
Real World in Fashion

Friends come in our life , and we enjoy with each other with trust in our eyes , because we love each other and we miss each other even though we are far from each other . Though things happens and one friend left another friend because there is no time left for them to spent with each other and natural love which keeps on pumping in their heart is the sadness they feel in them when they have to go far from each other . When one friend gets hurt from the betryal of another friend that friend really suffer a lot to overcome from that betrayal and it takes time to recover the friendship that they have . A smile that a friend gave him in his heart is a power to live his life even though they can't be together because they don't have time for each other to spent together and be happy again for the time they have waited a lot , but time have not wait for them even a bit second and got far from each other . A friend wishes his friend to be happy all his life with his love ones even he miss her a lot but she betrays him for getting strong from her heart and live his life . This happens and this break up in friendship happens when they know that they cannot keep each other safe in this world . A way then fall on each other feet and they have to live their life in this way . When a friend sacrifices his happiness for his loving friend to live his life then he knows what a gift he have given to her friend so that she don't wait for him and he wishes let she become more strong and hard so that nobody can hurt him a bit and nobody can touch him a bit , so his friend can also live happily and no tears in his eyes and no sadness in his life .