
Chapter 18 You Are Pregnant

Early in the morning.

A ray of sunlight came through the window.

The sun was shining on the white sheets.

Nina opened her eyes and was in a trance for a moment.

She didn't even know where she was.

When her sense of taste and smell gradually returned, the pungent odor of disinfection between her nostrils let her realize she was in the hospital.

"Are you awake?"

The attending physician, Dr. Lewis, pushed the door and came in.

He saw Nina's dazed appearance at a glance.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you."

She was very embarrassed when she remembered that she had drunk alcohol before fainting.

"The exam is finished. Your signs are really poor, and I recommend that you have surgery as soon as possible."

"Is it because you don't believe me that you haven't decided on surgery for so long?" he pushed down the gold-rimmed glasses frames on the bridge of his nose.

Dr. Lewis had a refined appearance. He was young, but he was already able to stand on his own.