
Fatal Kiss.

Iridesa was nothing more than a worthless slave who lived a horrible life at the inn she was forced to slave away at, always battered and abused by the owners in exchange for food and shelter since the day she was born. One day the innkeeper and his wife sold Iridesa to a brothel, unable to escape such a fate. Iridesa was about to end her life until a stranger came and saved her and when asked why he would go to such lengths for her he replied “I’m your father.” After she was taken in by her father her life had changed completely and 7 years later as Iridesa Orion she met him. The beautiful and mysterious Fay named Cillian Cassiopeia. ~Synopsis~ He stood before me as he looked deep into my eyes, my plump lips throbbed from his ravaging kiss and I felt drunk and hazy for more. He stroked a thumb over my lips as he spoke, his voice so deep it makes my entire core tremble. “When a Fae decides to claim a woman, he will have her at all costs. I want to claim you as mine. Do you know what that means?” My heart pounded at his words and I licked my lips nervously, noticing the predatory glint in his eyes when I did that. I asked “w-what does it mean?” He lowered his head to my ears knowing how sensitive they are and spoke with a seductive voice that made me melt. “It means I will marry you and mark both your body and soul as mine. I will make you scream my name in pleasure and I will show you just how much I yearn for a taste of you.” She let out a small gasp at his words and he growled low in his throat satisfied at her body's response to him. "You know one kiss is not enough. Now that I've had a taste I'm addicted..." He held my face and came closer, my heart pounded excitedly as I felt his breath close to mine once again. "C-Cillian..." I moaned his name and he growled like a beast. "Iridesa, Open your mouth and stick out your tongue..." ~end of synopsis~ Iridesa quickly finds herself craving more from this mysterious Fae but at the same time her mothers hidden past and dark secrets catch up putting all those she loves in danger, as she's caught in the web of a malicious trap she does everything she can to fight back as forces try to tear the two of them apart. Will their love prevail or will she still always be the same 12 year old girl who once had no will to live. DISCLAIMER - I don't own the copyrights to the cover image and will take it down upon request.

Celest2354 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 8 - She's home now.

Chapter 8 - She's home now.

Father relaxed as he saw Uncle Arthur standing in the doorway, I noticed how he seemed to have a menacing aura around him. He approached Brother Tybalt glaring at him. "Why don't you let me enlighten you dear nephew…" He said as he approached him, Brother Tybalt Immediately hid behind father. "I heard an interesting story from Kore about how you professed your love to her publicly at the expedition, then again at her school and then again at her work place! You strung along circus shows, marching bands, performers of all sorts into your stupid plans and constantly embarrassed her and made life difficult for her! Do you love her or hate her! It's like you're trying to extract a lifelong revenge!" Brother Tybalt seemed offended at his words. "How could you think such a thing! I love her of course that's why I tried my best to impress her many times but each time I thought it wasn't enough, so I tried harder…"

Uncle and Father both held their foreheads as they felt hopeless at Brother Tybalt's stupidity. Father then noticed the empty sofa and went pale. "Iridesa! She's gone!" Everyone jumped at his words. "I-I-I'm H-h-here…" They all looked back at the sofa and saw my small handle peer over from behind. They all peered over and father let out a breath of relief, Uncle smiled and brother laughed a little. I had jumped and hid behind the sofa when the door slammed open and stayed there as I was too embarrassed to crawl out. I looked at them all with a beet red face. "Let's get you out of there." Father lifted me up and put me back onto the sofa. Uncle Arthur patted my head softly as he spoke. "I'm sorry that I startled you." I shook my head. "I-I w-was just s-surprised…" Father then asked Uncle Arthur about Miss Kore. "So what should we do? finding high ranking healers is very hard." Uncle Arthur shook his head. "It's fine, I managed to convince Kore to stay." Brother Tybalt beamed happily at this and Uncle glared at him. "With the condition that you will give her no sort of problems, which means no professing your love in bizarre ways!" Brother Tybalt, seemed painfully struck by his words as he stood there dumbfounded. Uncle Arthur held his hand out to me. "Shall we go meet her." I looked at the gentle hand before me and slowly accepted it. He smiled and we walked out of the room.

As we walked Uncle Arthur told me a little about Miss Kore. "Kore and I had met at the mage academy where she had come to complete her training as a healer by volunteering as one of the academy nurses." I listened as I was interested in the story. "She and I had both helped detoxify an unknown poison from one of the students and became fast friends. She may seem a bit strange sometimes but I assure you she is a very caring and interesting person." He seemed to really trust and like Miss Kore, I felt a little nervous to meet her again but if Uncle Arthur trusts her then maybe I could try to.

Uncle Arthur stood before the door to her clinic and he ushered me to go in. "A-are you n-not coming, Uncle?" I asked he sat down on his knees and spoke to me gently. "I want to give you both space to bond. I want you to be more independent as well, if you need me just call and I'll be right over, heck every single guard in the castle will be here in seconds thanks to your protective fathers strict orders." He laughed lightly as he said this. I nodded my head at his words and he patted my head. "You'll be okay." he added before he stood up and waited for me to enter before closing the doors behind. I walked in and Miss Kore was sitting at her desk organizing as she took notice of me, she smiled brightly. "Iridesa!" She walked over and I tried my best not to flinch again and again. She held my hand softly and smiled. "How about we sit over at the table, and get to know each other a bit. I had the servants bring some tea and cakes. Your father says you like sweet foods." I never told anyone that I liked sweet stuff so I'm taken back at how my father notices the little things about me. I nod my head at her suggestion. "I-I would like that." We both sit over at the table. I look at all the different cake slices before me, they look so beautiful and delicious." "They look so cute, it's almost a waste to eat. Don't you think so?" I nod at her question with a smile. "Mmm, i-it does." Miss Kore excitedly waits for me to take the first pick. I noticed one of the slices had a small bunny made of chocolate on top of the cream, Miss Kore seemed to have noticed my stare as she picked the plate and placed it before me. "T-thank you." I smiled as I picked up my fork, eager to try it. She smiled at me "Have you ever had a carrot cake before, Lady Iridesa?" I shook my head, I hadn't tried any sort of cake until I came here. "Then you must be excited to try this one." she said as she placed a cake with strawberries before her. I asked, "Is this a c-carrot cake?" she nodded her head. I smiled excitedly and immediately took a forkful. I put the fork in my mouth and the sweet cream and crumbly cake was absolutely delicious. "I-it's so yummy!" I said excitedly. I took another forkful forgetting all my nervousness when I first came in. After we ate the cakes and talked for a while, Miss Kore wanted to examine my health.

I became anxious again as I was scared of exposing my bruises and weak body. Miss Kore seemed to notice my hesitation and made a suggestion. "Is there someone, you would like to be present during our sessions until you feel more comfortable. Someone you trust." I thought about it for a while and made my decision.

After a while, the door opened and Miss Delphine walked in. "You asked for me, my lady." I smiled and ran over to her. "M-miss Delphine." I hadn't seen her for a while so I was happy to see her again and hugged her. She laughed at my reaction and stroked my head affectionately. Miss Kore walked over and introduced herself. "I'm Kore Elvian, The new appointed healer of Crescent castle." Miss Delphine bowed her head and greeted her back. "Nice to meet you, I'm Delphine Lady Iridessas handmaid." I asked Delphine if she didn't mind staying with me for the examination. "Mi-miss Delphine, would you s-stay for my e-exam-ination, please." She answered straight away. "Ofcourse, My lady." I smiled happily at her response. Kore led us to the bed in her clinic. "Would you remove all your clothes please." Kore asks as she opens her bag and looks for her equipment.

I hesitate and look at Miss Delphine who reassures me. "It's ok, Miss Kore has to examine you so she can help you recover and become healthier, isn't that what you want?" I nod my head and allow Miss Delphine to help me remove all my clothes. Miss Kore becomes speechless at the countless scars and bruises across my body but quickly regains her posture and begins examining me. She applied healing magic on some of the wounds and scars but most of them can't be erased due to the years of torture.

I had felt very anxious at first but Miss Kore was so gentle and patient with me that I managed to get through the examination without any problems. Once completed I put my clothes back on. "We are all done for today, we do have a lot of recovery to do but I will give it my all and watch how you become stronger than ever before." I smiled at her words, I really looked forward to the day where I didn't have to feel so weak and frail. "I will b-be in y-your care, then." I replied happily. Miss Kore smiled brightly. "Just leave it to me!"

Miss Kore had stood on her room balcony that night, remembering the sight of Iridesa's beaten and tortured body. No matter how many years of training she goes through, her heart can't ever bear the sight of such suffering. "She's only 12 years old…" she suppresses her tears as she thinks about how long the poor child suffers, just then she hears a rustling behind her. "W-who is it!?" she turns back swiftly. "Y-you again!" she finds Tybalt standing behind her, he laughs awkwardly at being caught. "Do you want me to throw you over the balcony! What are you doing here!?" He gestures for her to not be so loud. "I-I can explain, just don't wake up the entire castle." She eyes him suspiciously. He scratched his head awkwardly and spoke. "I wanted to ask about Iridesa, I'm afraid to know but I have to ask." She noticed the pain behind his eyes and dropped her guard. She begins to understand what he means. "How bad was it?" He asks, looking at her, his eyes so cold. She had never seen such an expression on him she always thought of him as loud and goofy. Kore thought carefully before answering him. "I…I honestly have no words to describe. She was covered in scars and bruises…" His eyes turned hard at her words and he clenched his fist. Kore slowly reached out and held his clenched fist, it must be because she's used to comforting patients all the time that she didn't think twice before she held his hand. "She's home now, so everything will be okay." He covered his face all of a sudden blushing. "You're so bold Kore, holding my hand like that." Kore's face went red at his words and she immediately let go, pushing him back out of reflex. "Waaaah!" Suddenly Tybalt fell back over the balcony, Kore gasped in horror as she ran over to check. "A-are you still alive!" Tybalt groaned "I think so…?" She sighed in relief, and laughed. "Well, you'll live goodnight!" she laughed and he pouted at her lack of care. "I guess you're not so bad after all…" she said under her breath as she thought about the way he cherished his sister.

Thanks for reading, xox. - Celeste.

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