
Fatale Fantasy (Short Story)

In a tale blending the ordinary with the extraordinary, 'Fatale Fantasy' follows Alex, a fat, ugly, young man living with his caring grandfather. Their tranquil life is shattered when Alex is fatally stabbed, only to awaken in a wintry realm transformed into Aleksis, a chosen hero tasked with an important mission by a majestic dragon named Vocta. Gifted with newfound strength and armed with an adventurer's dagger, Aleksis embarks on a perilous quest in the world of Kiios, where he must confront dark rulers threatening its people. Along the way, he discovers perilous dangers, life-long friends, romance, and inner strength and purpose that he never knew he had. WARNING: GRAPHIC VIOLENCE, ADULT LANGUAGE, NUDITY

TrapKnight · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Upon discovering the virtual HUD, Aleksis decided to investigate further into it, using his forefinger to reach out and tap the surface of the floating screen. A ripple effect appeared, as if he had touched the surface of a pond, and a new list of options came into view.

[ Main Menu ]

< Profile >

< Inventory >

< Skills >

< Abilities >

< Magick >

< Relics >

< Familiars >

< Beast Encyclopedia >

"This is a lot..." Aleksis muttered. "It looks like some kind of a video game... There's even abilities... and magick."

Aleksis pushed his finger on the 'Magick' prompt, and a new window opened up for him, displaying what looked to be a chart of some sorts. The chart displayed a black, crystalline structure with fragments of flaming crystals circling around it. Aleksis awed at the display. Above the image was a title that blew his mind even more: Your Soul Framework.

"Soul Framework?" Aleksis mumbled. "That's... my soul?" He continued to read the labels attached to the display, his jaw hanging open in perpetual shock.

[ Magick Energy ]

< Your Magick Energy is at 100%. >

[ Aura Configuration: Dark ]

< You possess a dark aura. >

[ Primary Magickal Affinity: Fire ]

< You're naturally able to use Fire Magick. >

[ Extra Affinities: 0 ]

< You have no additional Affinities. Find elemental Relics to gain more. >

[ Incantations ]

Fire Bolt [ LVL 1 ]

< Incantations are words that channel your Magick Energy into magickal attacks. You currently have [ 1 ] incantation available. To attain more incantations, look for Magick Scripts around Kiios. >

Aleksis had no idea what to make of what he was reading. It was too much for him to process; reincarnation, dragons, magick, soul frameworks... He felt like he was about to faint. Somehow, he steadied his mind, and set his eyes on a different option of the HUD: 'Abilities.' With a gentle press, a window displaying a list of empty slots appeared. There was a description at the top of the screen, explaining to him what the purpose of this specific UI was.

These are your awakened Abilities, powers specific to your Race that can only be used a certain amount of times for a certain duration. It appears you have [ 0 ] awakened Abilities. To awaken an Ability, level up by defeating monsters!

Aleksis nodded to himself, processing the information he was being given. He was starting to understand the type of role he played in this new body, this new world. It reminded him of an isekai manga, the ones where the MC would die and wake up in another world with magical powers. It was exactly like that, but without the sexy, fantasy women. He chuckled at his own thoughts, then refocused, surveying the surrounding forest. If he really was the main character in this world, he knew one thing: he needed to get out of this forest. So, just like before, he put one foot in front of the other, and started walking.

Aleksis walked through the trees for what felt like an hour, or more. Surprisingly, however, he had not grown tired like he expected; in fact, he hadn't even broken a sweat. He internally prayed that this wasn't all just a dream, that he wouldn't suddenly wake up and be back in his bed. He wanted to keep this new body, and more than that, he wanted to test its limitations. How long could he run, or swim, and how well would he do in a real fight? He resolved to find out for himself once he caught his bearings in this foreign land.

Eventually, he came to a clearing in the woods, where a tranquil river ran downhill. He muttered a joyful thank you to the Ancient Ones, now acutely aware of their surveillance of him, and bent down by the water's edge. He cupped his hands and scooped a handful of water in them, then raised them to his lips. The water flowed down his throat smoothly, quenching the dryness and filling him with newfound strength. He let out a sigh of relief, and leaned even further down for a second drink. This time, he didn't even bother cupping his hands; rather, he just drank from the stream like an animal, a spark of pure happiness in his eyes as he did.

Suddenly, he paused. It was then that he noticed his reflection in the water, though a little distorted. He possessed olive skin, a sharp jawline, thick eyebrows, and a small button nose. His eyes, an enchanting shade of green much like the forest surrounding him, gleamed in the sunlight. His hair, styled much like a wolf-cut, was a rich, golden bronze, and slightly longer than anticipated, stretching down to his shoulders; golden brown bangs fell over his eyebrows, nearly meeting his eyes. He noted that he was quite attractive in this new form, and smirked.

Then, he blinked with surprise when he realized he had overlooked a very important detail: his ears were longer, and their tips were pointed, much like an elf's. He recalled reading that his Race in this world was 'Half-Demon', and he couldn't help but wonder how his more private areas had been affected... He decided that when he found a suitable place to take his armor off, he'd check and see.

When he was finally finished drinking, he sat down on the riverbank and looked up at the sky, which he could now see the beauty of without the treetops obstructing his view. The sky was a calming sea of blue, and the puffy, white clouds floated by with peaceful slowness. Aleksis zoned out, his mind becoming less and less active as he stared off into the sky and listened to the running river, and it wasn't long until he had fallen asleep, his body sprawled out in the grass.

"It's not safe to sleep in the forest, Alex." A familiar voice came from above him. Aleksis's eyes flickered slightly as he slowly came to consciousness. He rubbed his eyes, sat up, and looked around. Though it was faint, he knew he recognized the voice that had woken him up; but now, looking around, he saw no one.

'Was I just dreaming?' Aleksis thought, scratching his head.

"Alex, my dear grandson. It's me. Gramps," the voice responded from deeper in the trees. It was quiet, and Aleksis could barely make out the words being said, but he knew his grandfather's voice anywhere.

"Gramps? Gramps!" Aleksis stood up quickly and speedily walked into the woods, in the direction the voice came from. "Gramps, you here? Where are you?"

"Right here, my boy."

Indeed, the old man stood in the thick of the forest, looking at Aleksis with a warm smile. His eyebrows raised. "What are you doing all the way out here, son?"

"Gramps!" Aleksis exclaimed joyfully, sprinting toward his grandfather. But as he closed the gap, something inexplicable occurred. The frail figure of his beloved Gramps began to distort before his eyes. Wrinkled skin stretched and turned scaly green, eyes transformed into menacing reptilian slits. In moments, his grandfather morphed into a muscular lizard standing upright, wielding twin knives glistening with a dark, dripping substance that stained the forest floor.

"Stupid Elf. You fell for my illusion, and now you're going to die!" the creature hissed, slashing the air with deadly intent.

Aleksis stumbled back, disbelief mingling with fear. He narrowly evaded the slashing blades, the urgency of survival flooding his senses. Thinking quickly, he recalled his own weapon. With resolve hardening his expression, he pivoted and fled deeper into the forest, the lizard-man hot on his trail, driven by a primal thirst for blood.

Once Aleksis had created some distance between him and his pursuer, he reached for the Adventurer's Dagger sheathed at his right hip. Just as he did this, the lizard man gained on him, and pounced. With one fell motion, Aleksis swung at the air in front of him, and his blade met with the lizard man's knives, sending sparks flying into the air.

"Struggle all you want! The outcome will be the same!" The monster screeched as it evaded, then returned with more strikes. Aleksis barely dodged and weaved every attack; it was a conscious effort in this new body, but he was somehow managing. Beads of sweat trickled down his face, and his eyes were beginning to burn from it, but he kept focus, aware this his life was on the line.

"HYAHH!" The reptilian lunged forward with a spinning, cyclone attack. Aleksis took a few quick steps back, but his foot caught on one of the roots of a tree, and he fell backwards. Fear flashed in Aleksis's eyes, and he was certain that he was about to meet his end as the monster cornered him.

Then, he remembered that he was able to use Magick.

Without hesitation, he held out his arm towards his attacker and shouted, "Fire Bolt!"

A burst of fiery energy erupted from Aleksis's palm in a dazzling arc, reminiscent of a lightning strike. The reptilian foe shrieked in agony as it was propelled backward, limbs thrashing wildly in a chaotic dance before crashing heavily into the underbrush. The forest fell into a tense silence, punctuated only by the settling of disturbed leaves and the distant echo of the creature's cry.

Aleksis held his breath, heart pounding in his chest as he surveyed the stillness around him. Slowly, he exhaled, relief flooding his senses as he realized the battle had ended. With trembling hands, he inspected his palm, where residual sparks of flame danced along his fingertips. With a decisive gesture, he closed his fist, extinguishing the glowing embers with a soft hiss. Wisps of smoke curled lazily from his hand, dissipating into the crisp forest air.

"Wow." He said in awe.

Suddenly, a virtual prompt appeared in front of him. He smiled at the message displayed.

< Congratulations, Aleksis. You leveled up! >

< You are LVL 1. >

< You unlocked a new Ability. >

< Fire Bolt reached LVL 2. >

< You discovered a new Monster. Lizmen have been added to your Beast Encyclopedia. >

"Lizmen..." Aleksis repeated, feeling a bit more immersed in the world of Kiios as he learned of its inhabitants. He navigated the HUD to the Beast Encyclopedia window and read the description for Lizmen.

Beast Encyclopedia Entry

Name: Lizmen


Lizmen are reptilian creatures from the cave networks of Kiios. They have a humanoid form with scaly, muscular bodies and are known for their ability to shape-shift. This allows them to take on the appearance of other beings or blend into their surroundings effectively.

Behavior and Habitat:

Found primarily in underground caves, Lizmen serve as assassins and warriors for the Dark Empire. They are skilled hunters and ambushers, using their shape-shifting to infiltrate enemy territory or launch surprise attacks. Lizmen are agile climbers and navigate rocky terrain with ease, making them difficult to track.


- Shape-Shifting: Lizmen can change their appearance to mimic other creatures or hide in plain sight.

- Combat Skills: They excel in close-quarters combat, using sharp claws and venomous weapons to incapacitate their foes.

- Enhanced Senses: Lizmen possess acute senses of sight, smell, and hearing, which aid in their hunting and tracking abilities.

Encounter Notes:

Encounters with Lizmen require caution and vigilance. Their ability to disguise themselves makes them dangerous adversaries, especially in environments they know well. Detection spells or heightened awareness are recommended when traversing areas known to be inhabited by Lizmen, such as forests, mountains, and caves.

Venomous Weapons: Some Lizmen are known to carry weapons tipped with a potent black liquid that can induce paralysis or severe injury upon contact.

Additional Remarks:

Due to their affiliation with the Dark Empire, Lizmen are often encountered near their strongholds or deployed on missions across Kiios. Travelers and adventurers should be aware of their presence and prepared to defend against their deceptive tactics.

"Hm. Interesting..." Aleksis nodded and murmured under his breath, his fingertip gliding over the HUD to navigate back to the Abilities screen. There it was, his newly awakened Ability: 'Demon Reconnaissance.' He carefully studied the description.

'Scan the surrounding area, up to 20 miles.'

Duration: 90 seconds.

Usage Limit: 5 per day.'

"Damn... 20 miles," he muttered. Curiosity brimming, he decided to test it firsthand. Dropping his voice to a whisper, he invoked, "Demon Reconnaissance."

Instantly, his vision expanded, unfolding into a panoramic expanse. Before him sprawled a tapestry of landscapes: distant mountains etched against the horizon, shimmering lakes reflecting the sun's golden hues, and dense forests teeming with life.

Then, something unexpected caught his eye. A village nestled serenely by a tranquil lake. A gasp escaped him as he took in the sight. Relief washed over him, lifting a burden he hadn't realized he carried. Finally, he exhaled, his gaze lingering on the peaceful scene before him.

"Civilization," he said, nodding. "I'm definitely going there."

Again, swallowing the lump of fear in his throat, Aleksis put one front in front of the other, and started his trek. He concluded in his mind that he survived his first monster attack by sheer luck and the grace of the Ancients, so he resolved to keep his dagger in his hand as he journeyed, lest any more ambushes occur. A feeling of strength and conviction unfamiliar to him had begun to burrow its way into his heart, and his eyes had been lit ablaze with a new passion.

"I will survive," he said aloud, with utter confidence. His grip tightened on his dagger. "I will win."

The sun was beginning to reach its peak in the sky. Looking up at it through the shade of the trees, Aleksis imagined the colossal dragon from the sinkhole, Vocta. He imagined the gods of this world, the 'Ancients', as Vocta called them, watching him from above. He felt what he thought to be honor welling up in him. He picked up his chin, grinned, and breathed in the moist air of the forest. Despite the terrifying ordeal he had just faced, he still felt an indescribable, unexplainable peace. Remembering that he was Chosen by the gods themselves to conquer monsters just like the one he had just faced, he laughed like a maniac.

"It's like I'm living in a fantasy novel," Aleksis said, his wide grin reflecting the light of the Sun. "Nah. More like a video game."