
Farmer Husband Is A Scholar; Hubby, Be My Teacher!

#System, #Farming, #Embroidery, #Education, #Cattles After drowning in the ocean, Tang Yu, a famous fashion designer from America, woke up as the magistrate's lazy daughter, who had been recently married off into a farmer's family! But, Tang Yu wasn't horrified, but thrilled. "I love adventure! Ancient China is just wow!" People: "Your culinary skills are the greatest of all time! I heard you cooked for the emperor's birthday banquet! Whom did you learn it from?" Tang Yu: Thank you. My mother-in-law taught me. Mother-in-law: But my cooking skill isn't half as good as yours! People: You harvested three silos of rice this year, which no other family has ever produced individually in the village! How did you do that? Tang Yu: It's four actually, and my father-in-law taught me. Father-in-law: Why could I myself never harvest a full silos though? People: You just took a dive in the river, and got up with an armful of fish! Do you have magic or what? Tang Yu: Nice joke, but my brother-in-law taught me. Brother-in-law: It takes me a day to catch four fish! People: Empress said the hanfu she donned in the lantern festival was designed by you! Where did you pick up such great skills? Tang Yu: Oh, my sister-in-law taught me. Sister-in-law: But, I never got any order from a big family! Not even from the village head's family! People: You become the district topper in the board examination! Who is your teacher? How much did you pay? Tang Yu blushed: My husband taught me for free. Husband: That's a lie, wife paid the tuition fees with her wobbly legs and broken voice.

The_Lazy_Kitten · History
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51 Chs

Mu Hien's Secret.

"Hien," Tang Yu called again, a bit louder this time.

"Huh?" Mu Hien was given a little start of surprise. The twig in her hand stopped moving, as she uttered, "Yes, Third Sister-in-law?"

Tang Yu offered a polite smile. "Mother asked me to help you get ready."

"Oh," Mu Hien's dark face dipped into another shade of darkness. She dragged a long intake of oxygen into her lungs, flaring her small slanted nostrils in the process. Her puffy eyes teared up before she even knew it.

Tang Yu saw it all. There were two, three small incidents before where she stuck pins in. Now, Mu Hien's knee-jerk reaction to her offer was the glue that secured all her thoughts together. 'This girl is strongly averse to getting married.' She concluded in her mind. 

Tang Yu looked at her right and left, before crouching down beside Mu Hien. "Hien, let me ask you something, be honest, okay?"