
Chapter 41 Treasure (2)

"It has such a miraculous effect?"

  Caiwei touched her yellow and thin cheeks, and thought of her mother's face that looked like dried sausages. She was secretly delighted.

  With this beauty fruit, she would soon become a tender beauty. Although she had been busy improving her family's life since she came here, she did not pay much attention to her appearance, but this did not mean that she did not care about her appearance. In fact, she not only cared about it, but also cared about it to death. In her previous life, she was a very fashionable beauty expert. She would never go out without dressing up. After coming here, she had to put her appearance aside because she could not solve the problem of food and clothing. Now, with this magical treasure space, she has become an invisible tycoon. She does not need to worry about her livelihood. Beauty can finally be put on the agenda!

  And mother, as long as she eats this beauty fruit more often, mother can also restore her former beauty!

  Oh, by the way, if we sell this beauty fruit, how much should we sell it for?

  The old turtle seemed to see what Caiwei was thinking, and said slowly: "The beauty fruit comes from the bitter and cold land of the far north. It takes nearly 300 years for a fruit to grow from rooting to flowering and fruiting. We are a treasured land of immortals, gathering the spirit of immortals. When the real person planted this fruit, it took nearly 30 years for it to bloom and bear fruit."

  The old turtle wanted to tell her that the beauty fruit is precious and rare, and it should not be given to others easily. But Caiwei caught another message from the old turtle's words.

  Things that take 300 years to grow outside only take ten years here, that is to say, plants can grow faster here! If this is the case, crops and the like, from sowing to maturity outside, it takes five months, but here, from sowing to maturity, wouldn't it only take fifteen days!

  "That's true." The old turtle saw Caiwei's thoughts with his mind, and explained slowly: "Any kind of plant outside, when it comes here, the growth cycle will be accelerated ten times, and no matter what region the species is from, it can survive here!"

  Wow! Whether it is the Arctic, Antarctic, tropical or subtropical plants, they can all be planted here, which is amazing! It is really a treasure!

  Caiwei admired it sincerely in her heart, and put the purple agate-like fruit to her lips and took a bite gently.

  In an instant, a sweet juice overflowed from the gap between her teeth, and her mouth was full of an intoxicating fragrance. She tapped her teeth and chewed the sweet and juicy flesh. The sweet and crisp taste moved her who had tasted countless delicacies!

  "It's delicious!"

  She closed her eyes, chewed slowly, and tasted it carefully.

  In addition to the beauty fruit, there are also glass fruit that can enhance physical fitness; chrysanthemum tea fruit that clears the heart and nourishes the lungs; Dian fruit that brightens the eyes and refreshes the mind...

  Soon, a plate of various fruits, most of which went into her stomach!

  "Wei'er...have you finished eating?"

  Mother's voice came from outside. Caiwei hurriedly swallowed the fruit in her mouth, wiped the juice from the corners of her mouth, said hello to a few mythical beasts, and quickly said to go out. She returned to the kitchen in an instant.

  The heat from the pot in the kitchen had not yet dissipated. It seemed that the speed in space was different from the speed in the world.

  Back in the big house, mother and Fei'er were putting away their needlework and preparing to go to bed. Seeing Caiwei coming out, she asked, "Have you finished eating?" "

  Yes, I've finished. It's delicious!"

  Caiwei squinted her eyes and thought of the parrot's wolfing down. She laughed. She didn't expect that a small bird had such a big stomach. A large plate of dumplings was eaten up by it in minutes!

  "Is it enough? Are you full?" Mother asked.

  Caiwei touched her belly and put on a satisfied expression: "I'm full, so stuffed! The dumplings mother made are so delicious!"

  Mrs. Du smiled lovingly and said, "This is not worth much. Since you like it, mother will make you more tomorrow. Anyway, there is enough meat and noodles at home."