
Fate's Playful Deceiver

***DROPPED*** Imagine this: You conducted some research that might have been considered unethical by some. You wanted to satisfy your curiosity and broke some laws you seriously should not have. You wished to protect something you valued but had to kill a few people along the way. Maybe you were just doing whatever was in your job description. Or you just simply wanted to light some things on fire and maybe just maybe destroy the whole world? Okay maybe you went a bit overboard… and now you are sent to this dark world where you are forced to spend an eternity as just a soul. They even talked something about how your fate is to be forgotten. Geez. But hey! It looks like you might have another go at what you desired because of some idiots doing something they had no idea about! How lucky! There is just a small problem though… Your another chance at life is shared with others that had a similar fate to yours… What will you do? *** “You see I was taking a relaxing stroll when I stumbled upon this place and with a heart filled with curiosity I asked them nicely what they were doing here to which they did not answer and instead rudely attacked me. So in righteous self defence I killed them all” In a tone similar to lovers talking about their day Amon admitted to slaughter. “Of course I did not forget about my purpose and from one kind volunteer I learned quite a bit about them. Mainly that they belonged to an organisation called Ouroboros and that they were conducting not so human friendly experiments here” Amon did not explain further and instead with a smile observed Arthur's reaction. “So I am the product of their experiments?” *** The things you might expect: - The novel is essentially a dark comedy with a focus on intrigues. - There are no traditional power systems like stages 1-9 which cultivation novels adore instead it’s completely unique (at the very least I did not encounter anything similar). It revolves around ‘concepts’ and actual knowledge which would make sense in a world of magic. - The world building is also rich and tries to portray a unique take on the fantasy genre as the technology of this world is basically that of an industrial era with steam replaced by magic. - The political and social aspect is also explored and tries to be as realistic as possible(for a fantasy novel which is not serious about itself). - The MC is very evil. I am not talking I kill people kind of evil but I commit war crimes, I am a sadist and I dance on your grave while laughing kind of evil. He is also a drama queen and his favorite color is black. - In terms of romance we have no romance.

Qartycan · Fantasy
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47 Chs

The Demon Does Charity

Chapter 21: The Demon Does Charity

Inside their newly acquired building Arthur and Amon were busying themselves with different things.

Arthur took upon himself the job of cleaning the place since it was quite a mess as the workers they hired to renovate the building left just yesterday and unfortunately they did not leave things too pristine. He however did not complain and actually enjoyed himself while doing so.

Amon on the other hand sat at the desk which was filled with different notes and documents. He was currently writing on a piece of paper and slowly filled it with calculations, formulas, magical arrays and even runes. Simply put, there were a lot of things which would give a normal person a headache.

"98.7? Taking into account Weise's practicality law wouldn't that mean I need exactly a hundred? Where in the world will I find this many for what I need? This…"

His laments about some unknown issue were however put on hold when Renfri suddenly barged through the door. She seemed quite excited actually and held a certain document high in the air.

"I finally have it! I swear to the Goddess that if you make me deal with bureaucrats one more time I will not care about the consequences not to mention that the bribes costed a small fortune but at least they've dealt with it quickly because of it"

She threw the document onto the desk and Amon only glanced at the bottom where the words 'application approved' were written in red text before looking back at her.

"Good work. Go tell Arthur that he can finally put up the sign"

"On it"


Arthur rushed through the corridor with a sign in one hand and a hammer in the other. He seemed really happy that he could finally do it. They had this ready for a week now and in his mind it was a sin to let something so amazing simply collect dust while abandoned on a shelf.

He finally left the building and on the door he nailed the sign which had a text and a symbol that depicted a pair of angelic wings surrounded by a golden halo whereas the text in a rather large font said this:

"The Guardian Angel Foundation. Charity for the poor and sickly"

Arthur felt a sense of pride when he looked at his work and also admired Amon's genius since by establishing a charity not only would they help this place become less gloomy but also keep them safe from authorities. After all, who would suspect that the people for whom a certain archmage turned the city upside down would go on and establish a charity?

It was simply unthinkable which made it perfect and even if they would be discovered by pleading they would surely let them off because of this. That's at the very least what Amon told him and he obviously wouldn't just lie to him. Come on. He wouldn't. Seriously.

Oh and speaking of which he just arrived at the door and similarly admired the sign but for a couple of different reasons.

'Great, this will buy us some time and in the future we can use it to lounder some money. It's a shame that the market for drugs is pretty satiated here but I will think of something. Maybe human trafficking with a little bit of organ harvesting on the side? Nah too troublesome. Oh I know! How about creating some secret order and making money out of paid assassinations? I would call it the dark brotherho- No no I feel that the name is already taken by someone…'

Arthur looked at Amon who was smiling from ear to ear and couldn't help but think of just how much of a good person he is. He seemed just as happy as him to establish a charity and help the people in need. How wonderfully Arthur felt at this exact moment.

"Okay enough daydreaming we have some work to do don't we Arthur?"



Another day passed in the Coln district.

The streets there could barely be told apart as every single one of them was equally dark, gloomy and depressing. On one of such streets some light shone however as the poor gathered in order to receive a warm meal and some clothing which would help them survive the cold nights in the late weeks of the fall and the upcoming winter.

"I pray that the Goddess of Light will bless you"

Arthur was often thanked this way as he gave away food or clothes which made him feel bittersweet but realising that they meant well he still smiled warmly to every single person.

"C-Can I get a bowl?"

A tramp who seemed to have a weird condition as his face was filled with disgusting pimples approached him and awkwardly asked for a meal. Arthur, unbothered by his appearance nodded and turned to pour him some soup.


The tramp chuckled softly and reached with his hand for where Arthur's black pocket watch was as soon as he turned his back to him. Unfortunately for him he should have settled for simple soup as he was grabbed by the shoulder and pulled away in a flash.

He wanted to say some made up excuse to the person that grabbed him but as soon as he looked at his red coloured eyes his thoughts seemed to drift away by the second as they were quickly being replaced by the absolute desire to obey the person in front of him and do whatever it would take to please him.

"Huh? Where did he go? He was here just a second ago…"

Arthur turned with a bowl filled with soup in his hand and was confused as to where the tramp went. He looked left and right but couldn't find him anywhere so he simply shrugged and continued his work as if nothing happened.

"Why are you even thinking of stealing our job!?" - The CCertain CCorrupt PPoliticians in a very free country with a very fair and just system

Qartycancreators' thoughts