
Farmer? No! I'm the Mastermind Behind the Scenes!

In a world shattered by monstrous invasions, where humanity teetered on the brink of extinction, a flicker of hope emerged through the awakening of jobs and skills—powers that granted ordinary people the strength to push back against the encroaching darkness. But amidst the chaos, not all awakenings were met with applause. Alexander, a soul reincarnated from Earth, found himself in this brutal reality, gifted with the job of a mere "Farmer." His talent, cryptically named "An Inch of Heavens," bore no clear promise, no shining potential. At first, disillusionment gnawed at him; in a world where power was everything, what use was a talent that spoke of soil and harvests? But beneath the surface of this mundane job lay a truth that even the gods might envy. "An Inch of Heavens" was no ordinary talent—it was a gateway to boundless power, a force that, in the right hands, could reshape the very fabric of the world. He did not step forward to be humanity's shining knight. No, Alexander embraced the shadows, becoming a mastermind who saw the world not as a cause worth saving, but as a chessboard ripe for his control. Alexander had the power, and what did he do with it? He became the unseen force, the boss behind the scenes, not to save humanity, but to craft a reality where his fantasies reigned supreme. And in that unforgiving world, it was not the loudest voice that won, but the one who controlled the silence.

joyce_4070 · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 17: Yvette Ivanova's First Task

After eating the strange fruit, Yvette Ivanova braced herself for the painful effects of what she assumed was a powerful drug.

But moments passed, and she felt nothing unusual.

Then suddenly, she froze in place.

[Transformation Fruit: C-level]

[Consumes energy to change your outfit. You can alter the design, color, style, size, and fit of your clothes according to your will. The outfit will disappear if it suffers major damage.]

She couldn't believe it. She had awakened an ability?

Could it have been that awful fruit she just ate that triggered her awakening?

The overwhelming realization that something beyond her understanding was happening filled her with fear.

But then again, this ability felt so... trivial. For a mistress, it might be useful—after all, it allowed her to role-play at any time.

Just as she was thinking this, a sharp pain pierced through her brain.

It felt like her mind was on fire, the searing agony so intense that it almost choked the breath out of her.

Yvette collapsed onto the floor, writhing in pain. Her eyes begged Alexander for mercy:

"Please, Mr. Alexander, I'll do anything you want, just stop the pain!"

She knew he was behind this torment.

Alexander stopped the flames that were burning her from within and looked at her coldly:

"Consider this a warning. Betraying me will result in you suffering the agony of being burned alive."

Yvette was terrified. She knelt on the floor, pledging her loyalty.

She didn't know whether the pain had come from Alexander or the fruit.

All she knew was that she had no choice but to obey.

Alexander sat back down:

"From today, you are a member of the Flame of Creation Mercenary Guild."

"As tradition dictates, new hunters who eat the fruit must complete a beginner task."

"This task will not be difficult for you."

"You can leave now. Jack will tell you everything you need to know."

Yvette no longer had any thoughts of seducing Alexander.

Everything felt like a dream to her—too unreal to grasp.

With Alexander's permission, she weakly stepped out in her high heels and made her way to the door.

When Jack saw her pale face and the cold sweat covering her body, he sighed helplessly.

He got out of the car, helped Yvette into the front passenger seat, and began driving her home.

For a long time, Yvette sat in silence, trying to process everything. Eventually, she tried using her newfound ability.

Her tight black dress shimmered briefly with a soft pink glow before transforming into a burgundy evening gown.

Jack glanced over and said:

"So, you've joined the guild. Whatever you do, don't even think about betraying him. It won't end well for you."

Yvette leaned against the leather seat, her eyes gazing blankly out the window:

"Alexander... he's from a powerful organization, isn't he?"

She had thought he was just a rich kid.

If she had known he came from a superhuman faction, she wouldn't have dared to get involved with him.

She had heard of these factions—they were dangerous and treated human lives like playthings.

Especially those second-generation heirs, competing for leadership positions. The women around them rarely met a good end and were often sacrificed along the way.

Jack shook his head:

"He's not an heir of a powerful faction."

Yvette smiled bitterly:

"So, someone like me isn't even worthy of knowing his true identity?"

Jack replied:

"He's the founder of one."

Yvette blinked in disbelief:

"What do you mean?"

Jack briefly explained how Alexander could cultivate extraordinary plants and gave a restrained introduction to the Flame of Creation Mercenary Guild.

Then, he took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Yvette:

"There's one million in here. It's from Alexander."

All those who entered Alexander's courtyard were considered trusted individuals.

"There are many benefits to sticking with him," Jack said as Yvette Ivanova dumbly accepted the card.

A million—was this a welcome gift?

She knew well that aside from her looks and figure, she had no real value. Why had Alexander chosen her?

Jack continued, "Your phone has automatically downloaded an app. It's the Flame of Creation Mercenary Guild's online platform, and your beginner task has already been assigned. Completing it will be to your advantage."

Yvette quickly pulled out her phone.

Sure enough, a new app with a green lotus icon had mysteriously appeared. She opened it and registered her account.

She chose the nickname "Raccoon."

[Beginner Task: Travel to the specified location and transport goods to the old district.]

[Coordinates of the starting point: XXX, coordinates of the destination: XXX.]

[If the goods' details are discovered by others, the mission will be considered a failure.]

[Reward for completing the mission: 10 points.]

[Penalty for failure: Death.]

Yvette shivered. Death?

Did that mean the kind of death where her mind was consumed by flames, like the pain she had just experienced?

That would be worse than suicide!

However, the task itself didn't seem too difficult. She had worked in renovation for years, and while she didn't know many influential people, she had plenty of connections among all sorts of individuals—many of whom were her admirers or former lovers.

Alexander had selected Yvette precisely for her connections in these circles. He didn't have the time or interest to handle such mundane matters.

She opened the store within the app to see what could be traded with points.

[Moonlight Herb (F-Class): 5 points]

[Potato Bomb (F-Class): 10 points]

[Wild Strawberry (F-Class): 5 points]

Her eyes widened. These were extraordinary items!

And not just ordinary ones—very practical ones! If sold on the market, they would fetch an excellent price.

She glanced again at the card in her hand, and suddenly, everything made sense.

She had awakened, she had money, and by completing tasks she was capable of, she could earn extraordinary rewards.

This was far better than being a mistress, wasn't it?

She could rely on these things to climb to the top of life!

Excitement filled her heart, and a new plan began to form in her mind.

Alexander wasn't just anyone—he was the head of a superhuman organization, and he was so young.

What if she could use her charm to win him over? Then her future would be completely within her control.


The next morning, Yvette woke up early and opened her contacts.

She sweetly called a middle-aged man with a fatherly profile picture:

"Hey, John, are you up yet? I need to borrow your truck."

The reply came instantly:

"Sweetheart, I'm already downstairs, didn't want to disturb you this early. After we finish, how about breakfast together?"

Yvette rolled her eyes but kept up her flirtatious tone:

"Of course, John! Breakfast is on me!"

After hanging up, she quickly applied a fresh layer of makeup and used her fruit ability to transform her outfit into a sexy, form-fitting jumpsuit, paired with high heels, and then hurried downstairs.

A large truck was already waiting for her.

The two of them drove to the specified coordinates, located in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of town.

The middle-aged man lit a cigarette, clicking his tongue.

"This place is pretty isolated. Are you sure this is the right spot?"

Yvette nodded, curious herself about who would be delivering the goods.

Just then, a police security van approached from a distance.

Yvette immediately tensed. She had heard that many superhuman organizations had strained relationships with the police.

A security officer got out of the van, dumped several large suitcases on the ground, and then drove away without saying a word.

The middle-aged man licked his lips in surprise.

"Damn, what kind of stuff are we dealing with if it needed a police officer to deliver it?"

Yvette was equally shocked.

The power and influence of this young leader of a superhuman organization were far beyond what she had imagined!

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