
Farming and opening up wasteland, I pampered the marquis in ancient ti

As soon as she woke up, someone called her a fool. Jiang Xinyan said angrily in her heart: Your whole family is a fool. Then she sadly discovered that she had dressed up as a substitute for a fool and married a marquis who was disfigured and lame. Faced with the tragedy in the marquis's mansion, the seriously injured Jiang Xinyan and her newlywed lame husband-in-law and their whole family were forced to go into exile. The Houfu family has an old one, a young one, a middle age and a middle age, but they are disabled! Jiang Xinyan punched her wretched third uncle, kicked her son, and finally walked through the thrilling journey of exile. Only when she arrived at her destination did she realize that it was a barbaric place. There is not even a broken house without a roof, so freezing to death is impossible. Jiang Xinyan relies on her superb medical skills and the space for a jade pendant given by her mother-in-law. Turn the disfigured + disabled husband into a beautiful husband, and turn the wild land into a paradise.

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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250 Chs

Chapter 195 Uncle Chu takes the blame

Jiang Xinyan did not enter the women's clothing store at that time, and just picked out her grandmother's and mother's cloaks in a hurry.

  She bought children's clothing stores one after another, and there were many half-year-olds in the team. Mainly, Chu Lixiang's cute baby caught her eye.

  If there is anything good-looking or delicious, he will be the first thing that comes to mind. Other children are all influenced by Chu Lixiang.

  The officials looked at Zhao Yu and others jealously, wearing majestic cloaks.

  They don't even have a short cotton-padded jacket, hey! Comparing people to each other makes people angry!

  The official leader sighed countless times about the unfair fate. It was clear that he also had the opportunity to photograph Miss Ma Jiang.

  Seeing that the third uncle of the Chu family was worse off than him, with a pig-headed face that had not yet healed, the official officer leader regained his balance.

  Uncle Chu was curled up in a corner under a quilt. When he formed a team, he was with his youngest son.

  But that little thing would rather be crowded with his brother than get close to him.

  Loneliness was a word that Uncle Chu had only seen in books. Only then did he realize what loneliness and loneliness were.

  It was obvious that he had a son and a daughter by his side, but they didn't even give him a look.

  At the beginning, I would give him a few eye rolls, but now I don't even bother to give him any.

  Third Uncle Chu has never hated the eldest prince so much, and he also hated Chu Lijie.

  And the eldest prince, whom he hated, wanted to tear him apart now!

  The emperor hinted openly and secretly to the eldest prince that the confiscated property of the marquis should be put into the national treasury.

  Especially the eldest princess's dowry, when her mother-in-law broke up her daughter's childhood sweetheart out of guilt.

  His mother's concubine gave all her dowry, as well as his father's reward, to the eldest princess.

  The emperor's dragon shadow guard reported that among the properties of the Marquis, only Zhuangzi and the shop were still there.

  The warehouse of the Houfu was empty, the eldest princess's private treasury was also empty, and even the dowry of the second lady of the Prime Minister's house was gone.

  According to Longyingwei's report, Miss Jiang Er's dowry is very generous, and there is also a panacea from the Heavenly Medicine Valley!

  Then, the Longying Guard reported that they saw that the dowry of the old lady of the Marquis House and the private treasury of Zhennan Marquis were still there.

  After returning to report to the Holy Emperor, that night, the eldest prince brought a large number of people and evacuated the place overnight.

  In fact, Chu Lixuan's private treasury was taken into the space by himself, and the time was when the eldest prince and his people were in the palace.

  In the large warehouse of the Hou Mansion, the eldest princess's dowry and Jiang Xinyan's dowry are still placed in the space untouched!

  However, Long Shadow Guard didn't see it! What they saw was the eldest prince leading people to move things.

  Nowadays, memorials about the locust plague in various cities are floating like snowflakes into the emperor's study room.

  The state capitals are crying for money, and the border military camps are asking for food.

  The Minister of Hubu knelt on the stone steps of Taihe Hall every day, shouting that he wanted to resign.

  In the past few years, foreign enemies invaded and wars were fought every year. The national treasury has been empty for a long time.

  The emperor wanted to exile Chu Lixuan's family at that time, which meant that he was greedy for the property of the Marquis.

  Otherwise, why would the emperor exile Chu Lixuan after more than a dozen imperial doctors confirmed that he was disabled?

  It's a pity that the eldest prince got there first. Can the emperor suffer the disadvantage of being dumb?

  That's no, no, the emperor just made things difficult for the eldest prince and wanted to force him to take the initiative to hand it over to the treasury, so the eldest prince was so angry that he was so angry.

  Whatever he handed over, he got a small warehouse and dozens of dowries.

  The eldest prince knew that no one would believe him if he said it, so he simply refused to admit it.

  He also pretended not to understand what his father said, but he felt sick in his heart.

  When he returned home, he beat Concubine Jiang again to vent her anger, and sent someone to ask Chu Lijie for questioning.

  "Where did your father hide all the Houfu's warehouse?"

  Chu Lijie was dumbfounded. He was always with his father, but his father didn't hide anything from the Houfu's warehouse!

  He remembered his father scolding him through gritted teeth, saying that the eldest prince had crossed the river and demolished the bridge in an attempt to embezzle the property of their palace.

  Therefore, he didn't want to worry about his father coming back to the capital. Chu Lijie was a quick-minded person.

  Since the eldest prince wanted to embezzle the property of their marquis, why not ask him hypocritically.

  She must have hoped that he would cover up this fact, so the blame could only be placed on his father.

  "If you go back to Your Highness, Cao Min doesn't know! Cao Min and my mother live in the dowry village of Cao Min's mother."

  "Aren't you always with your father?"

  "Cao Min doesn't follow Cao Min's father all the time. Even the common people don't know that our Houfu is going to be exiled.

  This is a fact. Chu Lijie did not know it beforehand. He only found out about it on the night before departure.

  Moreover, Chu Lijie saw with his own eyes the gold and silver treasures in the Marquis's warehouse, but his father really didn't take them.

  The eldest prince cursed: "Your father is really nothing. He has gone too far. He took so much gold and silver and didn't give any of it to you, the eldest son."

  Chu Lijie: ...

  He was speechless. , I despise the eldest prince in my heart. If you are greedy for ink, just be greedy for ink!

  He made it look like he didn't really take it, but he saw with his own eyes that the gold and silver treasures were all in the warehouse!

  He and his father walked on the exile road empty-handed the next day.

  Whether a person has gold or silver in his hands can be seen a little bit from his facial expression.

  What's more, the eldest prince is sure that Chu Lijie is such a single and stupid person, and he really doesn't know.

  The eldest prince really wanted to kill Uncle Chu, but he wanted to take a long-term view and catch a big fish.

  He couldn't kill Chu Lijie, so he could only say politely: "Hey! That's your family matter. I can't say anything. You'd better find a way to contact your father and give you the property of the Marquis."

  Chu Lijie Thinking that the eldest prince was perfunctory and asked him to promise not to talk about it everywhere, he immediately expressed his loyalty and said: "My father will never take it out, never."

  Because his father didn't!

  The eldest prince asked: "Are you so sure that your father will not take it out?"

  "Yes, the common people can use the heads on their necks to guarantee it. My father will never give it to the common people."

  "Why are you so sure?"

  Chu Lijie Angry, First Prince, enough is enough! No one is trying to snatch it from you, so why do you need to beat it again and again?

  But he didn't dare to show it, "Your Highness, the father of Cao Min has died on the way to exile! There was lack of water and food on the way..."

  "Dead? He is actually dead!" The eldest prince was greatly shocked.

  He didn't dare to kill Chu Lijie at this time. If he killed him, his father would think that he had killed someone and silenced him!

  "Then you come with me to see the Holy One tomorrow! Have you decided what to say?"

  "The common people don't know! Please give His Highness instructions."

  "You must tell the Holy One where your father hid the Houfu's property, and you also I don't know, otherwise I wouldn't be able to protect you."

  Chu Lijie thought to himself that it was indeed what he thought, and he wanted his father to take the blame.

  He really didn't know whether his father was dead or not, but Chu Lijie knew one thing very well.

  From now on, the property of their Houfu will be hidden by his father.

  Chu Lijie is a smart man, he thought of his words in one go.