
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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300 Chs

Chapter 17 Dong Chi Sets Fire

The fat female Xiong Rou sat on the backs of four male orcs. She was depressed and tore the meat in her hand and threw it into her mouth piece by piece.

  Next to her was an equally fat female wolf named Lang Xin.

  Lang Xin stared at Si Yan who was protected by Tyson for a long time. Her eyes were full of reluctance and dissatisfaction. She snorted softly, and after seeing Xiong Rou, she smiled and said, "Xiong Rou, I heard that you were bullied by Si Yan. Did you feel good?"

  Xiong Rou chewed the meat. Lacking salt, she could only supplement the salt by eating more meat.

  She snorted softly: "Who are you talking about? She bullied me? It's really funny. I really hate you wolf females the most. You all speak in a sarcastic way, which is so uncomfortable to listen to."

  Lang Xin said, looking around at the females, and said with a smile: "Xiong Rou, you can't say that. Our tribe is a tribe jointly created by the wolf and bear tribes. There are only wolf females here besides bear females."

  Xiong Rou saw the unfriendly eyes cast by the wolf females, and she could only say embarrassedly, gritting her teeth and saying: "Si Yan is definitely not a good female. She is a cheap female who has no males to want. She is definitely not a good female."

  As she said, she bit a mouthful of meat and chewed it.

  "I will definitely find evidence to prove it. I will."

  The salt she lost, and the slave contract that changed inexplicably.

  It must be Si Yan who did it!

  Lang Xin chuckled, and then said: "Xiong Rou, don't make a mistake, Si Yan is not a female that no one wants. Look, our tribe's first warrior Tyson is standing behind her."

  Lang Xin continued to smile and said: "I remember that Xiong Rou you also asked Tyson to marry you. By the way, it's not just you. Almost all the females in the tribe have asked for invitations, but Tyson didn't agree."

  Who doesn't like a strong and handsome male?

  During that time, the females in the tribe invited and pursued Tyson very spectacularly. Everyone once thought that they were the females that Tyson was willing to belong to, but they were all rejected.

  It was thought that Tyson might be devoted to strength and had no intention of becoming someone else's male. But suddenly one day, it was discovered that Tyson took the initiative to stand behind a female. Who can bear this gap!

  The faces of more than a dozen females changed unpredictably.

  In addition to the females, more males began to pay attention to Si Yan. However, Si Yan didn't notice these.

  She was silent, looked around, and didn't see Dong Chi's cub. When she saw Xiong Rou, she stared at Xiong Rou as if warning.

  If that fat bear dares to bully her cub, she will teach him a lesson.

  The village chief was talking about the holy fire at the entrance of the village. Although the beastmen in the village had heard some news along the way, they became more pessimistic after hearing more accurate news from the village chief. After

  Si Yan had roughly heard everything, she turned around and prepared to leave.

  At this moment, Bei Ji ran over from the side. He stopped Si Yan with a panicked look on his face. "Mother..."

  "Bei Ji, what's wrong?"

  Little Bei Ji was hesitant to speak. Si Yan squatted down. Bei Ji leaned close to Si Yan's ear and said anxiously, "Mother, we found the eldest brother. The eldest brother wants revenge. He wants to burn down Xiong Rou's cave!"

  Burn down Xiong Rou's cave?

  Dong Chi has fire in his hand now!

  It's not surprising to have fire. Si Yan has always kept a small fire burning in her cave, so that she can cook at any time.

  Dong Chi must have taken the fire from home.

  Si Yan immediately looked at Bei Ji's clear eyes.

  Beiji looked at the people around him and shook his head in panic.

  Si Yan understood what Beiji meant. The holy fire was extinguished, but Dongchi had fire in his hand.

  If Dongchi put the fire down, it would be impossible to explain how the holy fire was extinguished!

  Si Yan narrowed her eyes again and again, and she took Beiji's hand and ran quickly towards Xiong Rou's house.

  Most of the orcs in Yanxiang Tribe were still in the square, and there were no orcs in front of Xiong Rou's house.

  Not far from Xiong Rou's house, Xi Qing was afraid of Dong Chi's torch, but still stopped Dong Chi and said, "Brother! No! Don't be impulsive!"

  Dong Chi limped and looked at Xi Qing indifferently, saying, "Xi Qing, let go!"


  Dong Chi said, "Xiong Rou bullied and insulted us brothers. Now my hands and feet are broken, and I will be a useless man if I don't die. I burned her cave to avenge our brothers. After the revenge is done, give her my life as compensation!"

  "Anyway... I am a cold-blooded snake orc who is hated by others, not loved by my mother... and sold by my mother."

  Dong Chi laughed at himself, "My life is worthless, just regard it as revenge for my hands and feet, I won't lose."

  "Brother!" Xi Qing pulled him.

  "Xi Qing, I'm different from you." He whispered, "Now I am a waste. There is no meaning for me to stay in this world. Now I just want to do this one thing, for myself, for Nan Mo!"

  "Don't stop me."

  Dong Chi's voice was steady and firm. Xi Qing gritted his teeth and tears were about to fall.

  He understood, he especially understood Dong Chi.

  The orcs had broken their limbs, and they had no ability to work or hunt.

  They would be abandoned by the tribe and eaten by wild beasts.

  If there was still a chance to choose, they would take the last chance to avenge themselves.

  He couldn't say anything to him.

  Xi Qing's tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

  He didn't understand why their brothers' lives were so hard.

  He finally let Dong Chi go. He didn't know if his choice was right, and he was trembling slightly.

  Dong Chi limped and walked to the entrance of Xiong Rou's cave, with the firelight imprinted on his pale little face.

  He was weak and pale, but his expression was very firm.

  He stretched out his hand, and the torch in his hand was about to burn Xiong Rou's cave. However, at this time, a sneer sounded from behind him.

  "My cub, you are really promising." Si Yan's voice was cold and a little arrogant. "At such a young age, you dare to learn to set fire to others. You really deserve to be a future villain."

  Dong Chi's eyelids jumped slightly.

  When he took out a torch from the fire in the cave, he was also tangled and complicated.

  He knew he was useless, and he also knew what he wanted to do, but deep down in his heart, he was also looking forward to it, looking forward to people paying attention to what he did, looking forward to his actions being cared about by that person.

  This was an extremely contradictory feeling, he wanted to do this, but he also hoped that someone would pay attention to him and tell him in the end whether what he did was right or wrong.

  He hoped that person was the most important person to him, he hoped that person was his mother.

  However, he also knew that the female who sold him out would not come, absolutely not come.

  But she came, and she stood behind him.

  Dong Chi's heart seemed to be revived, but his voice was very cold at this time, and he said: "My setting the fire has nothing to do with you."

  Si Yan looked at the young man in front of her who had a lame leg and a broken hand, but still stood there stubbornly. She had some admiration, but also some anger and heartache.

  She slowly walked towards Dong Chi, who was a little nervous, and he took another step forward.

  "Dong Chi, you don't want to burn Xiong Rou's cave, you want to burn me. If you have the guts, wait for me to come forward, and then you will burn me who sold you to Xiong Rou!"

  Si Yan's words were more oppressive than the last one, and Dong Chi felt uncomfortable. His heart suddenly hurt, and he shouted at Si Yan: "I want to burn you, I just want to burn you! Why, why me, why did you sell me!!"

  "I'm not afraid of having no food, I'm not afraid of being hungry and cold, and I'm not afraid of being beaten! But, but why did you sell me!!!!"

  The boy roared angrily, and his hurt expression fell into Si Yan's eyes without missing a word. His words hit Si Yan's heart.

  "I won't sell you." Si Yan said.

  Selling Dong Chi was the original body's business, and the current Si Yan would not sell her own cubs.

  "I don't believe you! You have already sold me! Bad female!!!"

  As he said that, Dong Chi turned around and moved towards Xiong Rou's cave. Si Yan quickly jumped over and hugged Dong Chi.

  However, the torch in Dong Chi's hand was unstable and fell on the dry grass.

  In just a moment, the fire spread.