
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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300 Chs

Chapter 135 Lively and Happy

Under Si Yan's command, Snake Shadow commanded the orcs in front of him to divide into five teams and go to the lakes of five tribes respectively.

  The lakes of two tribes were relatively close, so Si Yan went to these two lakes to see the situation.

  The snake orc took a lot of big strawberries, washed them and gave them to Si Yan, "Madam, please eat some. This will quench your thirst."

  Si Yan took a look and saw that these strawberries were bigger than the strawberries she nourished with her wood-type ability.

  Si Yan understood that this was the snake orc giving her the biggest and most favorite fruit.

  She took the strawberries gratefully and said, "Thank you."

  Si Yan's thank you made the snake orc blush, "Madam, you don't have to say thank you, these are what you should do."

  After that, the snake orc fled and left quickly.

  Si Yan found a shade under a tree and was ready to take a short rest, and found that there were two places in front of her that were a bit violent.

  A dark purple snake orc, his tail turned into a snake, with a piece of animal skin covering his face, he was hitting the ground with his tail.

  It was extremely ferocious.

  Si Yan: "..."

  Her beast husband, Snake Wang.

  Does he think that he can't be recognized just by wearing an animal skin?

  No other snake beastman has dark purple snake scales except him.

  However, some snake beastmen around Si Yan are looking at She Wang with admiration.

  "Who is he, how can he be so powerful!"

  "He is so good at work, such a powerful snake beastman, maybe there will be females who like him!"

  "Yes, just like our Lord. Our Lord has females who are willing to accept him and contact us!"

  Help, they are your Lord, can't you recognize them? ! !

  On the other side, next to another lake, a silver wolf beastman was struggling to dig the ground with his claws. From the looks of it, it seems like he is PKing with the guy with purple snake scales next door!

  Si Yan: "..."

  Tyson is here to dig a hole too.

  But it seems that big dogs are good at digging holes, right?

  Just when she thought of this, she suddenly saw her two cubs helping her.

  The pink and tender little Dong Chi stubbornly dug the mud with his tail. Xiao Nanmo smiled while digging. There were several little gophers around him helping.

  Seeing this scene, Si Yan's mood softened all of a sudden.

  That's great.

  These people didn't know why she had to build so many water cellars.

  They didn't know why she wanted to help other tribes.

  But she said it, and they did it.

  There was no hesitation or question.

  It's a good feeling to be trusted.

  However, this warm feeling didn't last long.

  Because the purple snake orc in front of him and the silver wolf orc next to him really PKed!

  The two males looked at each other coldly and fiercely, as if they didn't want to be slower than the other.

  The dark purple snake orc crossed his arms and looked at Tyson with contempt. His huge tail slammed into the ground.

  It was like the sky was falling and the earth was cracking!

  The honest and loyal silver wolf orc squinted his eyes slightly, looked at each other with contempt, and was fierce.

  He used his four hooves to dig and dig in the soil, very professional!

  Si Yan took a look and said anxiously: "The water cellar should not be so wide and so big, the main thing is to be deep!"

  The two males looked at Si Yan very tacitly, and then Tyson immediately lowered his head and dug down with all his four hooves! !

  Seeing this, the snake beastman's huge tail immediately turned into a gyroscope shape and drilled directly down!

  Si Yan: "..."

  Every day, it's like it's not happy if it doesn't make a fuss for a day.

  Just do it!

  Si Yan remembered the red jar in the space, which she got in White Eagle City and was originally intended to be used for brewing wine. She

  didn't want to use it when stewing meat in the Silver Wolf Tribe before, but now she wants to use it.

  Such a big jar, how delicious it is to stew meat!

  The snake beastman who was not too busy on the side was recruited by Si Yan to work. They soon hunted a prey. Although it was not as big as the one Wang usually gave her, it was enough.

  The beast meat was processed and chopped into pieces and placed in front of Si Yan.

  In front of Si Yan, the matches were already piled up. Si Yan was about to light the fire when the cold-blooded snake orc not far away stretched out his finger, and a small lightning bolt struck over, and the match in front of Si Yan was lit.

  She put up the red jar, poured the slightly marinated meat into it, threw in the washed and cut peppers and green peppercorns, then added a lot of water, sprinkled a handful of salt, and selected some vegetables and fruits that the weak orcs gave her, cut them into pieces and put them in to stew.

  Then, she covered the lid and didn't care much.

  Then, she asked the snake orcs to move out all the watermelons she had left in front of the cave to quench everyone's thirst first.

  "Everyone take a break and eat some watermelon first!" Si Yan said with a smile.

  When the snake orcs heard this, they worked harder, "Madam, we are not tired!"

  They worked very hard, and Si Yan could only arrange for them to rest.

  Snake orcs also eat this kind of green-skinned and red-fleshed fruit, but there are not so many of these fruits. I didn't expect Si Yan to bring so many watermelons with her!

  After the two water cellars in front of them were successfully completed, the water from the lake was successfully introduced into the water cellar and stored successfully.

  The meat in Si Yan's pot was also ready.

  The fragrant smell of meat spread out.

  "What's that smell, so fragrant!"

  "I've never smelled this smell before, is it the smell of food?"

  "We cold-blooded snake orcs have always eaten cold meat. We have never eaten cooked meat."

  Dong Chi: "Mom!"

  Nan Mo: Mom!

  After washing their hands, the two pink balls fluttered over. Si Yan caught them and smiled, "Wait for mom to make something delicious."

  "Yeah!" Dong Chi nodded heavily, then looked at Si Yan's pot eagerly.

  Nan Mo was the same, with two big eyes, almost embedded in her pot.

  "Thank you for your hard work, cubs, you've worked hard."

  After Si Yan put the two cubs down, she opened the pot lid.

  The fragrant smell of meat became stronger and spread in an instant.

  More snake orcs were attracted and surrounded them.

  Si Yan's pot didn't have thousands of servings, but the orcs in front of him could probably get some.

  "You guys dig a bowl, line up, and each person gets a spoonful." Si Yan shouted.

  So, the cold-blooded snake orcs lined up obediently.

  Dong Chi and Nan Mo held their wooden bowls and lined up at the front. When the people behind saw Dong Chi and Nan Mo's bowls, some of them dug out a bowl with a stone, and some dug out a bowl with a piece of wood.

  Si Yan used a large wooden spoon to stir the stewed meat, and then scooped a large piece of meat for Dong Chi and Nan Mo.

  Dong Chi and Nan Mo got the meat and went to eat it happily.

  This made the cold-blooded snake orcs behind them even more excited.

  Then, She Ying also got the stewed meat. Hu Hui was so excited. Fortunately, he came over to take a look and was lucky enough to get the meat.

  Tyson also got the meat.

  What surprised Si Yan the most was that the dark purple cold-blooded snake orc who never ate cooked food, wearing an animal skin veil, held a large basin, and stood in front of him with a cold face.

  Si Yan looked at the big basin in his hand.

  Si Yan: "..."

  Her hands were not shaking, and she scooped half of the basin for him.