
Fate's Lost Love

An absolute smutty self indulgent trash panda fic that so many loved when it was originally posted so I decided to update content for better enjoyment. Cú becomes FM (female master's) servant Cú fucks up FM moves on Enter Emiya who loved FM Emiya x FM = smut Renter Cú #dontmakeitweird Shit gets weird Lots of smut Fighting Happy ending? Mmmmmm not so sure

lady_rhey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Unexpected

Ria was never one for ritual. Believing in what she could see and feel, she accepted only that karma came full circle. Having experienced enough of histories course through various singularities as she was sent out on missions with borrowed servants when not out seeking a way to bring Cú back, she knew first hand that the world gave and collected in equal measure.

Sitting on the edge of her bed the following morning after sleeping like shit, she suddenly wished she did. Maybe if she knew a ritual of his, it would increase her chances of summoning him a third time. Reaching up and fingering his earring that she never took off, she worried it might now have anything left of him to reach him and help him find his way back to her.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she whispered. "Mo grá, if you can hear me, please come back. I've been so lonely." Her hand comes up to cover her mouth and stifle her sobs as waves of pain and fear wash over her. What would she do if she couldn't summon him? Just then, her phone alarm went off, letting her know she only had fifteen minutes before she was expected to meet the scientists.

Standing, she took one more look around the room before closing her eyes and taking one last deep breath. "Come home, Cú." She whispered before walking out the door, which was easier than expected but once outside her place, her steps soon felt heavy as the weight of her decision bore down on her.

Unable to focus on anything around her, the greetings she gave to her colleagues were emotionless and mechanical, as if she didn't even possess her own body. It wouldn't be until she entered the chamber that held SERYPH, and the scientist began the preparations that she came to, and fear tried to grip her once again.

"Please remove any magical items you might be wearing or carrying as it may cause serious malfunctions during the selection process. All you need to do is prick your finger using the needle next to the Dias before placing it in the center of the pedestal in front of you. SERYPH will do the rest."

Nodding, Ria took off her rings, necklaces, and bracelets, all magical storage devices she had infused with Mana. Once removed and placed in the container outside the summoning circle that held SERYPH she was about to step into the room when the tech stopped her.

"We need your earring too miss."

"My earring?" Ria's hand went to Cú's earring, the only gift he had given her and the one thing that had brought him back to her the last war. "Do I have to take this off too?"

"I'm afraid so. It has a VERY HIGH mana residue and will most definitely disrupt the results."

"I see." Reaching up, she removed the earring, feeling her heart sink and despair wash over her. At that moment, she knew that if she didn't have his earring, the likelihood of her seeing Cú again as her servant without a catalyst was very low. Bringing it to her lips, she kissed it before laying it with her other items and heading to the Dias.

Saying a single prayer, she pricked her finger and held it to the Dias, willing Cú into existence in her mind and heart. He was such an integral part of her life that she didn't know how they couldn't end up together.

As the runes on the floor lit up and the room grew bright, she closed her eyes. "Please bring him to me one final time," she whispered, letting her love and sadness wash over her for the few moments it took for a familiar but unexpected voice to greet her. "You called me Master?"

Startled, she opened my eyes to see a familiar face she had run into in her last two wars. "Emiya?"

"Ria? Is Cú not with you?"

"No, sadly, he is not. It would seem you and not him are my ideal match." Her eyes grew sad, though she gave him a small smile.

His eyes go surprisingly wide. "So you did summon me on purpose." Taking the few steps forward to stand before her, Emiya looked down at her with a kindness unfamiliar to her. "I will do my best to assist you in your endeavors. I may not be Cú, but I will protect you with my life and never fail to keep you safe."

Ria laughed bitterly. "Be careful what you promise. That didn't work so well for Cú the last two times."

"I'm not Cú." With a firm voice and stark look, he reached his hand out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering on her cheek a second longer than they should have as they brushed past, causing her to blush.

Disoriented by the outcome and Emiya's uncharacteristic fondness, she tore the conversation in a different direction. "I'll grab my things, and then we can head home. We need to begin training soon so we can become a perfectly bonded team ready to annihilate singularities."

Emiya nodded but did not move until she did though his words brought her up short. "I guess it will help that we have fought side by side before successfully."

At that moment, scenes from her past assaulted her. Scenes where she and Emiya had crossed paths and even fought together despite his cruel teasing about killing her should he need. Amused perversely that she would be matched with a man who enjoyed toying with her life much the same way Cú had flirted with her heart, she gave a cynical smirk. "Yes, it should."

Steeling her resolve and walking forward, thinking only of each task before her so her world couldn't shatter in disappointment, their trip back remained cloaked in silence until her key hit her condo door. Having as much tenure as she did, Ria had a decent-sized living space on one of the top floors of the complex. Equipped with balcony access, it had everything she needed minus the one person who seemed to have slipped through her fingers.

Upon entering, Ria set her keys down on the table beside the door before turning to face Emiya. "Make yourself at home. You can come and go as you please. My room is next to the kitchen. The only thing I ask is just be conscious of my privacy."

"I wouldn't dream of invading your space, Ria. I have always respected you too much."

Quirking an eye at that remark, she responded with teasing hesitance. "Thanks. I appreciate your gentlemanly demeanor, though if I remember correctly, every time we met, you threatened to kill me."

Worry crossed his face as his eyebrows scrunch. "That was not said out of malice. I was reiterating the commands I had been given. Though I have no love for Cú, you were never my target. If anything, I felt you were something worth protecting because the fire and passion you carried made you radiant."

Blushing for the second time because of him, Ria turned her back to him and faced her room. "That's sweet of you to say. Maybe I could have convinced Cú not to be so hostile towards you had I known you were such a softy." Unable to stomach the rising affection emanating from him, Ria headed to her room and closed the door. "What have I gotten myself into?" Moving to sit down on the bed, she put her head in her hands, causing Cú's earring to sway slightly. Caught off guard by its unexpected interference, she smiled absentmindedly and began to stroke it as her mind wandered to happier times.

It was winter and bitterly cold. Cú had just gotten back from acquiring some rare materials I needed for the philosophers stone, but it was too hard to move, so I was buried under flannel sheets and a goose-down blanket. I found when he wasn't with me; I was substantially colder.

"Ria, Mo grá, where are you? I'm home!" Cú entered the house and immediately dropped everything by the door. As he walked up the stairs, he dematerialized the top half of his Caster gear, leaving his chest bare. He had been gone only a few hours, but it felt like an eternity to be away from him so long.

When he opened the door to our room, he saw just my eyes and nose poking out of the sheets staring at him, which made him bust out laughing and me to retreat entirely under the covers.

When he stopped laughing, he spoke with a smile still on his lips. "I'm sorry you are so cold, but I can't help loving how cute you are buried under those covers."

Peeking out my head out, I stuck out my tongue at him before ducking back under the covers. Still smiling, he dematerialized the rest of his clothing before climbing into bed under the covers next to me and pulling me against him. The minute my cold body touched his, I relaxed as his warmth radiated around me. Immediately I snuggles into his chest, tucking my cold nose into the crook of his neck.

"Did you miss me?" His teasing voice coaxing seductively into my hair as he wraps his arms around me

"I missed your warmth. It's so damn cold when you are gone." I pouted before nipping at his neck.

"Oh, is that all?" He said in mock disappointment before running his finger down my back, making me shiver for entirely different reasons.

Moaning softly before placing a hand on his chin and pulling him into a kiss.....

A knock at her door startled Ria back to reality.

"I thought you might be hungry, so I made dinner. It'll be here when you are ready."

Though nothing that should mean anything, Emiya's gesture still threw her off. Cú never made a meal unless she was angry. He preferred to pester her while her hands were continually full whining that he was hungry, so Emiya's initiative was a pleasant surprise.

Taking a deep breath in, realizing how emotionally unstable she was as tear stains drew lines down her now damp cheeks, she pulled herself together as best she could before responding. "Be out in a second." Quickly changing into loose-fitting sweats and a tank with no bra, she put her feet in her slippers and walked out, hoping the fact she had been crying wouldn't be noticed.

As soon as she opened the door, delicious aromas wafted over her, and she started drooling. "Em, this smells amazing." Her precious sadness and regret were momentarily forgotten as her stomach growled aggressively. Turning her eyes to the white-haired archer, she found him standing by the chair he had set the food in front of.

"Come sit. You need to make sure you are taking care of yourself."

Smiling softly at the gesture, she moved towards the table and sat down, ready to enjoy what looked to be a fantastic meal made by a man she didn't know or love.