
Fate's Possibility

[ Quick warning, I am not the best when it comes to words. so try to bear with it.] Short Summary: A fun story of a guy who's sent to another world with servent cards

Slime_King_Rose · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

To-do List

As a bright light shined on his face, Ezra woke up looking around confused. For a second, he expected to wake up in his room. Rubbing his eyes, he started to remember the events that preceded yesterday. Getting up from the ground, he lightly Structuring his body before scanning his environment. Soon, a buzzing sound could be heard from his pocket. Reaching in, he grabs hold of a phone Kiritsugu gave him before parting ways. Answering the call, "Where the hell were you!" Saber yelled through the phone. It took Ezra for a surprise, he didn't think saber know how to use a phone. "Sorry, I had Goddess problems and fell asleep from using my Np. Need something King of Knights." he said yawning, "Goddess what? Forget that, come back Irisviel isn't doing great." She says ending the call.

Reinforcing his body with magic, Ezra Quickly made his way back towards the Emiya residence. Landing softly, Saber stood in front of the doorway of the shed looking at him. "You should tell us before vanishing like that. Honestly, if you wanted to sleep you could have come back," she said in a stern tone as she scolded him, "If there's a next time, then sure." he said walking past her into the shed, "What happened while I was away." "Lancer was killed by Kiritsugu's crud method. I swear, if he wasn't my master I would have cut him down." It didn't take much to realize she hated Kiritsugu, They are opposites when it comes to dealing with people. One an honorable knight living by a strict code of honor, another a lawless assassin who kills efficiently without honer.

Walking into the shed, he looks towards Irisviel laying inside a magic circle. Stepping closer, he kneeled down looking at her unconscious body. "She's slowly becoming the grail, as more servants die. The faster this process becomes before she directly coverts into the grail." He knows this was going to happen but expected he would have more time. "Is there any way to stop it, Irisviel shouldn't be condemned to such a fade." "It's impossible to remove her body from the grail. As her body is the grail itself," he said grabbing onto her shoulder before activating structural analyzes. holding out his other hand, he projects a holographic image of Irisviel's body. It showed a fully detailed analysis of her body with how much her body is shutting down. "So there is no way to saver life," "I never said we cant saver her, just can't remove the grail from her body." "Ezra I don't understand what you mean, how can we save her without removing the grail."

Getting up from the ground, he simply smirked "Simple, we make her a new body and transfer her conciseness and memories." his plan was honestly stupid, Building a human body wasn't easy and to transfer conciseness was even more ridiculous. "How are you going to create a human body?" "It's not that different from making a homunculus, just the proper ingredients I could make an ordinary body. Thought, her ability to perform magic would be cut down," he said turning towards saber, ending the holographic projection. "I hope your plan works,"

As they were finishing up their conversation, Irisviel started to awake from her short-lived coma. "Saber..." she said weakly looking up at Saber, "How are you feeling Irisviel," grabbing onto her hand, Saber kept Irisviel company until she could get up again. "Saber could you explain the plan to her, I need to go gather the ingredients." Receiving a nod from Saber, Ezra Spiritualized moving away from the shed.

After a few minutes, Ezra appearing in front of the grates of Ryuudo Temple. he peered through them looking at the shrine in front. It looked very magnificent, to say the least. Walking inside, he looked around feeling the increased mana density around the temple. It wasn't surprising considering the main leyline goes underneath this temple. It was also the perfect place to enact his plans. "After I do this, I could destroy her main body. It should essentially destroy the Gail," he said finishing up his thought. he felt happy that he made it this far into the war, and he could see the end close approaching. but that's when he realized them, "Wait, shit I forgot about the greater grail. I need to also get rid of that to stop the holy grail war forever." he said hitting himself in the head for forgetting such important detail. If he were to also destroy both grails, then not only could he stop the Fuyuki fire, but also stop any future wars from occurring. lucky for him, he already knows where the greater grail making it easy for him to go down and destroy it.

Pulling out his flip phone, he starts looking through the contacts before calling Kiritsugu, "Yo, Gramps before you say anything. listen, I need you to bring Everyone too, Ryuudo temple. When I say everyone, I mean everyone includes Kariya and Sakura. Try to get here before midnight, I'm going to do an awesome." he said hanging up before Kiritsugu could ask any questions. He honestly had nearly everything sorted out, first he needed to make Irisviel a new body. then fight Iskander who the joy of fighting his favorite character. after which go and bring Illya and maybe find Shirou. when he was all those things done, he could then destroy the grails and stop the wars from happing in the future.

After mentally listing off his, To-do list, Ezra just gives out a sigh seeing how much he had on his plat. Walking forward, he headed towards the shrine opening the door. He had a long few days ahead of him, and he needs to stay focused. If Gilgamesh found out about his plans, he might come after him in full force with the help of Rider. Sure he could take them on, but he wasn't very confident about how well he fair against them. Pushing that thought towards the back of his head, Ezra went on and started preparing the Human transmutation without wasting any time.

Another day, another chapter.

Hopefully, I could finish up the first volume soon, maybe like 5 chapters or so.

after that, idk, probably fate/Kaleid since I haven't really seen anyone do fic about that.

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