
Farming System: A rise to the peak of power

Brandon Michael awoke to find himself in a world that was both familiar, yet also unfamiliar.. it was Earth, however this Earth had magic and magical beasts. these beasts had taken over a majority of the planet and humanity lived in several cities which were regarded as safe zones.. on this Earth those who practiced magic of any kind were considered humanities hope. There were multiple different power systems throughout the universe, follow along as our MC learns to live in this new reality. This story will not have regular updates, I will post chapters as I write them, however I only write in my free time, I work 6 days a week so when I am off work I usually try to relax and rest. This story was inspired by 2 others. https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-farm-system-reaching-the-top-in-the-parallel-earth!_23394038505242305 and https://www.webnovel.com/book/everybody-is-kung-fu-fighting-while-i-started-a-farm_17527789006425805 both of them I find to be good stories however I feel like each has their own flaws. I will try to write a story similar to these two, but with slight differences.

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Ch. 2 Beginners Package and starting the farms operations

Brandon was delighted to learn that there was a system inventory, he opened it up and found that there was 50 spaces, and in one of those spaces was an item that looked like a gift box. He willed the item to open.

[Congratulations to the host for opening the Beginners gift box. Host has received 100 mana grass seed, 1 Apple fruit tree seed, 20 berry bush seeds, 3 Orange fruit tree seeds, 1 enlightenment tea bush seed, and an unidentified Amulet.]

These items all appeared in the inventory space and the duplicate items stacked with items of the same kind so it only took up a total of 6 spaces. He decided to see what the amulet was and what it did.

[Unidentified Amulet: This is an ancient amulet that increases comprehension of elements and universal laws.]

He went ahead and wore the amulet and decided to plan the seeds. Planting the seeds was going to take a long time, he started to dig the holes ensuring there was space for each of the different types of plants and their roots before planting them into the ground. He spent almost 4 hours doing this and the sun was starting to go down now so he went back home.

The following morning he went to class as usual, he was in the general education class that didn't include magic so they finished around lunch time and were allowed to go back home for the day. Once the classes were finished he went back out to the farm land that he had and saw that all the plants had already fully grown, there were thousands of mana grass, tens of apples, hundreds of oranges, thousands of berries, and a large bush of the enlightenment tea. He decided to check the effects of these different products.

He plucked 1 of each of the products first so that he could check each of their effects.

[Top Quality Mana Grass grade 1: filled with mana, can be consumed directly to increase the users mana, there are no side effects.]

[Top Quality Apple grade 1: temporarily increases the users comprehension towards the elements without side effects]

[Top Quality Orange grade 1: Increases the users physique without side effects]

[Top Quality Berry grade 1: removes impurities from the users body.]

[Top Quality Tea of Enlightenment: Increases the users talent for magic and cultivation while permanently increasing the users comprehension towards elements and universal laws.]

Brandon was awed by the effects of these products. He decided to go ahead and pick all of them leaving only enough of the tea bush to keep it alive. He was going to use the tea of enlightenment, the berries and the oranges first since those were the only things that could really utilize right now with his talent being as low as it is. He also decided that it may be a good idea to sell some of the items since he had an abundance of them.

When he picked the apples and oranges off of their trees the trees didn't disappear or die as they do in the novels he read before, instead they showed signs of growing new fruits as did the berries. The tea he didn't pick all of because he wasn't sure how that would work, how ever he did notice before he left that the tea leaf he picked first showed signs of already growing back as well.

He stored all of the items in the system space and had a total of 10,000 Mana Grass, 8,000 Berries, 600 Oranges, 100 Apples, and 1/3 of a pound of Enlightenment Tea. This was the yield from a single night. So he was expecting to get at least this amount every day.

Tomorrow was a weekend so there was no classes. He was going to wait here for a while to see how long the plant took to regrow all of the plants. In the mean time he was going to eat a few of the oranges to see how much of an effect they had.

After peeling an orange he took a bite and noticed it was extremely juicy. So much so that he was not able to keep all of the juice and a lot of it was lost on the ground. He decided not to eat another one for now since it may affect the efficiency with the lost juice. While he was waiting he decided to return to the city and see if he could have someone build a small house in the middle of the plot of land so that he could have somewhere to stay when he was out there.

When he returned to the city he didn't believe he had enough money so he went to one of the companies who traded in spiritual plants and decided to sell some of the items he had.

"Welcome to our shop, what are you looking to purchase?" the store clerk asked.

"I would like to sell some plants that I have," Brandon responded.

"Very well, depending on the quality and type we can purchase it for a reasonable price."

"I have all top grade plants, I will give you 1 of each at no cost to you so that you can test the effects for yourself, I already know the quantity of the plants, I would just like you to test the effects and tell me the price you're willing to offer for them." Brandon wasn't sure about how the effects of his plants would be compared to others since he couldn't test them all yet.

After giving the store clerk 1 of each of the plants to try, he waited for them to offer a price for each of them. He only gave enough of the tea to brew 4 cups of it since he believed it would be a very valuable tea and he wanted to try it with the store clerk as well.

After the tea was brewed the clerk brought it out and served a cup for Brandon before he tried it himself. After taking a sip of the tea he noticed it had a slight floral flavor, a mild sweetness and it covered the mouth with a wonderful flavor. After the flavor he also felt something very obscure and wasn't sure what it was. Brandon noticed a slightly confused expression on the store clerks face,

"Why don't you attempt to comprehend something you've had difficulty with recently, see if you have made a breakthrough?"

after that suggestion the store clerk noticed that he indeed was able to comprehend his issue in understanding an element much easier now and was surprised.

"Sir, this Tea should be very valuable. I think we could sell it for 150 medium grade mana stones, so I would be willing to purchase it for 1 high grade mana stone. This way we still make a profit while its also a reasonable price for you."

"That is fine," Brandon readily agreed.

"As for these other plants, I can give you 1 low grade mana stone for the Apples, 2 low grade mana stones each for both the Mana Grass and the Berries, and 5 low grade mana stones each for the Oranges."

Again Brandon agreed to these prices.

"I have 9,999 Mana grass, 99 Apples, 7,999 Berries, 599 Oranges and 1/3 pound of tea. That will come out to a total of 89 high grade mana stones, if you're willing to increase it to 90 then I would be willing to have more cooperation with you in the future and give your store priority when I have more of these products in the future."

"Sounds like a deal to me. I look forward to future cooperation."

After shaking hands and exchanging the products for mana stones Brandon left the store and found a nearby construction company. He went in and requested that they build a small house on his property outside the city. He also specified that it should be able to withstand an attack from at least a grade 5 beast or grade 5 mage. This was going to cost him most of what he just earned, a total of 75 High grade mana stones or 750 million credits.

They told him they would get started on in first thing tomorrow around 0900 and should be finished before night fall. Brandon was going to get there before they arrived tomorrow so that he could pick the plants and watch as they built his house.

After he contracted the company to build the house and he returned to the farm it was going to be dark soon. He decided to pick the plants again now and then return home as quickly as he could so that he wouldn't be left exposed in the open at night.

Once he harvested those plants the sun had already mostly gone down. He had already started to hear more activity in the distance, it sounded like 2 beasts were fighting. He hurriedly ran back towards the city and on his way into the city he informed the gate guards about the beasts he could hear just to be safe.

Once he returned home he had dinner and then washed up before heading to bed for the next day.