
Farmer Li

Farmer Li Qing possesses a rare talent - a spiritual constitution. Many girls accompany him, unwilling to leave his side, as they together endure numerous hardships and venture further and further on the path of cultivating immortality.

DaoistE4NTL3 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

One shot into the soul.

One shot into the soul.

Han Mei ignored what was on her body and turned to kiss Li Qing again.

The kiss was intense and crazy.

"Sister-in-law can only give you so much, wait for later, in the future, sister-in-law will love you well." She panted lightly and exhaled like orchids.

This was the sister-in-law Li Qing had never seen before.

Even though their relationship had already made substantial progress, it was the first time that his sister-in-law had taken such initiative.

The two embraced and kissed for a long time until the fire in their hearts faded, then they let go.

Han Mei's face carried the delicate shyness of a cardamom flower, and she urged with some embarrassment, "You wash first, forget it, you go home and wash, then go to Tian Yue'e's house."

"I'll help sister-in-law wash first." Li Qing said.

Han Mei had a watery tenderness in her eyes and gently nudged Li Qing, "Not being honest again are you? Going to get Tian Yue'e later, that bitch is sturdy and resistant to beatings, you'd better save up your stamina a little."

"Alright, go back first."

Li Qing took the first shower when he returned home, and only then did he simply pack some food for himself.

Although he had already come once just now, he was still a bit restless when he thought of Tian Yue'e's plumpness that twisted up extraordinarily enchanting.

Li Qing waited until it was completely dark before moving out of the house.

He didn't want to repeat last night's mistake.

Tian Yue'e was voluptuous, but if he was seen by others, he might not be so lucky.

Tian Yue'e's family lives on top of a hill, surrounded by only two or three lonely families.

Li Qing needed to go through Han Mei's apricot orchard and up a slope to get to Tian Yue'e's house.

The moon was very full tonight, and it looked as if it should be either the fifteenth or the sixteenth.

Li Qing didn't use a flashlight, and he could see the road clearly.

"Sister Yue'e, you're washing the bedsheets this late at night?" When Li Qing went up, he happened to see Tian Yue'e hanging up the washed sheets.

What she was wearing was still the same set from last night, a knit sweater paired with a short wrap-around skirt.

"Knowing that you're coming, I hurriedly changed into a clean one, although it'll still be dirty later, but I can't make you feel buried." Tian Yue'e held her waist, looked at Li Qing with a smile and said, "Quickly enter the house."

This straightforward to unobtrusive words, caused Li Qing to instead still be a little embarrassed.

"Have you eaten yet?" Tian Yue'e took off the plastic gloves on her hands and asked with a smile.

"... ate." Li Qing said dully.

Tian Yue'e suddenly snorted and laughed out, "So you don't miss eating my cooking, you miss eating me?"

Li Qing thought about it and nodded.

He didn't even think about eating Tian Yue'e's cooking, and was originally running to get her.

"Does that ... you like to be direct, or is it slightly brewed?" Tian Yue'e took her arm and touched Li Qing.

Looking at Tian Yue'e's twisted extraordinarily flavorful hips, Li Qing had a feeling that there was no need to brew.

And this, was still the case that he had just come once already.

"... I can do it." Li Qing said awkwardly.

Tian Yue'e smiled flirtatiously and lightly, "Then you wait for me a little while, I'll change my clothes."

"Aren't your clothes quite good? What else to change?" Li Qing asked in surprise.

Tian Yue'e suddenly smiled somewhat wryly, "Change one that you haven't seen before, and can't hold on to it when you see it."

Li Qing was a little confused, compared to Tian Yue'e, he did see less.

But it's just a piece of clothing, where is so much care.

He can not hold the person, not clothes.

Tian Yue'e Lin Qing's unimpressed, can not help but gently smile, to Li Qingming threw a wink, "Later Qingzi can work hard yo."

After saying this, Tian Yue'e twisted her waist and lifted her crotch, and entered the western bedroom with graceful steps.

Li Qing sat on the steps, his eyes staring straight at Tian Yue'e's slender back until she entered the room before withdrawing his gaze, unable to help but look forward to it.

He was curious about what kind of clothes Tian Yue'e said would make people unable to hold onto them after looking at them.

Could it be the kind of light and fluffy, hidden gauze clothes on TV, with a small belly band?

That does ... also look pretty good.

But not to the point where people can't hold it when they look at it.

Just as Li Qing was rambling, a knock suddenly came from outside.

"Tian Yue'e, die out for me, I saw you come back!"

A rough man's voice rang out.

Li Qing let out a cry of bad luck, why was there a man here all of a sudden!

He couldn't hear whose voice it was, but when this man came, he was definitely bad.

When Li Qing was in a hurry and didn't know what to do, Tian Yue'e walked out of the room at a brisk pace.

The clothes on her body not only didn't change to be more holdable, but instead it also became more and more conservative.

Black pants, red shirt, through and through.

"Don't look, this isn't the clothes I was talking about." Tian Yue'e whispered in Li Qing's ear, "You go first, it looks like I can't get it today, let you think about me for two more nights."

Li Qing had already beaten a retreat long ago, he pointed to the door, "People are blocking the doorway, where do I go out?"

"There's a ladder under the corner, you work hard and flip out." Tian Yue'e suddenly cupped Li Qing's face and sipped hard, "Next time, sister make it up to you."

"By the way, who is outside the door?" Li Qing was about to leave when he asked again.

"Who else can there be, my cousin's uncle, I guess he drank some cat urine again, and ran to me here to go crazy. It's okay, I can handle it, but it's more difficult for you to tell." Tian Yue'e laughed.

Hearing this, Li Qing was a bit uneasy, "Can you really handle it?"

"Yes, I'm used to it." Tian Yue'e laughed, "If he finds out that you're in my house, something will happen instead."

Li Qing thought about it, after all, it was this time of the day.

They were alone together, if word got out, I'm afraid there would be countless versions in a few days.

He nodded and grabbed the ladder from under the root of the wall, and tumbled out from the other side that was facing the gate.

The fence wasn't very high, and Li Qing only stumbled a bit when he fell to the ground, and then stood up unharmed.

However, he didn't leave in a hurry, but circled around along the roots of the wall to the side of the gate.

Although Tian Yue'e said on her lips that she could handle it, he was still a bit worried.

A powerful adult, if he wanted to do something through the strength of alcohol, Tian Yue'e was afraid that she wouldn't be able to stop him.

He had just reached the door when he heard Tian Yue'e open the door, "Fifth Uncle, what are you doing here again?"

"What are you doing? Pay back the money, how long ago was this, are you relying on it and not planning to pay it back?" The man's slightly hoarse voice rang out.

"If you want me to pay back the money, bring me a loan note!"

This was Tian Yue'e's voice, speaking dryly and sternly.

"You can't have nothing, and with empty words say how much my father borrowed from you back then, and now come to me to ask for it, right?"

"I that is trust your father, who knows he gave birth to you so a heartless white-eyed wolf!" The man inarticulate calendar roared, "I'm your fifth uncle, your elder, can I lie to you?"

"If the fifth uncle doesn't take advantage of our sisters while we're still young, taking advantage of us, and often staying at my house in the middle of the night, your words, I might really believe it!" Tian Yue'e said coldly.

"Playing scoundrel with me, right? Rao capital is now in a hurry to use money, today you either return the money, or ..." The man's lewd voice steeply raised.

"Take away your claws, what are you going to do?!"

"Do what? You can screw other men outside, can't you pity Uncle Five, the old bachelor? I can count the money for you too, and even be more generous than those men outside, is a hundred a night enough?"

"Get lost!"

"Hit me? How dare you hit me? MAD, you're forcing me to use some tactics!"

"Let me go, I'll call the police!"

"Hahaha, you're calling the police, come on, hold Uncle Five tight!"