
Real World in Fashion.

Gift Wrapped

Gift Wrapped Business had kept us apart for Allyn's birthday,, I was in Bali, and he was left behind in Australia.. We were both extremely disappointed as I had been "innocently" putting thoughts into his mind that I had hoped for a "special" treat for this year. I was even more disappointed when I stumbled on an old work mate, (Debby) also holidaying in Bali with her sister, (Monica) who I hadn't previously met. The sisters seemed to be upset with each other, and I found out the reason later, when Deb went shopping. Monica gave me a brief overview, she had met a lad at a beach bar the night before, had take him back top their room, but as Debby was already in the room, and asleep, they had it of in the bathroom, of all places. The noise of their passions had woken Deb, and on entering the bathroom, had discovered her sister bent over against a wall, with the lad ramming her from behind.. Poor Debby, the elder of the two and a bit of a prude, was apparently severely "pissed" of. Mon had a wicked grin on her face as she told me the story, and this led to us sharing our naughtiest erotic experiences. One of her stories was about a couple she had had some fun with. My mind raced as she described her adventure, so I said; "Wow Mon, that sounds exciting, and exactly what I have in mind for Allyn. How would you like to be his birthday gift when we get back to Australia" She jumped at the offer; her only requirement was that her sister was DEFINATELY not to know about it, so phone numbers were exchanged with a promise to touch base at a later date. Two days later, it was Allyn's birthday, so I rang him, and told him what he had to look forward too, poor man, I think he must have masturbated himself silly fantasizing about the possibilities.. On returning to Australia, we made arrangements to meet at a restaurant. Initially it must have looked a nice happy family scene, as Monica was half our age, but I'm sure our waitress must have sensed something was going on, not many daughters would dress that provocatively to go out to dinner with her parents. We had copious amounts of wine, just to loosen our inhibitions, and on returning to our house, a few more wines and a couple of joints put us all in the mood for play. I knew it was up to me to start proceedings, being "mistress of ceremonies". I moved closer to Monica, and whispered in her ear, "It's time to play, ready?" She responded with a wicked grin, smiled at Allyn, and planted a kiss on my lips. This turned into an embrace, and a more passionate kiss. I knew Allyn had always fantasized about watching two girls in action, so Monica and I put on a show, seductively removing each other's clothes. Pretty soon we were both naked, and with legs and arms entwined, began to enjoy each other's bodies. I have to admit that I was a novice at this game, apart from a little "playing around" as a school girl, I had never been this intimate with another girl, but once I crossed the line, there was no going back. I felt extremely turned on, and I'm not sure if it was the "new" experience, or the fact that Allyn was watching, (still fully clothed I must add), maybe a combination of both. I felt Monica's fingers stroke my inner thighs, gradually moving closer and closer to my pussy, my legs drifted apart to allow her unhindered access; her fingers were playing with my lips, rubbing and squeezing my clit, and next I knew, I was on my back with Mon on top, her back arched, her knees beside my head, lapping at my juices, which by now were free flowing. Taking in the close up view of her clean shaven (just like mine, I remember thinking at the time) and open pussy just above my face, I was tentative at first, as I hadn't before seen a pussy that close, not even my own, and my only previous taste of pussy was my own, from the lips of lovers that had gone down on me. Mon's tongue was giving me beautiful sensations as it flickered over my clit, traveling along my lips to that sensitive area near my butt. I had raised and spread my knees, which had opened me completely, inviting her tongue to explore more. I glanced backwards to Allyn; he was naked now, still sitting on the lounge, and sporting a beautiful erection, which he was stroking slowly; he seemed mesmerized, his eyes focused on Monica's wide-open and inviting pussy. Our eyes held contact for a sweet moment, then I focused again on the target above me, raising my head slightly to plant a kiss on that glistening pussy. As I traced lines up and down her lips she intensified her efforts on my private parts. Now it all seems a bit blurry, as we were engaged in a flurry of girlie action, oblivious to anything else. Her tongue was still flicking at my clit, licking my juices, sometimes inserting it far inside me, sending shivers through my whole body. I lifted my head and gazed dreamily towards Allyn, gently moving her cheeks wide apart, spreading her lips with my fingers. "Happy Birthday darling, hope you're enjoying your present" He didn't need to reply; the glazed expression on his face as he eyed her now wide-open and glistening pussy expressed his feelings. I beckoned him to come a little closer, so he squatted between Mon's knees. With Mon still eating me, I lifted slightly and took him in my mouth, lubricating his tip in preparation for entry. In an instant he was rock hard and taking his penis in one hand, with the other spreading Mon's lips, I guided him to her very wet pussy. He entered her slowly, a centimeter at a time, pausing briefly with every short thrust and withdrawal. I wasn't going to let him rush, and kept my hand firmly grasping his rod so that he couldn't enter her fully, although Mon was doing her best to push her pussy backwards onto him. As I was still under Monica, all this was virtually "in my face"; Releasing my grip on Allyn, I pulled her bottom cheeks apart and watched, amazed at the sight I must admit, so close I could see the folds of her pussy being pushed into her with every advance, and then stretching out with the withdrawals. Also in full view were Allyn's balls, which bounced around in tune with his thrusts. I couldn't resist it, and raised my head again, gently licking and nibbling his sack. He stopped his movements to experience the total pleasure of his penis deep inside our friend and his balls in my mouth. What a perfect position, I could tickle his sack with my tongue, I could lick her fanny, when he withdrew I could run my tongue along his length; and of course, I could just lay back and observe. I could see his sack beginning to tighten, an obvious sign that he was nearing completion so disrupted proceedings by grasping him again, forcing him out of her; Well, the party had only just started and I wanted him inside me as well. He dropped backwards on the carpet, his glistening erection pointing proudly to the ceiling. Planting a final kiss on her clit, we rolled over, moving into a position where we were laying between his legs, his penis between our mouths. During private sex play, Allyn had informed me this was every man's fantasy, so we sucked and licked and nibbled in unison. Allyn had just about regained his composure, he new that an orgasm now may spoil a long night of ecstasy and just lay back and enjoyed the pleasure we were providing. I told Mon I wanted to take him, and crawled onto his lap. Aware of my intentions, Monica returned my favor and assisted inserting him into my body. There was no urgency in our lovemaking, it was slow and very sensuous, and I could feel her hand under me, playing with his balls. While we enjoyed the sensations we kissed passionately whispering to each other. Monica had retreated slightly, just sitting beside us, watching us and playing with herself. I sat upright, pausing for a while to catch my breath holding his full length inside me. I reached for Mon's hand, asking her to take over for a while so I could visit the loo and refresh our drinks. She stood behind me and helped raise me from Allyn, then lowered herself in the same position. Thus spun him out a tad, one warm moist pussy replacing the other. Allyn tried to be a gentleman, and asked if he should stop while I was absent, but I just told him to enjoy. On my way from the loo to the kitchen, I had to pass them; he was virtually motionless, with Monica doing all the work. She slowed as I watched them; Allyn glanced towards me, then gathered her in his arms, and gradually stood up, still inserted fully inside Monica, and followed me to the kitchen. He sat her bum on the bench, and started rocking again. This actually made me a little jealous for a moment, and said so, but he just wickedly said that he didn't want me to miss anything. We all laughed, so much so that he popped out of her, then lifting her off the bench we returned with our drinks to the lounge. We recuperated for a while, sort of half time at the big game; rolled a few more joints while our drinks were taken idly stroking each other, waiting for the show to start again. Allyn wanted to change the tempo slightly, and changed the CD's. When he turned around, Mon & I were both positioned on all fours, knees apart, our butts poking out his way, treating him with a view of our pussies. He took the invitation literally, kneeling behind us, one hand stroking each bottom. I felt his fingers exploring me, knowing full well Monica was receiving the same treatment. He must have enjoyed the previous session of a change of pussies, inserting himself briefly in one, then the other, tho this must have been distracting for him as he ended up grabbing me, rolling us onto our sides. He lifted by top leg onto his opening me wide again. This was his one of his favorite fantasy position positions. In private sessions, his mind runs riot with this one, imagining that a voyeur is positioned to receive a clear view of my hairless pussy with his penis probing deeply. I usually join in his fantasy, adding mine; that is for the voyeur to approach slowly, licking and sucking on my clit. Monica didn't need any prompting and played her part perfectly. I was so sensitive now I had to ask her to be gentle. She responded by exposing my clit, flickering her tongue lightly over it. The sensation was unbelievable, Allyn moving in and out, a tongue pleasuring me; and before I knew it, I was coming, shuddering until I could take no more, then lay limply in his arms. He wanted to ejaculate; I could feel his penis pulsating inside me, but I was too weak to continue. Anyway, he could cum in me anytime. I slipped away from him, rolling him onto his back; his erection inviting Monica to mount him. She began grinding her pussy onto him, slowly lowering and raising herself, taking one moment the full length, then almost letting his tip slip out on the up stroke, using her vaginal muscles to milk him. By know I had recuperated. I moved in behind Monica, teasing her with a bottom massage, fingers stroking her rear entrance. I had no inhibitions left now, and let my hands drop to Allyn's balls again, feeling the sack tighten. I kissed her all over her bottom, which started to heighten her pleasure, her back arched opening her cheeks wide; without hesitation, I allowed my tongue to drift to her butt, running it around the rim, then tickling her entrance. Momentarily she stopped her movements on Allyn, to allow herself to feel the pleasure then began again, now in earnest. I placed my tongue in a position so that every time she pushed down on Allyn, the tip of my tongue would probe her second hole. Has pace quickened, I knew she was close to fulfillment and by the feel of Allyn's ball sack, so was he. Wanting to enjoy the view, I sat back a bit, one hand grasping Allyn's balls, the other playing with Mon. One finger slipped into her butt to the first knuckle, making her squeal with pleasure, then suddenly, she pushed back vigorously, and with Allyn fully inserted in her pussy, my fingure slipped all the way in. She was overcome by her orgasm, shuddering and trembling in submission. Of course this was too much for my poor man, his ejaculation starting as hers orgasm subsided. He started thrusting inside her, then he popped out to jettison his load, allowing me to witness his "spray job" on her backside. Mon was finished, and collapsed onto Allyn's chest. His cock was still pulsating so I helped him sliup back inside her to wait for the sensation to subside. The show was all but over, so I moved alongside them, the three of us locked in an embrace, pleasure written all over our faces. Nothing was said; what was there to be said.