
Farmer Li

Farmer Li Qing possesses a rare talent - a spiritual constitution. Many girls accompany him, unwilling to leave his side, as they together endure numerous hardships and venture further and further on the path of cultivating immortality.

DaoistE4NTL3 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

A bad feeling in his heart.

"Qingzi ah, uncle called you to come home for dinner today, there are really some things that have to be said face to face." After eating two mouthfuls of rice, Hu Youyu stepped into the main topic.

"are close neighbors, uncle is not good to hide you, uncle this year lost!"

"I lost all my pants."

Hu Youyu's words gave Li Qing a bad feeling in his heart.

He remembered what Yang Xuelan said in the afternoon.

Hu Youyu might not be able to open this year.

"I've heard that Uncle Hu is earning better than all previous years this year, how could he lose money?" Li Qing said deliberately.

Hu You Yu bared his teeth and sipped his wine like tea, shaking his head and said, "Qing Zi, this matter, it's a long story, it's impossible for Uncle Hu to lie to you, the loss is indeed a loss."

"But don't worry, your thirty acres of money I can't be short of you, just a little later, you understand what I mean, right?"

Li Qing didn't just understand, he had already heard it.

He forcibly suppressed the displeasure in his heart and asked, "Uncle Hu, when will the money be settled?"

"Who's to say, business matters, a little high and a little low." Hu has a long hiccup, "But you can rest assured, Hu uncle when short of your money? When my funds turnover open, I will immediately give you the settlement, I give you to remember it."

After thinking about it, Li Qing said, "Uncle Hu, you also know the situation of my family, inside and outside all rely on those few acres of land, can be early on it."

"I know." Hu Youyu was already a bit impatient, "Uncle Hu can still cheat you, you relax."

Li Qing did not speak again, just focus on eating.

Hu Youyu money in previous years did end quite punctual, but will always find a variety of names less him a lot.

But this old man opened his mouth and said he didn't have any money, so he couldn't do anything about it.

Living in such a large mansion, eating all the time, but said that there is no money to pay him that little money.

Li Qing really couldn't believe it.

What was difficult for him was knowing that this guy had money, but there was no way to gouge money out of his mouth.

After a meal, Li Qing left Hu Youyu's mansion with a grudge.

Hu Wei, however, chased after him, "Qing Zi, why are you in such a hurry to leave? We haven't had a good drink yet!"

Li Qing couldn't help but feel a bit angry in his heart, your father is relying on my money and not giving it to me, do I need money to live in your house?

"I slept early, so I won't bother." Li Qing's tone was a bit hard.

"Alright then, I'll see you off." Hu Wei said, "Right, Qingzi, do you have anything important tomorrow?

"Li Qing twisted his head and asked, "What is it?"

"I want to ask you for a favor, come with me to meet someone." Speaking of this, Hu Wei seemed to be a little embarrassed.

"Meet someone? I'll be ... tomorrow."

If nothing else, Li Qing should go help his sister-in-law collect yellow apricots, so he was about to refuse, but at this time, Hu Lili suddenly opened her mouth.

"I can help you ask for the share of profit that my father owes you." Hu Wei saw this and said, "And, if things work out tomorrow, I'll give you two hundred favors, dry or not?"

"Dry!" Li Qing said very quickly.

Money does not earn son of a bitch, is not to see a person well, what is good to be afraid of.

"By the way, what kind of person do you want to see?" Li Qing asked, "It's not like you've messed with someone and want me to help you fight, right?"

Hu Wei was fat and wimpy looking, but he also loved to cause trouble.

When he was in school, Li Qing didn't rarely wipe his ass.

If it wasn't for his help, with Hu Wei's fat body, he probably wouldn't have known how many times he'd been punched down.

Hu Wei hung his face and said with great reluctance, "My father wants me to start a family early, and I've arranged several blind dates for me since I came back. This one tomorrow is a bit more important, I would like to ask you to help me keep an eye on it."

Li Qing immediately refused, "You're not fooling around, what can I do for you on your blind date?"

"That girl I heard is not only pretty, but also has a high education, I'm a bit wimpy to go alone." Hu Wei said, "You do not so much nonsense, directly say dry or not dry it?"

"Dry, tomorrow morning to pick me up." Seeing the face of two hundred dollars, Li Qing quickly agreed.

Separated from Hu Wei, when Li Qing returned home, it was already more than ten o'clock.

The lights of Yang Xuelan's house next door were still on, and a sound of talking could be heard faintly.

Thinking of the date he had agreed to with Yang Xuelan, Li Qing couldn't help but feel another burst of fire in his heart.

He deliberately made some noise when he opened the door so that Yang Xuelan would know that he had returned.

But when he walked to the courtyard, Li Qing suddenly heard a moaning sound of mmmmmmmmmm.

Li Qing froze, they had actually started.

That old thing, Hu Youyu, was simply not a man's son, causing him to waste a great opportunity for nothing.

Greeting the seven or eight generations of women up and down Hu You Yu's family fiercely in his mind, listening to the moans next door that were completely unsuppressed, the hot blood in Li Qing's body quietly boiled up.

The scene of Yang Xuelan holding that pair of plump mountains with both hands and letting him eat them instantly resurfaced in his mind.

He quietly climbed up the wall and looked towards Yang Xuelan's family's hall.

The curtains were drawn to death, and other than being able to see two silhouettes swaying, he couldn't see a single thing.

Li Qing can not help but be a little disappointed, is ready to go back to take a shower, let the little man calm down.

Next door in the hall, suddenly came Yang Xuelan's cursing sound, "you donkey day thing, want to die old lady ah hot? If you don't install a fan, don't even think about touching me in the future."

Gao Li's voice rang out period, "There are a lot of mosquitoes, they all fly in when the window is open."

"I'd rather be bitten to death by mosquitoes than die of heat!" Yang Xuelan scolded.

Along with the sound, the curtains were pulled open with a crash, and Yang Xuelan's naked figure appeared in front of the window.

Li Qing was startled and hurriedly shortened his body, but Yang Xuelan's gaze still looked over.

It seemed like she had already seen it.

Li Qing quietly slid down the wall, leaving only half of his head behind, quietly gazing at the next door.

Yang Xuelan looked this way for a moment and then withdrew her gaze, she opened the window and was about to close the curtains when Gao Li suddenly ran over from behind and pressed Yang Xuelan against the glass.

"Are you crazy you, close the curtains!" Yang Xuelan scolded.

Gao Li's movements to find a hole were very skillful, he pressed Yang Xuelan's white and tender buttocks with his left hand, spit on his right hand, then wiped it on that place of Yang Xuelan's and drove in.

"It's cooler here, let's do it here. It's okay if the curtains aren't drawn, our house is only the wall of Qing Zi's house that can probably be seen, but Qing Zi usually goes to bed early, it's okay." Gao Li said.

"Aiya, you dead man." Yang Xuelan cursed, her eyes furtively looking towards the wall where Li Qing was hiding.

Li Qing looked at the scene in front of him in shock, his eyes straightened and he only felt his mouth dry.

The way Yang Xuelan's pair was tightly pressed against the glass was so tantalizing.

The original white and tender rounded and firm shape was pressed and spread out in all directions, and the little bit of pinkness in the center became extraordinarily clear.