
Fate's Blade: The Transcendent Journey

In a realm where destiny is a formidable force, and cultivation paves the path to power, a young man named Li Chen finds himself thrust into a world of martial arts, mysticism, and celestial secrets. As fate weaves its web, Li Chen awakens to a new existence, transmigrating into the body of a sixteen-year-old with a dire future. In the heart of the Great Xia Capital, inside the unforgiving prison of the Ministry of Justice, Li Chen's journey begins. With the weight of a criminal's past and the uncertainty of a turbulent future, he discovers an unexpected boon—a mystical system known as "Defy The Heavens and Change The Fate."

DaoTranscender · Eastern
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Leaving the City

As the prison car slowly drove out of the Ministry of Justice Prison, Li Chen looked out curiously through the prison car.

In the original memory, Li Chen was escorted to the capital overnight by Six Doors people.

Then he was imprisoned in the Criminal Department, and now he is about to be sent to Blackstone City on the frontier.

Of course, we should take this opportunity to appreciate the prosperity of the capital, otherwise it may not be the next time we go to Beijing.

The only drawback is that he is now sitting in a prison car, and countless people are stopping and watching along the way, which makes Li Chen feel very uncomfortable.

Li Chen originally thought that people would throw rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves at them, because this was how it was shown on TV.

But in fact, people were just looking at Li Chen and Bi Tianliang with curiosity.

Especially Li Chen's young appearance caused a burst of whispers.

"Look at that boy, how come he got into a prison car at such a young age?"

"Needless to say, prisoners of this age in the capital are most likely to be family members of the criminal!"

"It's a pity that you have to suffer such a big crime at such a young age. It's a waste of your skin."

"Hehe, who's going to kill him? It seems like he was dragged into the army. If he is a woman, he will definitely join the Official Brother."

"Actually, if you look like him, you can go to the Official Brothel, hahaha."

Bi Tianliang, seemingly unfazed by the comments, even amused, grinned at Li Chen. "I didn't realize you were such a handsome young man. It appears you won't be lonely on this journey!"

Li Chen retorted, "Hmph! If you utter another word, I'll make sure you lose your teeth!"

Bi Tianliang's anger flared, but before he could react, a stern look from Chen Cuo silenced him. Bi Tianliang reluctantly averted his gaze, but his anger was palpable.

Li Chen couldn't help but wonder why Bi Tianliang was so afraid of Chen Cuo. This curiosity prompted him to shout outside the prison car, "Master Chen, I have a question."

Chen Cuo reined in his horse and approached the prison car. "What's your question?"

"Why is he so terrified of you?" Li Chen pointed at Bi Tianliang.

Li Chen knew that Chen Cuo was likely aware of the reasons behind their convictions and was using this question as a setup to reveal them. He chose not to answer.

Chen Cuo studied Li Chen for a moment, then chuckled. "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Of course, I'm afraid," Li Chen replied calmly, "but I'm not so afraid that I'd wet my pants like him," he added, nodding toward Bi Tianliang.

Chen Cuo asked, "Why are you locked up if you're not a criminal?"

Li Chen hesitated, then lowered his head, opting not to reply.

Chen Cuo appeared amused by Li Chen's silence and continued ahead.

Li Chen's group left the capital and embarked on the official road. The constant jolting of the prison car made Li Chen feel nauseous and uncomfortable. Meanwhile, Bi Tianliang, seemingly accustomed to the ride, leaned back and closed his eyes.

Noontime arrived, and the group reached a wayside tea shed. Chen Cuo ordered a break, and the groom drove the prison car to the roadside before tossing two hard steamed buns into the car.

Li Chen, still feeling dizzy from the journey, had no appetite for the buns. He considered asking for water but was unsure if it would be granted.

Bi Tianliang, however, took swift advantage of the food and devoured the buns.

Li Chen, seeing that his companion was hungry, handed over his share of the steamed buns.

"I can't eat them, so you go ahead."

Bi Tianliang gladly accepted the extra food and gobbled it down.

Chen Cuo, not appearing to hear Li Chen's request for water, focused on eating tea cakes.

The tea shed's owner, a shrewd and experienced individual, recognized the prison car and quickly ushered Chen Cuo and his group to a table, offering them tea and snacks.

Li Chen, still considering his options, watched as the groom ignored his plea for water and began sipping from his water bag.

"Can I bring him some water, Master?" A child's voice emerged from the tea shed.

Li Chen turned to see two monks, one elderly and one very young, seated at a nearby table. The young monk appeared to be only eight or nine years old, while the elder monk had a white beard and an aged countenance.

"Go ahead." The elderly monk's voice carried kindness as he handed a water bag to the young monk.

Chen Cuo seemed indifferent to the situation, engrossed in his tea cakes.

The young monk approached the prison car, cradling the water bag in his hands.

Li Chen, seizing the opportunity, reached out to take it. He quickly uncorked the bottle and drank heavily.