ready for when she came. I have to conquer my body and use those hulk stats for good. Another thing that I needed to worry over, haaaah… Things really won't be easy in the future…

She bit her lip to not let out a scream as she clutched her injured left arm. Even now, with the pain already reduced, she felt it was beyond painful. Dare she say it was a miracle she did not scream when she felt it the first time? The pain had hurt so much that she lost her mind temporarily and snapped at him, her very soul and blood craving to destroy that boy due to the intense pain he caused her.

 It was kind of embarrassing to show people that side of her. But it couldn't be helped, it really had hurt after all. Even now, her left arm was still throbbing. Thinking about this painful sensation was enough to make her feel the burn in her arm once again.

 It was so painful that it made her arm totally useless and took a lot of energy only to move it a little! She probably would need to rest for more than one week to get it back to normal. Moreover, she was sure that the scar would not leave even if she cut the disfigured part and regrew it.

"Alex… Ooh, she would remember that boy, alright. His face, his eyes, his outfit, his weapon, his snarky attitude, and his sharp tongue. Everything about him. He would regret it. He dared to hurt her like this. 

Pain from fights was something she could tolerate – she even enjoyed it sometimes – however, what he did to her was pure torture; there was no glory like in battles. She briefly glanced at her dagger; there was still some blood on it. It was dry and not fresh, but still there. She felt her tongue become dry at the sight of it.

She was a rare breed, a special one even among daywalkers. She could walk under the sun without having her strength decreased; she also didn't need to drink as much blood as her kin usually needed. 

She could compensate by using normal foods – albeit not well-cooked ones. And while it was true she needed blood – pure blood – she only needed to drink once or twice in six months. She actually didn't like the taste of blood. Maybe it was only her own taste since she was a different breed, but to her, blood was like wine. 

Drinking too much at once left a bad taste; besides, she didn't even like wine. The red color sure was beautiful, but it was… not touchable. It couldn't be caressed or cuddled, unlike bowels that had a soft and special texture! And they also couldn't be knitted into a doll. 

What can you do with blood? Bathe in it? No thanks, it would make her smell weird; she still cared about her figure. She was a lady, after all.

".'Old lady.'."

For an unknown reason, she could hear that annoying boy's voice, and she glared at the empty space in front of her. Just remembering him was enough to piss her off. But… She couldn't be picky now; she had many jobs in the past, and what happened today could enter into the category of 'exhausted to near death,' despite having only a small wound.

.Seriously, what did that boy do to her?! Was it his sword?! Was that what made it so painful?! Was it some magical sword that held the power of the sun and thus was capable of burning her from the inside?! 

Ridiculous, she had been injured before, she had wounds bathed under sunlight, and she had been fine! No… It was something else… She didn't know what, but it clearly was something more than sunlight….

She could think about it later; she had better things to do right now. She felt so tired and exhausted. 

She needed energy as she was tired from escaping – she didn't dare to stop, Reinhard van Astrea was there, after all. But if she didn't drink, there was a risk of going berserk again, something that was highly unwanted right now. 'Well, I might as well be done with it.'

She raised the bloody dagger; even if there was only a small amount, she needed all the energy she could gain now. Bringing out her tongue, she extended it and gave a tentative lick to the blood and – Her world was consumed by darkness. For a moment, she found herself falling through some sort of dark tunnel, endless darkness that seemed to stretch beyond anything visible.

Suddenly, light came again; it shone like a beacon of hope, a roaring volcano; it washed over her whole body like a tidal wave of magma. 

As she looked at her dagger that cut the left cheek of Alex, then she felt frenzy, her worldview started to spin. Trails of drool could be seen from her mouth. If anyone saw her like this, they would describe her as a euphoric woman.

"That… That…"

That was… shockingly pleasant. 

Like really, really pleasant. She never felt such a good sensation in her life! It was pleasing, delightful, 

and! And! And… Powerful! So Powerful! Her dazed mind tried to comprehend what just happened. 

.What just happened to her?! What did she just lick?!.

After a while, her mind managed to refocus on the world, and she found herself staring at the dagger on the ground. It had slipped from her fingers when she was lost in her euphoria and was now lying peacefully on the ground.

.'Blood… I was drinking. No, I was licking blood and…'.

After fighting that old giant, she cleaned his blood from her dagger. It was unnecessary, but she did it so she could see clean blood from her prey when she gutted them. Besides, that old giant's blood was dirty and out of date. So that meant… The blood on her dagger belonged to…


She rolled the name on her tongue, her cheeks reddening as she recalled the young man's handsome face. She was going to get him alright; what he did made it personal after all. However, this… This changed everything! By the Dragon, Magic, and Witches! Never! Never in her life! Never ever had she tasted blood that was so… Was this what other vampires felt when drinking blood? She doubted it would be this delicious, but… Was it this addictive?

.Forget killing him! She was going to imprison him and drain him dry!. She was going to chain him into a cage and come personally to suck him herself! Every. Single. Day! She was going to leave him weak, pitiful, and barely alive! Like an animal on a farm!

.Oh yes! Yes! That was a better fate! He also struck her as a prideful person! Yes! That was clearly a better punishment! She was going to break him! She will demolish that snarky attitude of his into pieces! Turning him into her pet! Her obedient pet that obeyed all her commands! Yes!.

She felt her face flush further; blood-colored eyes stared at the dagger on the ground, at the dry blood still there. For a moment, she was tempted to pick it up and lick the rest of it – even if it was dirty – however, she threw that thought away.

.She still had her pride, licking food on the ground like a dog was beneath her.. Besides, it would be better to taste the blood directly from the source. Yes, yes. She was going to chase him. Yes! Just the thought of sinking her fangs into his neck already made her shiver in pleasure and anticipation!

.She needed a plan though… She had to find a way to capture him.. If they met in combat once again, she could knock him out. However, such a thing was close to impossible as he was probably on his way to… to her… client's mansion. 

.Oh… Crap… She almost forgot about that… This… was going to be a problem… Roswaal L Mathers was not someone that was easy to fight. His genius and talent in Magic were famous in Lugnica and other kingdoms.. Besides Reinhard, the other Human to be considered dangerous was him. He was also a major figure, so ruining him by employing her political power would not be easy either.

.She knew this man must have planned for this. How and why, she didn't know.. But she was sure it was his intention for Alex to meet that half-elf girl. After all, why would he hire her to steal the Royal Insignia of someone he was supporting in the first place?

.'I'm going to need help, but it can't be another vampire.'. She didn't like to share, and other vampires would lose their minds after tasting his blood – unlike her, who had better control over her thirst due to her heritage. Yet she would need help to face her client… former client now that she was going to betray him – unless he handed her Alex.


Her lips curled into a smirk, fangs protruding, red eyes gleaming with unholy light as an image of the young man crossed her mind once again.

."You're mine, Alex. No one else is going to have you. You are mine.".

Under the alluring and bewitching light of the moon, a vampire made her vow to repay the one who had hurt her the most.

Under the light of the moon, a man was watching the guests entering his mansion with a smirk while thinking about his plan to release his beloved Mistress from her prison.

Under the light of the moon, a half-elf clad in her sleeping outfit turned off a lantern and laid in her bed before sleeping peacefully, unaware of the hardship waiting for her.

Under the light of the moon, a young man arriving in a room that would be the place he would live for an unknown time – began his own plans for the dark future he knew was waiting for him.

And so, the future slowly began to change, fate was altered, and the path was becoming clouded by mist…