
Chapter 62: The Thoughts of the First Wife

  The remote and desolate border town ushered in another dark night in the chilly wind.

  Under the moonlight, the crisp sound of horse hooves accompanied by the rolling of wheels came slowly from afar. As the sound gradually increased, an ordinary two-wheeled carriage slowly came out in the twilight, drove into the town, and stopped in an alley.


  The coachman reined in the carriage, turned around and shouted to the carriage flatteringly: "Young Master, we're here!"

  The wind swirled, the curtain rose, and two guards in dark blue brocade clothes jumped out and landed silently on the ground. Then they took off their feet and patrolled the alley like the wind. They returned to the side of the carriage and said respectfully to the carriage: "Master, please come out!"


  There was a lazy response from the carriage, and that sound was lazier than the breeze at night. A guard stepped forward and lifted the curtain.

  The night was hazy, and the ground was covered with residual snow. A handsome young man in brocade clothes and white fur coat flew out, like a pear tree blooming in the night, beautiful but too enchanting.

  After stopping, the man raised his charming eyes and said in a light voice: "Tell him!"

  Before Mu Zhongli understood what was going on, he was carried into the carriage by two tall and strong guards.

  A knife flashing with cold light was across his neck, and he felt cold inch by inch. The guard's tone was even colder: "Remember, you are not allowed to mention the fact that you sent us here today to anyone, otherwise--" He

  raised his hand, and the half-foot-long knife brushed his ear and suddenly pierced into the wall of the carriage.

  Mu Zhongli was a farmer, how could he have seen such a scene? The moment the knife was close to his ear, his eyes stabbed and he fainted...


  The guard sneered, turned over and went with his master...

  It was unknown how long it took

  Mu Zhongli to wake up. He was frozen awake. It was already late at night. The horse had been parked there for who knows how long, snorting impatiently and paddling its hooves. He got up in panic, lifted the curtain and looked around. Seeing no one, he got out of the carriage, whipped the horse, and ran away like a fly.

  What a damn bad luck!

  Seeing that this young man was dressed in gorgeous clothes, gentle and sensible, he thought he was an easy person to get along with. He flattered him all the way, hoping that he would reward him with some silver because of his diligence. Who would have thought that he would not be rewarded with a penny when he arrived at the place, and it almost cost him his life. What a thing! When he

  rushed back to the village, it was almost midnight. He returned home angrily and saw that the whole family was still awake. For the first time, they lit oil lamps and waited for him.

  "Dad, you're back!"

  Cai Ping saw Mu Zhongli and hurriedly poured a cup of hot tea. She came over with a flickering look in her eyes, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

  Mu Zhongli was depressed and didn't care about observing his daughter's mood. He took the cup and gulped it down. With a dark face, he stuffed the cup back to his daughter.

  Seeing that he looked gloomy and didn't look like he had gotten an advantage, Li asked tentatively, "What's wrong? Didn't you get any reward?"

  Mu Zhongli glared at his wife fiercely, spat on her head, and cursed, "You woman with long hair and short knowledge, you believe everything you hear. Not only did I make a wasted trip, but I almost lost my life!"

  Mu Bai was shocked and said, "Why are you saying this?"

  Mu Zhongli said "Hi" and sat down on the edge of the kang. He didn't hide anything and told her everything about the threats he encountered in the town. At the end, he pointed at Li's face and cursed angrily, "It was all because of you, you bitch. You talked nonsense and almost made me lose my head."

  Li was afraid of her husband and said hurriedly, "How dare I talk nonsense? I heard it with my own ears outside the window of the Zhou family. Not only me, but Mu Saner's wife also heard it. If you don't believe me, go ask her. The young master did reward the Zhou family with 100 taels of silver. Even the one from our second room got 100 taels!"

  "Okay, it's late at night, stop yelling!"

  Mu Liankui roared, knocking on the pipe, "If there is no reward, then there is no reward. If the first wife is not rewarded, the second wife is rewarded anyway. It's our Mu family's money anyway! What are you arguing about?"

  Mu Chongfu said with a fake smile, "Grandpa, you treat the second wife as your own, but they don't appreciate it. Didn't they seize our weaknesses and break off relations with us a few days ago?"

  Mu Liankui snorted, "Whether we break off relations or not, it's not up to them. When your second uncle comes back, I'll have my own plans!"

  "Yes, yes, yes, when the second brother comes back, I will make him divorce that bitch!" Mu Bai gritted her teeth, her old face becoming more and more distorted because of jealousy and envy.

  Li said with a smile: "Look at what mother said. You have been trying to get the second son to divorce his wife for a day or two, but he is not willing to do so?"

  This sentence hit the old lady's lungs. She stared and cursed: "It's all because of that bitch who came from nowhere. She is a bitch all day long and has bewitched the second son. Just wait and see. Sooner or later, I will make her get out of our Mu family, and also drive out the little bitch that crawled out of her intestines. Only then will there be peace!"

  Mu Caiping said: "Grandma, don't disbelieve me. If the second aunt has not violated any of the seven grounds for divorce, the second uncle will never divorce his wife, unless... Second Aunt committed some shameful mistakes, and Second Uncle was a face-saving man, so he had to divorce her!"

  All the people present were speechless after hearing this. After a while, Mu Liankui laughed, "I didn't expect that our Ping'er, at such a young age, has some knowledge. You are right. If you want to make the stubborn Second Uncle turn back, you have to think of a way to ruin that woman's reputation!"

  Under the lamp

  , Mrs. Du sneezed for no reason. Caiwei said, "Mother, we have to get up early to go to town tomorrow. Let's go to bed early!"

  Mrs. Du lowered her neck, her hands flying with needles and sewing, and she saw that a pink coat was about to be completed.

  "Mother, I'm not sleepy. Just a few more stitches will be done. Finish your coat so that you can wear it in town tomorrow, so that you won't be cold."

  Caifei also raised the upper and sole of the shoe in her hand, and said with a smile: "I will also try to make this pair of embroidered shoes for my sister. Tomorrow, my sister will wear new clothes and new shoes to the town, and it will look good!"

  Seeing that they had made up their minds, Caiwei did not dare to persuade them any more, for fear that it would bring disaster to herself. If she was caught by her mother to learn some kind of needlework, it would be too annoying to stay here. After thinking for a while, she said: "I will go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for tomorrow."

  The kitchen was full of food that Caiwei bought at the market when she sold wild boars. She looked at it again and again, and finally locked her eyes on sweet potatoes.

  Sweet potatoes, also known as red taro, commonly known as sweet potatoes, are a kind of food that nourishes the middle and harmonizes blood, replenishes qi and produces body fluids. The most important thing is that it has the function of breast enhancement!

  Caiwei's body is already thirteen years old, but it is as flat as a washboard, without any signs of development. Looking at her small body and thinking about the turbulent waves in her previous life, she can't help feeling a little lost.

  Of course, the loss is only temporary, improvement is the key!

  She took out a few sweet potatoes and steamed them in a pot.

  While steaming the sweet potatoes, she went into the space to take a look. The result was shocking!