
Fate's Blade: The Transcendent Journey

In a realm where destiny is a formidable force, and cultivation paves the path to power, a young man named Li Chen finds himself thrust into a world of martial arts, mysticism, and celestial secrets. As fate weaves its web, Li Chen awakens to a new existence, transmigrating into the body of a sixteen-year-old with a dire future. In the heart of the Great Xia Capital, inside the unforgiving prison of the Ministry of Justice, Li Chen's journey begins. With the weight of a criminal's past and the uncertainty of a turbulent future, he discovers an unexpected boon—a mystical system known as "Defy The Heavens and Change The Fate."

DaoTranscender · Eastern
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3 Chs

Meeting Two Monks on the Road


A crossbow arrow was intercepted by a stone thrown by Li Chen, shattering into pieces and falling harmlessly to the ground.

Meanwhile, the elderly monk sitting in the tea shed moved with astonishing speed, leaving a blur in his wake as he approached Yan Ming.

Chen Cuo abruptly dropped his chopsticks and rushed over, though he arrived slightly later than the elderly monk, underscoring his inferior martial prowess.

The elderly monk gently cradled Yan Ming in his arms and emitted a formidable aura.

Scanning the surroundings, he pinpointed a hidden figure in the woods across the road.

"Reveal yourself!"

The elderly monk's commanding voice echoed, and he unleashed a resounding Buddhist Lion's Roar, the sound waves visibly rippling outward.

Astonishingly, a huge tree was torn apart by the force of the roar, and the concealed attacker was forced into the open.

The masked assassin emerged from behind the shattered tree, brandishing a longsword in his right hand and launching another crossbow bolt at Yan Ming with his left.

The power of the Lion's Roar had temporarily dazed Yang Qi, who had no inkling that Li Chen was behind the wheel of this operation.

However, he wisely feigned unconsciousness and huddled in the corner of the prison car.

The system rewarded him with "Iron Cloth" for saving Yan Ming's life, improving his Inner Strength and raising his level from Grade 4 to Grade 5.

The "Iron Cloth" bestowed on him was transformative. His muscles could be as hard as steel or as soft as cotton under its influence.

He swiftly assimilated the techniques and knowledge related to "Iron Cloth."

Outside the prison car, the elderly monk emanated a potent energy that blocked the assassin's attack, rendering him powerless. Then, with a swift palm strike, the assassin was launched into the distance.

As for Yan Ming, he was unharmed, merely shaken by the ordeal.

"May I inquire if Master is Zen Master Jiyuan from Cold Mountain Temple?" Chen Cuo, who had observed the entire encounter, inquired.

The elderly monk's demeanor had shifted from fierce to amiable. "This humble monk is indeed Jiyuan from Cold Mountain Temple. And who might the benefactor be?"

"I am Chen Cuo from Six Doors."

Upon learning the elderly monk's identity, Chen Cuo offered a respectful salute. "I am responsible for escorting the prisoner."

"So it's Mr. Chen. Please forgive my earlier conduct." The elderly monk replied with courtesy.

"Master, what happened to them?" Yan Ming, the young monk, asked with concern, noticing that both Yang Qi and Bi Tianliang appeared unconscious in the prison car.

"They are fine; they've merely fainted," Chen Cuo reassured Yan Ming.

The elderly monk, known as Jiyuan, joined the group, and Yan Ming remained curious about the prisoners.

"Amitabha," Jiyuan said. "Out of compassion, let this humble monk awaken them."

He first placed his palms on Bi Tianliang's chest, and a tranquil, healing energy coursed through his body. Bi Tianliang's color returned, and he looked much healthier.

Jiyuan then turned his attention to Yang Qi, but when his energy touched him, it was instantly repelled.

Jiyuan, an experienced practitioner, sensed that Yang Qi was pretending to be unconscious and recognized his formidable martial arts.

Typically, Six Doors stripped prisoners of their martial skills to prevent escape, but Yang Qi seemed an exception. Jiyuan surmised that he was on a covert mission.

Jiyuan didn't want to expose Yang Qi's cover, especially after seeing the shattered crossbow arrow on the ground, a testament to Yang Qi's heroism in saving Yan Ming.

Pretending to treat Yang Qi, Jiyuan waited for both prisoners to regain consciousness.

Bi Tianliang gradually awoke and complained, "Aiya, I feel so dizzy."

Hearing Bi Tianliang's voice, Yang Qi waited for ten seconds before opening his eyes and feigning disorientation.

Only Yan Ming continued to gaze curiously at the prison car, while Chen Cuo conversed with Jiyuan.

"Young man, you just saved our lives." Bi Tianliang remarked, moving closer to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi caught wind of the praise and asked, "Saved your lives?"

"Hehe, you probably haven't traveled much in the world. But given your age, it's understandable. This Zen Master Jiyuan is a renowned monk and is known as the top figure below the Innate realm."

"Top figure below Innate..." Yang Qi understood the martial arts hierarchy. Only those at Grade 9 could attain Innate status, making Jiyuan a Grade 8 practitioner.

Yang Qi's current martial arts level was Grade 5, boosted by the "Little Li Flying Dagger" and "Iron Cloth."

Chen Cuo's martial prowess appeared to be around Grade 6, but he might be concealing his true abilities.

Yang Qi realized he lacked the strength to escape and resigned himself to his present situation.

"What's your name, kid?" Bi Tianliang asked, finally remembering to inquire.

Yang Qi, wary of Bi Tianliang's odor, moved away slightly before answering, "Yang Qi."

Bi Tianliang's grin widened. "Don't be so cold, young man. We've been traveling together for some time; we should be friends."

"My name is Bi Tianliang, known as 'Treading Snow Without Trace.' My Lightweight Art is unparalleled."

Yang Qi, still cautious, responded, "Why were you captured by Six Doors then?"

Bi Tianliang hesitated and couldn't provide a satisfactory answer. Afterward, he glanced at Yang Qi and asked, "And how did you end up arrested?"

"I was sentenced to military exile for my involvement in a case."

Bi Tianliang considered Yang Qi's reply, and the two continued their conversation.

Chen Cuo approached the prison car after concluding his discussion with Jiyuan.

"Let's go!" Chen Cuo ordered the driver.

Yang Qi waved at Jiyuan and Yan Ming from the prison car, calling out, "We'll meet again someday!"

Jiyuan smiled, offering a respectful gesture, while Yan Ming waved enthusiastically, echoing, "We'll meet again someday!"