
Fate's Possibility

[ Quick warning, I am not the best when it comes to words. so try to bear with it.] Short Summary: A fun story of a guy who's sent to another world with servent cards

Slime_King_Rose · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

So Many Questions

Currently, Ezra stood in front of Three servants as the two masters stood behind worried. It was very awkward for him to be glared at by lancer and Saber, while Rider just looked at him with curiosity. "Great fight, we should do that more often," he says turning around, "hold on there boy, Before we part ways. I have a few questions that you need to answer." Rider said grabbing onto Ezra's shoulder. Giving out a sigh, he turned around facing Rider, "Fine, but I will only answering two questions," "That is acceptable, now then tell boy, what is your story?" Rider asked, he never really understood who Ezra was. Even if he was in the banquet, Ezra never really spoke much instead of staying quiet. At first, he just brushed it off as Ezra not caring for such events. But after his display of power, He wished to know what kind of heroes Ezra was.

"My true name is Ezra Von Einzbern, I'm from the future, well, alternative future. More specifically, I'm from a timeline where Mana is a few decades from vanishing. To shorten the story, People discovered the Greater Grail, we fought over it. my friend and I won, and he wished to fix the world, and I died in my sleep from the wounds I think, idk death was weird. After that, some weird stuff happened and I'm here." he said in one breath, he honestly didn't have to tell them is, but at the same time, he didn't care. Other then Gilgamesh, he was certain he could take them on without much problem. Plus if he just lied to solve all his problems, then he might be in more problems in the future. "Interesting boy, I see you had a long and exciting life." Rider said in a Loud excited tone patting his shoulder.

"It is truly an interesting tale Ezra, but care to explain how a servant of the future was summoned into the past." Lancer chimed in looking at him serious tone with a hint of suspicion in his voice. Lancer only wondered what his motives here, "I am just as confused as you. My guess, probably the person who summoned me is my ancestor and the grail glitched on my summons." he said honestly not sure himself why he was sent here. Giving out a sigh, "and that's all the question, not then, I forbid you guys Farwell," he says before spiritualizing. Still having his archer card active, he quickly made his way onto a rooftop far away from the river.

Laying on the ground, he takes in a deep breath before releasing it. He felt tired, his body slowly hurt from fatigue. This is due to him constantly using magic since coming to this world, and after using that Np he pushed his body to its limit. his body wasn't very used to the constant exertion of mana, even with a large supply.

"So you going to just watch, or are you going to explain," he said out loud, even though no one was around. 'what do you even mean sweetie,' Artemis voice rung in his head, trying to act innocent. "How are you in my head? and what was that thing about the Root back then?" he said in an exhausted tone, 'Im not in your head, you are using my powers. So I just made it a 2-way system, while you use my power I can talk to you and watch you. But don't worry about it too much, I'm just here to watch.' This was somewhat unnerving to Ezra knowing someone was watching. But being to powerless to stop it, he just asked for one thing. "Just promise me you won't take over my body or something like that." 'I promise of Orion's life, that I won't control you.' This didn't calm his nerves as he recalled Orion nearly dying because of her, but he's too tired to argue.

"Also what was that about the Root back then," he asked curiously, he never understood why the Root would be involved with him. 'Because you got the cards from the root, obviously.' "Wait, What! I got these cards from God." 'Nope, you talked to the Root. No way a god still has the ability to send people to different worlds. The Root just refers to its as 'The God' since that's much easier for people to understand.' "Okay, but why did it give me these powers then, it has no reason to if it's the root." 'You're like a very short list of people who actually achieved getting near the root. Most don't realize it.' he didn't really feel lucky, but just accepted as it is. At least he has a goddess on his side, Better than having her against you.

Giving out a yawn, he said "hmm, Uninstall," 'remember to call once in a while.' Artemis chimed in before the card lost its effects, causing his body to revert back to normal, as the card appeared in his hand. He just let out a sign, watching the sky as the stars shined beautifully. It was ironically a full moon considering the fact he was talking to a moon goddess. Closing his eyes, Ezra out of fatigue, fall asleep. Since coming to this world, this was the first time he rests peacefully. sleeping quietly, he stayed there on the roof until daybreak.

For those who are confused by his back story, he's from the Nasuverse but existed in a world where mana is dying off [like fate/Extra without the moon].

In his universe, the works Type moon exists as both reality and fiction, but servants didn't look like fan service and had more altered abilities from there main counterparts.

[Edit: Just updating the grammar a little.]

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