
Chapter 47 White Fox Fur (1)

 The water tank at home is very large, and it takes six or seven buckets of water to fill it up. Caiwei arranged the scented tea for her mother, then picked up the bucket and went out to fetch water.

  As soon as she went out, she ran into Wu'er who had just returned from outside. The little guy lowered his head, pouted his lips, and looked like he was worried.

  "Oh, what happened to our Wu'er?" Caiwei squatted down, smiled and held up Wu'er's thin little face to look at it.

  "Eldest sister..." Wu'er pouted and muttered, "Tell me, why doesn't brother Jiujin listen to adults?"

  "What's wrong with Jiujin?"

  Wu'er said in a muffled voice, "Brother Jiujin secretly went up the mountain to hunt early in the morning. There are many wild boars in the mountain now. What if we run into one? Aunt Zhou is worried at home."


  Caiwei's heart sank, and she asked loudly, "What about Uncle Zhou? Did you ask someone to help find Jiujin?"

  Wu'er shook her head, "Uncle Zhou went back to Zhoujiatun yesterday to attend a wedding banquet. He stayed there at night and hasn't come back yet." Caiwei

  pinched her eyebrows and felt a severe headache.

  This stupid boy must have gone hunting for her nursing home. He didn't even think about it. Now the mountain is closed with heavy snow and wild boars are everywhere. Does he think wild boars are so easy to deal with?

  Even if it is her, who has been trained in the deep mountains of Changbai Mountain since she was a child and often comes into contact with wild boars, she must be cautious when dealing with wild boars and dare not take it lightly.

  When hunting wild boars, you should observe the footprints of wild boars and first observe whether the object you are hunting is a single one or a group of several. If it is the latter, you'd better give up your plan, because wild boars are not only united, but also very powerful. They not only have hard fangs, but also have a hard skin that is invulnerable to swords and guns. Especially when they are irritated, their crazy revenge is absolutely beyond human imagination. Wild boars are omnivores. They eat everything, grains, weeds, fruits, insects, and of course, people. In this season when the mountains are closed by heavy snow, if a group of hungry wild boars encounter a person, they will definitely not let him go!

  She suppressed her inner uneasiness, comforted Wu'er a few words, sent him back to the house, and left quickly on the pretext of fetching water. When she passed the firewood pile, she threw the bucket into the space, and ran up the mountain alone, praying in her heart, hoping that the silly boy would not run into the wild boars.

  However, even if he couldn't find the wild boar, the wild boar would find him. The wild boar's sense of smell was very sensitive and could search for a walnut buried under 2 meters of snow. Therefore, even if the silly boy stood against the wind, the wild boar could find him accurately.

  Now, Caiwei could only hope that the one who found him was a solitary wild boar, so that he would be less likely to get into trouble. Although most wild boars live in groups of 4 to 10, there are also solitary ones. The one Caiwei hunted a few days ago lived alone! After

  running out of the village and reaching the foot of the mountain, Caiwei shouted in a low voice: "Come out!"


  The parrot flapped its wings and flew out first: "Ga ga, I'm back in the world again, it's so damn cold!"

  White Eyebrow and White Hair Tiger also flashed out. White Eyebrow was like a white lightning, falling from the dead branch in the air, drawing a white arc, and landing in front of Caiwei smartly and gracefully.

  The white-haired tiger was like a small white mountain, with its long body bent. It roared, shaking the mountain. The snow on the branches fell down with the roar.

  "Master, what do you want us to do?"