
Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chu Qingzhi, a modern cultivator, went down to earth to experience love. She was forced to transmigrate into the body of a peasant girl in the ancient past. Her family had a total of nine children. She had no choice but to shoulder the burden of supporting the family. She used spells to tame a tiger as her mount, a black bear as her guardian, a wolf as a helper, and a monkey as the pathfinder. They went hunting together. She then sold ice cream, which she made using an ice spell, on the streets. She planted herbs for medicine, offered clinical diagnosis and treatment to patients, and attracted princes and nobles who fought over her. Even the emperor addressed her with a respected title. To become immortal, she supported her family while searching for a husband. *** Ever since the poorest family in the village brought their daughter home, they thought their lives would only get tougher. To their surprise, they started building a house and buying land... They didn't just bring their daughter home, but they brought the God of Fortune home! *** A general, who even the princess refused to marry, returned to the country to rest for some time. Suddenly, he married a peasant girl. Just as everyone waited for them to be ridiculed, dignitaries came to visit one after another. The empress dowager held Chu Qingzhi's hand. "Qingzhi, will you be my younger sister?" The emperor looked Chu Qingzhi up and down. "My lady, are you willing to join my harem?" The crown prince grabbed Chu Qingzhi's sleeve. "Qingzhi, I want ice cream."

Beyond the Moon · History
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796 Chs

Turning Defeat into Victory

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Chu Qingzhi took a step back and said, "It wasn't easy for me to come up with this formula. It's not from my adoptive parents, but if you want it, it's not impossible."

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

Chu Qingzhi glanced at everyone and mocked, "As long as you pay, I'm very willing to tell you."

Chu Ping jumped out again and said righteously, "Chu Qingzhi, we're all from the same village. How can you take our money?"

Chu Qingzhi turned her face in Chu Ping's direction and asked, "Oh? Then can we eat at your house for free tonight?"

Chu Ping glared at Chu Qingzhi and stopped talking.

Someone asked, "Then how much do you want?"

Chu Qingzhi raised a finger and smiled. "A hundred taels."

Everyone gasped. It was impossible for an ordinary family to earn a hundred taels in their entire lives, but Chu Qingzhi actually asked for a hundred taels!

Chu Ping scolded, "Chu Qingzhi, what kind of dream are you having? You actually want 100 taels! Impossible, we won't use 100 taels to buy a formula."

Chu Qingzhi shrugged, indicating that she didn't care. "In the city, ice is sold at one tael per catty. If you sell 100 catties, you can earn back the money. Water is everywhere. You won't suffer a loss, okay?"

Everyone thought about it and thought that it made sense.

Chu Qingzhi ignored everyone's reaction and continued, "However, if you want to sell it in the county, you can only sell it like I do. One ice cream bar can only be sold for ten copper coins. Otherwise, no one will buy from you. In other words, you can only bring the ice to the city to sell at a high price. The ice in the city is monopolized by those big families. If you go to sell it, be careful. Don't offend the rich and powerful. You won't have a good ending."

When everyone realized that the dream of making a lot of money was gone, they regained a little rationality.

Chu Qingzhi continued, "If you want to sell ice cream bars like my family, you have to first have oranges. You have to peel the oranges, squeeze them into juice, make a mold, freeze them, and store them. By the way, before doing all this, you have to save a hundred taels of silver."

"In summary, I agree to sell the formula to you for a hundred taels. If you want it, go home and save the money. Don't waste time."

Chu Ping pointed at Chu Qingzhi and said angrily, "Chu Qingzhi, I think you're saying this because you don't want to give us the formula."

"You're right. Who would be willing to give their good things to others for no reason? Are you that generous?" Chu Qingzhi's voice became stern. "If you want to get the formula for free, go home, lie in bed, and dream. I don't have time to waste with you."

A villager said indignantly, "Chu Qingzhi, Chu Ping is right. You just don't want to share the good thing with us."

Chu Qingzhi retorted, "Are you willing to give your food to my family for free? If you're willing, I'll go and get it immediately."

The villager stopped talking.

Another villager said, "Chu Qingzhi, 100 taels is too expensive."

Chu Qingzhi smiled. "I think you have more than twenty hens at home. I'll buy them from you for a copper coin per catty. Do you agree?"

The villager stopped talking. A copper coin per catty of chicken was too unreasonable.

Chu Qingzhi was impatient. "Is there anything else you want to say? If not, I'm gonna leave. It's almost dark."

Zhao Xiuhua said loudly, "Chu Qingzhi, the village chief hasn't given the word to disperse us. The drought in the village is getting worse and worse. It hasn't been resolved yet."

Chu Qingzhi narrowed her eyes. Everything that happened today was caused by Zhao Xiuhua. "Village Chief, as long as you chase this wicked old witch out of the village, I'll help everyone find a water source."

She couldn't be bothered to deal with Zhao Xiuhua every day and waste her time.