
Chapter 1: Crossed Over_2

"Ah, little girl, seeing as both of us are kind-hearted and saved someone, let me borrow this body of yours to live on, and I'll take good care of your family."

At that moment, the elderly lady came in with a bowl of steaming millet porridge, "Jinghan, come and have some porridge, drink it while it's hot to warm your stomach." The elderly lady held the bowl, spoon-feeding Xinyue. "Take it slow, don't burn yourself, you must be starved." Before feeding her, the elderly lady would always blow on the porridge, fearful of scalding Xinyue.

Xinyue was a bit moved, it reminded her of the times she fell ill at home, and how her grandmother would feed her in the same way. Opening her mouth, she drank the porridge, "Grandma, just give me the bowl, I can hold it myself." As she spoke, she took the bowl and quickly drank the porridge, then handed the bowl back to her grandmother.

"Do you want more? Grandma can get you another serving,"

Xinyue shook her head. She had been sick for too long and couldn't eat too much at once, "Grandma, I'm still a little tired, I want to lie down for a while longer." Her whole body ached, probably due to the fever.

"Okay, you lie down. I'm going to go outside to take a look. Your little aunt hasn't been feeling too good these past few days; I need to check on her too." After saying that, the elderly lady made sure Xinyue was covered with the quilt before she left with the bowl.

Xinyue lay on the bed, staring at the shed's ceiling, feeling a bit lost. She had suddenly become an eight-year-old girl. What should she do? Judging by the looks of it, this family didn't seem very wealthy. Ah, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. After all, turning from twenty-six to eight meant she had gained eighteen years, didn't it? It wasn't such a bad deal.

Thinking to herself, she drifted back to sleep.

Xinyue was awakened by a noisy commotion and frowned. Who was making so much noise, disturbing her sleep? Listening closely, it seemed to be a woman's voice.

"A girl gets a bit sick, and she gets chicken soup and meat. My two boys haven't seen a bit of meat, how are people supposed to live like this? Enough is enough, I must make things clear today, either we split up, or everyone eats well together. Why should only the eldest's family get to eat meat while we can't even taste the soup?" The woman's voice was sharp, almost unbearable to listen to.

"That's enough, I won't bother arguing with you. Your sister-in-law has never quibbled with you about anything. The chicken and meat were from the Wu family as thanks for Jinghan saving Liangzi's life, it's to help Jinghan recover. What are you babbling about?" That was grandma's voice.

"Auntie, Jinghan's sickness was serious this time, her fever was so high she nearly didn't make it. We are just using what others have brought to nourish the child. Do you really need to act like this? In the past, your Wenchang and the others have had their fair share of treats, did I ever say anything?" This voice seemed younger than grandma, probably Jinghan's mother. It looked like her mother was not one to be trifled with either.

"Sister-in-law, you must have evidence when you speak. Who saw Wenchang stealing food? If you keep talking like this, I'm not going to take it lying down." The sharp voice seemed to weaken a bit.

"Alright, no more useless squabbling. Since the child's awake now, that's better than anything. Go do whatever you need to do. Jinghan's mother, aren't you going to see how Jinghan's doing? Wenchang's mother, go help with cooking, isn't it your turn today? If your mother is cooking, what are you doing here?" An old man's voice, quite authoritative, silenced the sharp voice.

Xinyue heard the door open and two people came in. The first was a nearly thirty-year-old woman, rather good-looking, except marked by the signs of age, most likely due to working outdoors every day. The girl behind her was about ten years old, fair and delicate, sharing a resemblance to the woman—likely mother and daughter.

In Jinghan's memory, these were Jinghan's mother and sister. Mrs. Xue walked up to the bed, touched Xinyue's forehead, "Hmm, the fever's gone; it looks like you really are getting better. Little girl, we'll see if you dare to act recklessly again."

"Mother, I won't dare anymore; wasn't it just too urgent at the time?" Xinyue spoke up.

"Little sister, you're finally awake, you've really worried mother these past few days." The beautiful young girl also spoke, her voice was gentle and pleasant to the ears.

"Big sister, I know, I won't dare do it again, okay?" Xinyue's tone was pitiful. She had truly learned her lesson; she was in such a state, could they not pity her and stop scolding her?

"Now that you're awake, sit up for a while. Lying down all the time will make your head feel heavy. Your father's gone up the mountain and hasn't come back yet, he might bring back something good for you to eat." Mrs. Xue stroked Xinyue's little face lovingly.

Big sister Jingya stepped forward, helped Xinyue up and found a pillow for her to lean on. "Big brother took little brother over to Uncle Si's, they haven't been home for a few days. When he comes back and sees you like this, he's sure to scold you. You better get well soon; when big brother returns, there will be nothing left to say."

Xinyue suddenly sat up, feeling truly lightheaded. She steadied her head with her hand, "I'm so dizzy."

"You've been feverish for three days, it'd be weird if you weren't dizzy," Jingya mumbled on the side.

"It's alright, a few days of rest and you'll be better. Grandma made chicken soup for you; I'll go check on it and bring some for you. Once you have the chicken soup, you'll have more energy," Mrs. Xue said and went out.