
Chapter 143 Car Accident 3

The black car made a loud crash, crashed into the mountain, and finally stopped.

Demi stopped and laughed. After admiring her masterpiece for a few seconds, she immediately started the car and left.

The silver-gray sedan that followed in the distance drove over. The young man looked at the scene in front of him, tremblingly called an ambulance...

Capital, Starlight Group Branch.

Felix looked indifferently at the tender in front of him. Suddenly, his heart twitched violently.

"Oh." Felix took a deep breath and reached out to cover his heart.

Just this moment, like a knife, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The peak just knocked on the door and came in to deliver the documents. Seeing the appearance of the boss, he hurried forward, "Boss, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay." Felix let go. His face was a little pale, and his voice was still cold.

At that moment, he felt a long-lost emotion, panic.