
Chapter 87 A Slap in the Face

"I asked the servants just now, but no one admitted it," Ben said as he drove.

The servants at home usually did not dare to talk carelessly, but how had Old Madame known?

Damon was suspicious and did not understand. As he watched the car drive into the main road, he took out his phone and dialed Adele's number.

After a few rings, someone finally answered.

"Hello," the woman said in a cold voice.

Hearing the impatience in her tone, Damon subconsciously frowned and asked coldly, "Is Grandma with you?"

Hearing this, Adele turned to look at the silver-haired old lady who was already asleep on her bed and softly said, "Yes."

Damon frowned and asked in a low voice, "Then why didn't you call me?"

Old Madame was old. Usually, there would be people following her when she went out. Now that she had been out alone for an entire afternoon, he had been on tenterhooks the whole time. Yet, she hadn't even called him!