
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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300 Chs

Chapter 51: It's so powerful!

 There is a way!

  Si Yan talked with the three cubs.

  Afterwards, Si Yan led the three cubs to the front of the group and found a small village in front.

  The villages in the beast world are very simple. With the help of the three cubs, Si Yan quickly established a little prestige here.

  When Hu Que and Hu Yong passed by the village, they heard the villagers discussing in a low voice.

  "Do you know what a teacher is? Lord Si Yan is a teacher. This is the first time that Lao Niu has seen a teacher in his life."

  "You are surprised because you have seen too little. I have seen him last time."

  "You are just bragging. When was the last time? What does the teacher look like? Not to mention Black Tiger City, even the teachers of Wanshou City have never been here."

  "The teacher is amazing, Lord Si Yan is amazing."

  "Yes. Lord Si Yan is simply a wise man."

  "Teacher, a wise man."

  When Hu Yong heard this, he hurriedly stopped the Niu villagers here and asked: "What Si Yan? What teacher?"

  The villagers looked at each other in confusion: "Lord Hu."

  Most of the villages and tribes not far from Black Tiger City are small tribes that are dependent on Black Tiger City. The Niu Village in front of him is also one of the tribes that are dependent on Black Tiger City.

  "Lord Hu, Si Yan is the teacher."

  The villagers chattered and explained.

  Hu Yong was a little confused.

  A villager pulled him and said with a kind smile: "Lord Hu, you haven't heard of Si Yan?"

  Hu Yong shook his head.

  The villager said frankly: "You don't know them, maybe because you don't have enough experience. Lord Si Yan travels all over the Beast World to help people solve problems. Now the Blazing Day is coming, the weather is dry, and many children fainted. Lord Si Yan just helped them and is now teaching them arithmetic."

  Hu Que was surprised and said: "Rescue the children? Is he a witch doctor?"

  "Arithmetic?!" Hu Yong said in surprise. "Arithmetic within ten?"

  "Not a witch doctor, not a witch doctor, Lord Si Yan is a teacher."

  Hu Yong and Hu Que were confused at the same time: What is a teacher? They didn't dare to ask, for fear of appearing stupid.

  "What do you mean within ten?" A barbarian bull snorted, "Lord Si Yan can do more than a hundred, more than a thousand! He can even do the chicken and rabbit in the same cage problem!"

  Hu Yong was very surprised, then turned around and asked again: "What are chickens and rabbits?"

  The villager chuckled: "You don't know this, it's the long-eared beast and the cuckoo beast."

  Hu Yong was overjoyed and quickly pulled the villager to lead the way.

  The village was not big. Bei Ji, who was secretly listening in the corner, ran to Si Yan who was explaining the problem and whispered in her ear, "Mom, they are here!"

  Si Yan perked up. She coughed twice and asked the confused calves below in a pretentious manner:

  "I'll give you the simplest question. The long-eared beast and the cuckoo beast are locked together. If you look up, there are 10 heads in total, and if you look down, there are 30 legs in total. How many long-eared beasts and cuckoo beasts are there? Start answering!"

  Although it was a quick answer, the calves in the tribe below were even more confused.

  The males who were watching the children in the tribe also counted on their fingers in confusion and reverence.

  It's amazing!

  "We can't!" They said loudly and firmly.

  Hu Yong, who came over quickly, happened to see this scene.

  30 legs, she meant 30 legs. She even dared to calculate a number like 30! !

  It's amazing, it's amazing! !

  Si Yan quickly asked Dong Chi: "Is the question I asked too difficult?"

  Dong Chi stared at her for a while, then nodded.

  Si Yan coughed twice: "Let me tell you the answer, it's five long-eared beasts and five cuckoo beasts."

  "Five? Teacher, is it really five?" Niu Zaizai asked with his head tilted.

  Si Yan nodded.

  A group of barbarian bulls thought for a while, and then the males went to catch long-eared beasts and cuckoo beasts in tacit understanding.

  There were long-eared beasts and cuckoo beasts not far from the tribe, and soon five long-eared beasts and five cuckoo beasts were caught.

  Soon, five long-eared beasts and five cuckoo beasts appeared in front of Si Yan.

  A barbarian bull said naively: "Teacher, these are the long-eared beasts and cuckoo beasts near our tribe. They were originally very fat, but the scorching day is coming soon, and they have all lost some weight." "

  Yes, yes, they have all lost weight." The barbarian bulls said while enduring the high temperature.

  Si Yan comforted them softly, and then led everyone to count their heads and feet together.

  The cubs couldn't count the number themselves, and the cattle beastmen couldn't count it either.

  Hu Yong on the side was very excited. He lowered his head and counted carefully. After counting, he said in surprise: "Yes, it's right!"

  He walked forward excitedly. The tall and burly old tiger beastman held Si Yan's hands, excited and excited: "Yes, teacher, you are the teacher!"

  The cattle beastman felt that Si Yan's image was even taller!

  Although I don't understand.

  But I don't know how powerful it is, I don't know how powerful it is!

  Hu Yong excitedly held Si Yan's hand.

  At this moment, the eyes of the three cubs immediately stared at Hu Yong's hand.

  Dong Chi stepped forward silently and slowly pushed Hu Yong's hand away.

  Hu Yong immediately shook hands excitedly: "Wise man, wise man!"

  Si Yan shook her head quickly: "No, no, no, I'm not a wise man. You've got the wrong person."

  Hu Yong was already convinced that she was the person he was looking for. He looked at the young orc in front of him who was as tall as a cub, and suppressed his excitement and said: "Why should the wise man be modest?"

  After that, he changed the subject and said: "I wonder what plans the wise man has next?"

  Si Yan: "We..."

  Si Yan hugged her three cubs.

  "The Blazing Day is coming, and we brothers plan to go to the Dark Sun Lake for refuge."

  "The Blazing Day is coming, right, right, right." Hu Yong's eyes were still excited.

  He looked at the four cubs in this litter. The scholarly temperament of the cubs and Si Yan made him unable to despise them. He thought about keeping these people, so he said: "It just so happens that we in Black Tiger City are also planning to set off to the Dark Sun Lake. Why don't we go together?"

  Si Yan secretly glanced at the cubs and nodded.

  Then she looked up at Hu Yong and said a little embarrassedly: "It's okay, but I don't know if you have any requirements or any compensation? We brothers don't have anything to pay."

  Hu Yong shook his head and then said excitedly: "The teacher doesn't need to do anything. As long as the teacher is with us, it will be fine."

  Si Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

  The bull beastman stepped forward and asked nervously: "Teacher, will you teach us questions again in the future?"

  The calves looked at her eagerly with their big eyes.

  Si Yan smiled helplessly and nodded: "Yes, I will come again in the future."

  Si Yan was very pleased and moved until she saw the bull beastman immediately gave her bundles of fresh grass.

  It was all fresh grass, which was even more rare in the days when the Flame Day was about to come.

  Very sincere!

  This strong enthusiasm touched Si Yan all of a sudden, although it was not much.

  Her brows jumped, turned around and took the three cubs away.

  "Thank you for the grass, I'll get it next time." Si Yan said quickly.