
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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300 Chs

Chapter 164: Fallen into a trap

The eagle beastmen and the ape beastmen launched a night attack!

  However, the entire swamp valley remained silent.

  Ape Dingshan felt something was a bit strange.

  Yingzhao cried out loudly: "This group of selfish, cold-blooded snake beastmen are in summer hibernation. They are all a bunch of weaklings. It's a good opportunity to kill them all in one fell swoop!"

  Eagle beastmen naturally dislike snake beastmen. They are particularly active in killing snake beastmen!

  A group of eagle beastmen saw a place where there seemed to be many snake beastmen hanging, and they swooped down!

  However, after landing, they only saw two or three snake beastmen. These two or three snake beastmen were particularly slippery and went straight into the swamp.

  The eagle beastmen pounced in vain.

  Red Eagle Yingzhao blinked his red eyes.

  Yuan Dingshan said, "Yingzhao, wait a minute, there's something strange."

  Yingzhao didn't like Yuan Dingshan, he

  said arrogantly, "What's strange? There's nothing strange about it. It's just that you apes are timid and cunning, you don't dare to fight and you're hiding behind." Yuan Dingshan was a little angry when he heard it, his face was slightly red, and he said, "Where are the foxes!"

  Hu Bu just ran over, "Here they come!"

  After hearing the movements of the Eagle and Ape tribes, the fox tribe had already prepared.

  Yuan Dingshan's face darkened when he saw the fox tribe.

  "Why did you come out? Didn't I ask you to get along well with the snake orcs? Aren't you afraid of being exposed by coming out like this?"

  Hu Bu sighed and said, "Don't say anything. You don't know what kind of life we ​​have lived since we came to this valley. We have no water to drink for a long time and are almost dying of thirst!"

  "No water to drink?" Yuan Dingshan said, "Impossible. They must not trust you yet, so they don't give you water!"

  Hu Bu said unenthusiastically, "No matter, no matter. My people are almost dying of thirst. Who cares about being exposed or not. We have to leave here and kill all the snake orcs quickly, and then our fox tribe will leave here and go to your place where there is water to drink!"

  Yuan Dingshan was completely furious. "Are you stupid? A group of foxes, so stupid!!!"

  Yingzhao glanced at Hu Bu and his group with disdain.

  "Useless things."

  The fox orcs were belittled like this and immediately became angry. But

  Hu Bu was very anxious. "Why don't you do it? Hurry up and kill the snake beastman, let's go!"

  Hu Bu said impatiently to the red eagle Ying Zhao: "Hurry up, hurry up, aren't you contracted by the secret method of Jie Ling, and are Jie Ling's beast husbands? You foxes, listen to the female master, and kill the snake beastman quickly!"

  Ying Zhao looked at him disdainfully, and suddenly flapped his wings and threw Hu Bu out.

  What is this? An object used by Jie Ling is also worthy of being pointed at by him?

  Ying Zhao flapped his wings and Hu Bu fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

  "Elder Ying Zhao, there is a small lake in front!" A gray eagle beastman suddenly said.

  They were very tired from flying all the way here. They hadn't drunk water for a long time. When they saw the lake, even though the water was not much and not big, they all went to drink water.

  The same was true for the ape beastmen. The eagle beastmen still flew over, but they ran all the way here and were exhausted, so they all ran over to drink water.

  Yuan Dingshan's brows were wrinkled into a mountain character.

  He felt something was wrong, very wrong.

  But he couldn't explain what was wrong.

  He saw Foxbu fall to the ground and couldn't get up. He also saw the Fox tribe saw the small lake. Except for a few who ran up to drink water, the others sat down and seemed to be getting less and less motivated.

  Yuan Dingshan looked at the small lake again.

  Isn't it said that there is no water in this swamp?

  Why is there a small lake here? Why didn't this small lake dry up? Why didn't the snake beastmen protect this small lake? ?

  Something is wrong.

  "Don't drink it!!!" Yuan Dingshan suddenly became alert, "Don't drink it, there is something strange!!!"

  However, his words seemed to have no effect. The thirsty ape beastmen and eagle beastmen lay down by the lake to drink water.

  Yuan Dingshan walked forward angrily, and he pulled back one of the ape beastmen of his tribe with one arm. "Don't drink it, there is something strange about this water, don't drink it!!"

  The ape beastmen looked at Yuan Dingshan in confusion.

  It's just water, what can be strange.

  However, at this time, the eagle beastmen and the ape beastmen saw the Fox tribe beastmen not far away, and they fell to the ground one after another.

  The ape beastman and the eagle beastman were frightened. Yuan Dingshan hurried forward and lifted the fox beastman's arm.

  It was soft, so he should not be dead.

  He touched his nose again.

  He was still breathing,

  so he was not dead. Not dead, but did they all fall down?

  Then, Yuan Dingshan saw that the ape beastman and the eagle beastman who drank the water became soft one after another.

  "I feel so weak."

  "I want to sleep."

  "I can't seem to move."

  Then, Yuan Dingshan saw his people falling to the ground one after another.

  Yingzhao was shocked. At this moment, he also believed Yuan Dingshan's feeling and hurried to Yuan Dingshan's side. "What's going on?"

  "There's something wrong with the water." Yuan Dingshan was very sure.

  "How could the water have a problem?"

  Water is the water of nature. I have been drinking water for so many years, and I have never drunk water with problems!

  And this water looks so clear and clean.

  Yuan Dingshan said angrily: "Just because you have little experience doesn't mean it doesn't exist in this world! Do you know how powerful some black witch doctors are? One dose of their powder can make thousands of male orcs lose their fighting ability!"

  Yingzhao looked around blankly. "Like now?"

  When they came, there were thousands of orcs in a mighty force, but now, the fox tribe must have drunk some water before coming, and almost all of them fell down.

  And their people just went to the small lake to drink water.

  And all the orcs who drank water also fell down one after another.

  The problem is that those who can grab water to drink are often the strong orcs in their tribe, and those who can't grab water and escape are the weak ones.

  "Fell into a trap?" Yingzhao asked anxiously. "What should we do now?" Yuan

  Dingshan said: "Escape, take as many as you can, and those who stay behind are all targets!"

  Yingzhao gritted his teeth and said: "I have only seen a few snake orcs, what if it is not a trap? Don't run away first!"

  Yuan Dingshan said angrily: "Yingzhao!! Do you have no brain?!!"

  However, at this moment, Baiying Baifeng, Yinhong of the Silver Wolf Clan, and Sheying, with a group of snake beastmen, appeared from all directions like ghosts!

  They were so numerous and huge that they didn't take the group of limp and fainted eagle beastmen and ape beastmen seriously at all!

  They came over domineeringly and surrounded the fox tribe, the red eagle tribe, and the ape beastmen in front of them.

  Baifeng shook the big leaf in his hand that was packed with paralysis powder from Si Yan.

  There was a small lake at the entrance of the cave before the fox tribe set out. It was filled with distilled water and sprinkled with paralysis powder made by Si Yan.

  It was exactly the same as the small lake not far away now, and it was sprinkled with paralysis powder made by Si Yan.

  They didn't think about it. On this scorching day, when water was more valuable than animal skins, how could such a large number of small lakes appear.

  Of course, this was a small lake filled with distilled water and sprinkled with paralysis powder, just waiting for this moment!

  They hid aside, watching them drink the water with paralysis powder, watching them lose their fighting power one by one.

  The white-feathered male, his white eyes glowed with a mysterious luster in the moonlight. He stood there, as dazzling as a god.

  "The great wizard Bai Feng?!!" Ying Zhao said in astonishment. "How could the great wizard appear here?!!!"

  Yuan Dingshan was even more surprised. "The great wizard Bai Feng, the White Eagle of White Eagle City? Why? What's going on?!"

  The god-like male flapped his wings and flew high. He looked down at everything below him with pride and said majestically: "The will of the Beast God is to eradicate all evil. Kill!"