
Farmer Li

Farmer Li Qing possesses a rare talent - a spiritual constitution. Many girls accompany him, unwilling to leave his side, as they together endure numerous hardships and venture further and further on the path of cultivating immortality.

DaoistE4NTL3 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Still want your sister-in-law to help you?

The door of the hall was just unlocked, Li Qing ruthlessly hugged Han Mei and kissed her.

This time, he didn't have too many thoughts, he just wanted to kiss her and caress her.

Han Mei also did not resist, her hands through Li Qing's creaky nest, embraced Li Qing.

Somewhat fiercely responded to Li Qing's clumsy kisses.

Both people were deep in the tangle of lips and teeth.

Han Mei's lips were soft, and her tongue was extraordinarily slippery with a hint of fragrance.

Every stroke of her tongue was like touching Li Qing's heart, making him unable to hold back the thrill of war.

Li Qing's big hand caressed Han Mei's upturned buttocks.

That resilient goodness made him rub it repeatedly, unable to stop.

Just as he took a step closer and was about to put his hand inside, Han Mei suddenly said, "Still want your sister-in-law to help you?"

"Yes!" Li Qing said heavily.

A long, lingering kiss made both people's breath a little unsteady.

Han Mei's moving cheeks were even covered with a tantalizing flush, she flirtatiously glanced lightly at Li Qing and nudged her mouth to indicate the bed, "Lie on it, sister-in-law will help you."

Li Qing's gaze swept over Han Mei's tightly wrapped body and said, "Sister-in-law, why don't you also take off your clothes?"

Although he couldn't go straight to that final step, he still wanted to experience more beauty.

"Give an inch, no." Han Mei nodded on Li Qing's forehead.

Just when Li Qing was a bit deflated, Han Mei took off her short sleeves, "This is the only way, come on."

The white as sheep's fat body was flushed with some slight redness, instantly making Li Qing look dumbfounded.

He couldn't help but reach his hand over, "Sister-in-law, otherwise, this extra hood goes too."

"Little bastard, changing ways to take advantage of me aren't you?" Han Mei slanted a glance at Li Qing with tenderness in her eyes, but she still obediently unclasped the black cowl that was also patterned.

Perhaps it was the previous incident that made Han Mei's heart feel a bit guilty.

This time Li Qing's requests, although she said so on her lips, she agreed to them all obediently.

Li Qing looked at the two rounds that were swaying in front of his eyes, and his breathing suddenly became ragged.

He nonchalantly leaned in Han Mei's arms, one hand wrapped around Han Mei's slender waist, one hand rotated left and right to play with it.

The blush on Han Mei's face increased, and her breath became a bit unsteady.

She reached out and yanked down Li Qing's loose sports pants.

The huge object that appeared in front of her eyes openly scared her so much that she couldn't help but let out a soft cry, her mouth slightly open.

"How is this ... so big." Han Mei said incredulously.

Afterward, her right hand was in the shape of a grasping grip, and she tried several times before she was able to get a hold of Li Qing's fellow.

"One hand can't even hold ... it," Han Mei murmured in shock with a mesmerizing shine in her eyes.

Li Qing clearly felt his sister-in-law's body become hot, and he couldn't help but increase his rubbing again.

"You, you lie down." Han Mei said with a trembling voice.

Li Qing obediently lay down.

Han Mei lay diagonally on Li Qing's side, her two plumps falling down.

Looking at it from this angle, it surprisingly seemed to be bigger.

"Slightly lighter, this isn't a leather ball." Han Mei had a soft light in her eyes, and whispered as Li Qing grabbed that pair again and rubbed them.

Li Qing immediately eased the strength in his hands.

He had just focused on the impulse in his heart, and the strength in his hands did seem to be a bit too much.

It had all scratched fingerprints on his hands.

Han Mei busied herself, moving fast and slow, instantly giving Li Qing a feeling of flying up to the ninth heaven and clouds.

He grabbed the plumpness in front of him with one hand, while his other hand landed on Han Mei's pouting, perky buttocks.

This position made his eyes not even know where to put them.

"Ah, sister-in-law, I'm coming." Li Qing let out a low cry, his hands grasping the lump in a death grip.

Seeing this, Han Mei immediately sped up her movements as she switched her left hand for her right.

"Sister-in-law, is Qing Zi in your house?"

Just then, a shout suddenly came from outside the door.

Han Mei's face immediately changed greatly, "Someone is coming."

Li Qing at this moment didn't care if anyone was coming, even if it was a fairy coming, he didn't have the time to pay attention to it.

"Sister-in-law hurry up again!" He suppressed his voice and said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Han Mei suddenly leaned over and kissed those two small dots on Li Qing's chest, and her hands simultaneously increased their strength.

The gentle flicking of the warm tongue instantly made Li Qing tense up.

He gasped violently and violently erupted away in a torrent.

"Yikes!" Han Mei exclaimed, letting go, "Why is there so much."

She got her hands all over it, and her jeans were splattered with it.

Li Qing was finally comfortable.

He suppressed his ragged panting, not daring to make too much noise.

The person outside the courtyard sounded like Fatty Hu to him.

Han Mei quickly wiped her hands with a paper towel and hurriedly put on her clothes.

She glanced obliquely at Li Qing without a good mood and shouted outside, ''Qing Zi isn't here with me, so go look elsewhere to find him. If you're not in a hurry, talk to me and I'll relay the message to him."

"Sister-in-law, it's nothing important, I'll go look again." Fatty Hu's voice came from within the courtyard.

The heavy footsteps quickly disappeared outside.

Li Qing let out a long sigh of relief, it was fortunate that that fatty was gone.

Han Mei calmly disposed of the things on her and Li Qing and said, "You can go out later."

"Good." Even if Han Mei didn't remind him, he planned to hide here for a while before leaving.

If he went out now, he wouldn't be hitting Fatty Hu's gun.

"Sister-in-law, can I touch it again?" Li Qing's eyes turned and said with a smile.

Han Mei slapped Li Qing's hand, "It's all pinched and swollen, still touching."

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back for a moment." Li Qing immediately collected his thoughts and said.

He might have really pinched and swollen Han Mei.

Han Mei's eyes gently turned, a moving charm hidden in the bottom of her eyes, once again holding Li Qing's already exhausted dick, said, "Little bastard, you didn't even last under me for twenty minutes, and you still dare to confidently say that you can carry me. Don't hit your sister-in-law's crooked idea in the future, if you're really suffocating, come find your sister-in-law, she'll help you with her hands!"

"You give me a little time, wait for me to think of a way, if it's ready, I'll give it to you myself!"

The lethality of this short sentence was no different from a big bomb with Li Qing.

The bombing caused his heart to flutter, and he could not be calmed for a long time.