
Farming in a Parallel World and Becoming a God

Here is Felen. In this world, myriad intelligent races nurture the tree of life, with humans merely on the ascent. Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Demi-Humans, Sea Elves, Merfolk—all inhabit their secluded island cities, while the wilderness teems with settlements of Goblins, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Jackalweres, Gnolls, and diverse Monster Tribes. Each intelligent race meticulously tends to their affairs for survival and the perpetuation of their kind. From the Fairy Wilderness to the Shadow Plane, the Ether Plane, and the Starry Realm—countless planes entwine with the Material Plane, blending seamlessly. In their God Kingdoms, the Gods scheme and vie for worship, manipulating all beings as pawns in their cosmic game. Within the depths of the Hell Abyss, devils and demons whisper, lusting after mortal souls. An ancient evil lies dormant, awaiting the world's descent into another cycle of chaos. The echoes of the Giant Empire still resonate across this ancient land. The colossal shadows of Giant Dragons still darken the skies of this realm. Gaven, the Legendary Warrior reborn, assumes the mantle of Fate Reshaper, threading through the fissures of destiny. With his prophetic foresight, he charts a careful and strategic path, shaping a future of his own making and averting impending tragedy. Gaven embarks on an unorthodox journey of magic farming—Gnolls mine for him, Fairies tend his fields, and Giants lead his charges. For indeed, Magic Farming is the true road to supremacy. ... In this Lord's tale of Magic Farming, the narrative may unfold slowly, so please extend a measure of patience and support. Preparation is extensive, with a swift writing pace, ample drafts in reserve, and an unwavering commitment to integrity.

Eternal Night Knight · Fantasy
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Gaven Nort Level 1 detailed data, this is irrelevant to the main plot, skip if you don't like_1

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In order to accommodate readers who enjoy data, the detailed character data of Gaven Nort at level one is specifically provided here. This is unrelated to the main plot, so if you don't like it, skip it.

Because DND data is too cumbersome, if I were to explain it, I could go on for seven or eight chapters and still leave some readers befuddled.

Although this book is set in Felen, it does not primarily focus on group-playing data and is mainly about storytelling. Various skills are integrated into the story without affecting the reading experience.

But there is backend data, and for those who like to see it, let me know, and I'll post it.

However, the author is also a self-taught learner, so if there's something incorrect about the data posted, please let the experts kindly point it out.

The data sources are quite mixed, using both third and fifth editions. I have chosen whichever I prefer, such as the Toughness feat, which has a different interpretation in third and fifth editions. I have selected the more powerful version from the fifth edition.

The Psychic Sorcerer originates from the class found in the psychic's handbook.

Name: Gaven Nort

Age: 16 years old

Height: 1.72 meters

Attributes: Strength 13, Constitution 14, Dexterity 16, Intelligence 18, Perception 16, Charisma 16

Class: Level 1 Psychic Sorcerer

Psychic Points: 4 points

Psychic Skills: Psychic Blast, Vigor

Life Dice: 14 (1D10+2+2)

Saving Throws: Fortitude +2, Reflex +3, Will +7

Skills: Concentration +4, Autohypnosis +4, Balance +4, Heal +4, Psicraft +4, Knowledge (Psionics) +4, Ride +4

Feats: Toughness (each professional level provides 2 additional hit points), Evasion (the ability to sense danger more acutely and evade it), Affinity for Spirit Crystal (the ability to attune to spirit crystals and create Spirit Crystal Servants), Iron Will (giving a +2 bonus in matters of resolve)

Equipment: Gnome Hand Cannon, Keen Edge Longsword, Boots of Jumping

Elf Bloodline: Has an advantage against charm effects and cannot be put to sleep by magic effects, and can enter the trance state unique to elves.

Soul of the Legendary Warrior echoes: All warrior skills are treated as class skills, proficiency with warrior-class weapons and armor is innate, the first life dice is calculated as a warrior's, and when leveling up, additional warrior feats are gained.