
Chapter 68 Planning (1)

Mrs. Du was also very satisfied. Such a luxurious restaurant not only did not cost them a penny, but they could also live in such a decent house for free. She had just seen it. The house was quiet and elegant, with all the necessary furniture and things, and it also had a ground heating. Living there in the winter must be very comfortable!

  "Okay, let's do as the shopkeeper said!"

  It's not every day that pie in the sky falls on you. Caiwei agreed without hesitation.

  The two sides talked very smoothly and soon signed the cooperation documents. The contract stipulated that in three days, Caiwei would officially take over the Bafu Restaurant and become a shareholder of the Bafu Restaurant, temporarily managing the Bafu Restaurant!

  After hearing about the Bafu Restaurant, the three members of the Zhou family were all pleasantly surprised, but after the surprise, they were all a little uneasy.

  Caiwei bought the store without spending a penny. Did she still need their 100 taels to invest?

  Caiwei saw what they were thinking and said with a smile: "Now everything is ready in the restaurant, so there is no need to spend money to purchase anything. Uncle Zhou's 100 taels are not needed. Why not take the eight wild boars from your family as shares? I will give you two shares!" With

  eight wild boars, they can get shares in such a big restaurant, and they also have two shares. This is really a big bargain!

  The Zhou family was overjoyed. They knew that it was Caiwei who was taking care of them. They felt a little embarrassed and wanted to refuse, but they couldn't bear to reject her kindness. After thinking about it, they took the initiative to take over the barbecue work. From now on, Jiujin and Uncle Zhou will be responsible for the barbecue in the restaurant. Aunt Zhou also took the initiative to take charge of the work of skewering meat.

  Caiwei did not oppose their decision. Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou were both face-saving people who didn't like to take advantage of others. Only in this way could they feel at ease to take the share of the two shares.

  After all the arrangements were made, Uncle Zhou and his family went to look for a house nearby. Although the backyard of the restaurant was a two-entry yard, which was large enough to accommodate their two families, the two families were not blood relatives after all, and there was a difference between men and women. Living together would inevitably be criticized, so in order to avoid suspicion, Uncle Zhou and his family decided to go out and look for a house.

  Caiwei and her mother were not idle either. They first went to the blacksmith shop and ordered 3,000 iron skewers for skewers, three iron stoves for grilling skewers, and several wire screens for grilling. Because they were in a hurry, the blacksmith needed to work day and night. Caiwei added three cents of fire money to the blacksmith before he was willing to accept her order.

  After leaving the blacksmith shop, they went to the vegetable market. As the year was coming to an end, there were many people in the vegetable market, and the shops on both sides of the street were also very lively, mostly country people who came to buy New Year's goods.

  Caiwei first went to a shop selling green vegetables. In the winter in the north, green vegetables are a luxury food. They are grown on the kang by farmers. The kang is half the size of a house. If it is burned on a low fire for more than half a month, it can produce at most four or five kilograms of green vegetables. Therefore, green vegetables are very precious in this season.

  After walking around the green vegetable shop and asking about the prices of several kinds of green vegetables, Caiwei already had an idea in her mind. She had a large area of ​​green vegetables in her space, which was many times better than those in the green vegetable shop. She could take this opportunity to sell them to her own restaurant, which was very cost-effective...

  After finishing many matters, it was almost dusk. Uncle Zhou drove the ox cart, carrying a few people who were in high spirits, and slowly returned to the village.

  Uncle Zhou's house has also been rented. It is in a residential area not far from the Bafu Restaurant. There are three main rooms with furniture. It is clean and comfortable. Aunt Zhou liked it at first sight. In the end, she rented it for 700 wen per month and can move in at any time.