
Chapter352 Confirmation of Treatment Plan 1

Looking at her black and bright hair on the screen, Nina Hill can't imagine that all her hair will fall off in the future.

Thinking of this, Nina Hill fundus is dim.

Time passed unconsciously, and near noon, the doorbell at the door was ringing.

Nina Hill recovered from TV, and his eyes were not bad. This little sweet drama made people fascinated without knowing it.

Opening the door, Zoe Ross stood at the door with a big package in his hand. After seeing Nina Hill, he showed her a bright smile and explained the reason for coming late by the way. "I overslept in the morning."

Nina Hill straight staring at Zoe Ross, she did not make up today, but still ruddy face, even between the corner of the eye brow are hidden a bit of flattery.

Nina Hill retracted his meaningful eyes, and knew what Zoe Ross did last night, but he didn't pick it out.

"Come in."