
Farmer: The first

Jason was one day walking home from his work hoping for another uneventful day, but that was only wishful thinking. He saved someone, but because not all good deeds are rewarded he unexpectedly died. He didn't go to the afterlife, but instead meet god who offered him a second chance, but again not every good deeds are rewarded and he is reincarnated. A cruel and brutal world awaited him. Full of magic ,adventure and opportunities,but is it worth living.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs


*chatter chatter*


Jason slowly opened his eyes as he woke up, but quickly closed them again. It was too bright for him to see so he decided to take five more minutes of sleep....


He sat up immediately and a feeling of nausea hit him. He felt like someone had just uppercutted his brain out of his head. It was so disorienting to him that he immediately puked.

"Kyaaaaa.... brother?! You , you're awake....uaaaaaaa....

As he was puking his guts out he felt someone hug him from the back. It felt a little familiar to him, but now that all his strength was focused of puking, he didn't think much about it. He spent about 20 seconds dry heaving before he was relived enough to lift up his head and what he saw stunned him.

He was now inside a very big indoor place with a high ceiling made of wood, and the wall made of rock. All around him were people, some standing, some laying on a cloth on the ground , but that was not what surprised him. All these people who were here were wearing clothing he had never seen before , some were even wearing armor.

Then he was hit by the smell. It was like someone fermented shit & piss and just sprayed a little perfume to mask it.

' Who the hell are these people? Where is this place? Why...

"Brother, are you feeling better? Does it hurt anywhere?"

'This voice.' Jason turned around and surely, it was the girl he had saved. He hadn't taken a good look at her before, but now that he had he found that she was a little scrawny for her age, with long beige hair that really needed to be coombed. She had a plump face compared to her body , green emerald eyes and a little pronounced nose.

"Who are you, and where is this place?" said Jason drily as he was trying as much as he could to ignore the headache.

"..... brother what are you talking about? Don't you know who I am?!" said the girl as she tightly grabbed Jason's hand. Fear was clearly an emotion that she couldn't hide.

As he saw her reaction Jason finally understood. The thing had reincarnated him into the body of someone else and this girl was that someone else's sister.

' This complicates things a lot. Right of the bat I'm being put in a bad situation, but with a little luck I'll manage to fool her.'

He calmed himself down and decided to play the only card he had right now, the amnesia card. He put on the best terrified face he could muster and went to town.

"I.. I don't remember. All I can remember is that...is that....

I can't remember my name! Why can't I remember my name? Who am I?!"

Jason grabbed his head as if he has in seriously pain and started to strain his body a little. It was a very lackluster performance, but it seems to be working.

"No... brother...

The girl was also shocked as she covered her mouth in surprise. Even tears started clouding her green eyes , but as she was about to cry, a shadow blocked the light for both of them. This made Jason stop pretending and raise his head to see what it was and he was a little shocked.

Staring down at him were two people. One of them was a middle aged woman wearing a long yellow one piece cloth that covers her from head to toe, with only her face showing. She had a small smile on her face, but her eyes were deep and didn't hold much emotion.Next to her was a tall man no older than 30 years old. He had a clean shaven face, black piercing eyes and small scar on his jaw. He was wearing armor covering most of his body, beside his upper arms and things, and he also had a sword on his hip.

Jason hadn't noticed, but the girl next to him was deeply bowing to the two of them. She was practically kissing the ground.

"Hmmm....is this the guy? He seems a little.... you know." said the man as he scratched his chin. He also cast his piercing gaze to the woman beside him, but she didn't show any reaction.

"Of course he is the one. I wouldn't dare to lie to you Captain. He was found on the scene of the murder and the weapon was also in his hand."


The man continued to scratch his chin as he was thinking about something, but suddenly and without any sign he punched towards Jason face. Jason of course didn't know what to do and on instinct he just closed his eyes and waited for the pain to come.


After a while , as the pain still hadn't come he opened his eyes to only be greeted by a sword tip in front of his face. It was so close that he could feel the coldness of the metal.

"It seems that you really are what you look like. Still..... even if you can fake your reactions, you can't fool the stone.

Hold out your hand!"

Jason didn't want to do anything of what the man was saying, but the sword in front of him was a good at convincing him so he stretched out his hand.


As he said that the man took a round crystal ball from a leather pouch on his belt and put it on Jason's outstretched hand. The crystal ball was not that big , about 5 cm in diameter and was very smooth, like a mirror.

' It's cold, ice cold. What is this?'

The ball felt cod to the touch, like he was holding a piece of ice, but colder. It felt like it was sucking the heat out of his hand, but Jason wasn't paying much attention to that. He was more intrigued by the picture that appeared on the crystal ball.

' A sickle and some leaf's? What does that mean?'

"Hahaha....you are one lucky son of a bitch! To be able to kill two cultists by yourself....

Tell me , how did you do it?"

The man finally put away the sword making Jason released a sigh of relief, but the fear was still there.


Jason repeated the word and didn't know what to make of it. He had killed two people , but as for what they were....

"What, don't tell me you forgot? Do you really....hahaha....

Man, are you sure you're not a court jester or something? Why are you so damn funny?"

Jason listened to the man laughing at his face and really wanted to punch him in the balls, but he saw the woman shaking her head. This made him calm down and he decided the L for now.

"Anyway, my job here is done. Also, here cach....


The man threw another smaller pouch to Jason's lap and didn't wait even a second as he turned around and left. This stunned Jason as he didn't know what to say or do, but only watch as the man's back to farther and farther away.