
Farming in the Beast World: The villain cub is super clingy

[Females are few and males are many, farm and raise cubs, space power] After a bomb blew up the base, Si Yan traveled into the book. When she woke up, she saw four cute snake cubs who would kill her in the future. In the original book, her legs were broken by the fourth brother, her arms were broken by the third brother, her eyes were blinded by the second brother, and she died after being stabbed in the heart by the eldest brother. Si Yan kicked her legs. No, I can't lie down! However, after she was whitewashed... The eldest brother: "I think that black tiger can be our second father." The third brother: "The white eagle is more suitable." The fourth brother: "Obviously the silver wolf is better." The second brother: "..." Snake Wang: I always think about putting a hat on him every day. He is really his good son.

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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300 Chs

  Chapter 130: The Fox Tribe’s Strategy

The power of the Dark Sun Lake's Illusionary Territory, the fox beastmen and the snake beastmen are clearly divided.

  The fox beastmen look down on the snake beastmen, and the snake beastmen do not want to be disliked, so they live in a corner.

  Fortunately, their lord Shewang is a snake beastman, which makes the life of the snake beastmen in the Illusionary Territory easier.

  And now, among the fox beastmen here, in addition to the charming red fox Hu Ling and the elder of the Illusionary Territory, the red fox Hu Bu, there is actually a soft little white fox female——Jie Ling.

  After Hu Que brought Jie Ling to the Dark Sun Lake, he stood aside far away.

  He is not Jie Ling's male, but he looks more loyal than the male of the female.

  Hu Ling treats Jie Ling with the natural hostility between females: "Where did you come from, you stinky fox, and you actually ran to the Dark Sun Lake? Don't you know that the Dark Sun Lake is the territory of Shewang?!"

  Although Jie Ling is only ten years old and has a full loli style, she already has some fox charm, and even more youthful and pure feeling.

  She smiled and said, "Aunt, you don't remember me. I'm Jie Ling."

  "Jie Ling?" Hu Ling frowned and looked at her with more hostility.

  It's not that she didn't remember this little fox. Although she was young, she had a lot of fox charm. She was born to know how to seduce and how to distinguish what kind of males are worth fighting for.

  She didn't like Jie Ling, but she had to admit that Jie Ling was from the fox tribe.

  Hu Bu was surprised and said, "You are Jie Ling, are you still alive?"

  Jie Ling smiled and said, "Yes, Grandpa Hu Bu." Hu

  Ling sneered, "So what if you are alive? You are no longer a beast of my tribe."

  Jie Ling paced and said, "Aunt, don't be hostile to me. I am originally from the fox tribe, and my heart is with the fox tribe. This time, I came here for the fox tribe."

  Jie Ling smiled and said, "After all, cold-blooded snake beastmen are born lowly in their bones. We, the fox tribe, don't want to always be with cold-blooded snake beastmen, right?"

  "What nonsense are you talking about?!" Hu Ling said angrily.

  Jie Ling said, "Everyone here is one of us, so there's no need to pretend. Cold-blooded snake orcs are naturally lowly, and our tribe has to associate with them out of necessity. Now we have a chance to get rid of them, won't you?"

  The two foxes present had gloomy faces.

  Jie Ling was right.

  In the beast world, cold-blooded snake orcs have a very bad reputation. Since they merged with the cold-blooded snake orcs, the fox tribe has been ridiculed and mocked by other tribes.

  They have long wanted to break away from the cold-blooded snake orcs.

  But they don't want to leave the illusory territory, let alone the protection of the purple crystal orc Snake Wang.

  So when Snake Wang just woke up, Hu Ling's first reaction was to make a contract with Snake Wang. Unfortunately, she, who had always been successful, also failed.

  Jie Ling laughed twice.

  The illusory territory was originally the territory of the snake tribe.

  Many years ago, the fox tribe was in trouble and had no choice but to seek protection from the snake tribe.

  The snake tribe lord of the illusory territory at that time agreed to protect the fox tribe, and that's why the fox tribe took root in the illusory territory.

  However, this is not a story about a farmer and a snake, but a story about a snake and a fox.

  Today, the fox tribe, after recuperating and gradually becoming stronger, is actually dissatisfied with their old benefactors, and despises them for losing face.

  Not only do they usually ridicule the snake beastmen, but now they are even thinking of occupying the magpie's nest!

  Jie Ling smiled and said, "Aunt Hu Ling, Grandpa Hu Bu. If you want to take over the illusory territory, now is the best opportunity."

  Hu Bu smiled and asked Jie Ling, "Jie Ling, tell me."

  Hu Ling said unhappily, "Grandpa Hu Bu!"

  Hu Bu waved his hand and let Jie Ling continue.

  Jie Ling said with a smile: "Aunt, Grandpa Hu Bu. The Blazing Day is here, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter."

  "Look outside the Dark Sun Lake, how many tribes have gathered who want to come in to drink water."

  "However, Lord Falsehood occupied the entire Dark Sun Lake alone for the sake of his own people. How terrible is this?"

  "Guess what will happen next?"

  Hu Ling frowned, and Hu Bu's eyes lit up: "Jie Ling, you mean, you mean, the tribes outside will be dissatisfied, and they will unite and attack in groups?!"

  Jie Ling smiled lightly: "As long as we spread a little bit of news, the tribes outside will definitely unite in the face of life and death. At this time, we can secretly form an alliance with the tribes outside and cooperate with them from inside and outside."

  "When the tribes outside surrounded the Dark Sun Lake, we killed the cold-blooded snake orcs in one go."

  Hu Ling disagreed, "You don't know Shewang. Shewang is a purple crystal snake orc. He is very powerful."

  Jie Ling smiled and said, "Aunt, are you scared? What's wrong with a purple crystal snake orc? Our Black Tiger City Lord is also a purple crystal orc. What's more, there are so many tribes and orcs outside. Are you afraid that you can't kill a Shewang?"

  Hu Bu's eyes lit up: "Jie Ling, you are so smart! When everything is done. That False Territory - is ours!"

  Hu Que, who was standing aside, heard all this.

  His expression was very respectful and pious.

  But his mind seemed to explode!

  The schizophrenic Hu Que was obsessed: Little Jie Ling is so smart, I like her so much!

  Hu Que on the right wanted to punch his brain-dead self: Damn it, this vicious female in front of me, she even counted the city lord!


  "What is this?" Little Koi asked curiously.

  "This is a powder for treating worm diseases." Si Yan showed it to her enthusiastically.

  "Does it work?" The little koi asked expectantly.

  "Let's try it."

  The little mermaid found a leaf bowl, Si Yan took the leaf bowl, dissolved a packet of worm medicine, and then handed the leaf bowl to the mermaid, asking the mermaids to feed the salmon mermaid.

  The beautiful and weak salmon mermaid frowned slightly after being swallowed by the potion.

  "What's wrong with my aunt?" The koi asked nervously.

  Si Yan said clearly: "She should have to excrete."


  The esophagus of fish is probably a bit short.

  Before they could react, the poor salmon had already vomited.


  Fish are a race that pays great attention to their image.

  The little mermaids quickly hugged the salmon and went into the bottom of the water!

  The bottom of the water was gurgling with bubbles, and almost polluted a large area.

  "Little princess, there are worms, the worms are out!" The mermaid popped up and said happily.

  "It's out, it's out!" Koi shouted in surprise: "My aunt is really saved!!!"

  Si Yan nodded: "I'll give you a few more doses of medicine, you go back and dissolve it in water for her to drink, once a day, she will be cured in three days. She has been excreting too much recently, she may be a little weak, eat some light food."

  Koi nodded quickly and looked at Si Yan admiringly: "I know, I know, we will call more small fish and shrimp for Aunt Salmon to eat."


  Si Yan's mouth twitched.

  Mermaids eat just by calling? They don't even need to hunt?

  "Oh, right!!"

  Si Yan is pretty, and Koi couldn't control himself and couldn't show her a bad face.

  Now Koi's attitude towards Si Yan has taken a 180-degree turn.