
Chapter 013 Market Disturbance_1

Erliang instantly held onto Muniang and jumped off the ox cart, dodging the carriage accident.

"Wife, are you alright?" Erliang asked with concern, looking at the person in his arms.

Muniang, naturally startled, but rapidly composing herself, took a breath and nodded gently, "I'm fine."

Suddenly, an anxious shouting came from nearby, "Master, Master, are you hurt, ah, my lord, you mustn't be harmed!"

A middle-aged man in a grey robe was prostrating on the ground, frantically trying to pull someone out of the overturned horse-drawn carriage.

Even though the words were of concern, when this person spoke them, why did Muniang find them so disgusting?!

"Out of my way! Are you mourning?! Disgraceful wretch!"

Following an explosive shout, a greasy figure tumbled out of the carriage, his chubby cheeks jiggling with every movement. Once he steadied himself, he landed a kick on the robed man, who then tumbled into a puddle of black and yellow egg fluid on the ground, smearing himself with a foul stench but seemingly not bothered by it, instead offering a sycophantic smile, "Master, it's best that you are unharmed."

The elegantly-dressed fat man huffed coldly and immediately turned to look at Muniang and Erliang's ox cart, barking angrily, "Whose ox cart is this! Daring to block the road in the middle of the thoroughfare, sick of living, are you! Do you wish to take this official's life, I won't let you off easily!"

The previously noisy crowd suddenly fell silent, everyone timidly bowing their heads and not daring to speak. The egg seller nearby, afraid that the master would blame him for the eggs scattered on the ground and punish him, quickly pointed at Muniang and Erliang, exclaiming, "It's their ox cart, it was their cart blocking the road in the middle, which caused your carriage to overturn, master."

Muniang coldly glanced at the vendor, who then shrank back and dared not speak anymore.

The official, clearly in a rage, shouted upon hearing who the culprits were, "Audacious peasants, daring to endanger this official's life, someone catch them and bring them back!"

Erliang immediately yelled back, "It wasn't our fault, your carriage overturned because the horse stepped on rotten eggs, if not for our ox cart blocking the way, who knows where your carriage would have ended up."

"Hah! With that logic, should I be thanking you?" the official retorted, his beard bristling with anger.

Muniang knew that talking more at this point would be futile; the official was upset about his carriage overturning and simply wanted to vent his frustrations on someone. If the fault was truly to be examined, it would likely be his own responsibility. Now was not the time for reasoning. As a mere village woman without power or status, it was best to avoid trouble.

Muniang softened her tone and said, "It is all our fault. My husband and I are just country folks on our first trip to the city. We unintentionally offended you, sir, and we hope the Fair God will spare us this once."

The official's gaze slid over Muniang, sizing her up. A surge of delight rose within him, finding the young woman quite attractive. Although she was skinny and her complexion showed signs of malnourishment, he, a man familiar with the world of beauty, could tell at a glance she was a beauty in the rough.

Er Liang noticed the licentious gaze of the official and immediately stepped in front of Muniang, Muniang's eyebrows slightly furrowed, indeed, scum was all the same; not only did they bully the market and oppress the people, but the moment they saw a pretty woman, they couldn't wait to pounce on her.

The official's mind turned, and he raised his voice, "Spare you? It's not that simple. Conspiring against an imperial officer is a capital crime! Do you think this matter can be so easily dismissed? Come, arrest them!"

Muniang could see right through the corrupt official's intentions—should her son really be apprehended by him, it would truly be the end. The onlookers all looked at Muniang and Er Liang with sympathy but none dared to make a sound.

Muniang felt troubled; escaping from these useless Government Officials wouldn't be difficult at this moment, but escape today, and not tomorrow, unless she no longer resided in Tupo Village. But to flee and live a life on the run over such a trivial mess, wasn't that too great a loss?

As three Government Officials were about to surround them, they heard Er Liang's thunderous shout, "Who dares!"

This roar was extremely domineering; the official's heart trembled upon hearing it, and even Muniang was slightly astonished. She hadn't expected her usually silly and foolish husband to possess such a commanding presence.

Before Muniang could emerge from her admiration, she saw Er Liang tugged at her sleeve and whispered in her ear, "Wife, it seems they've been bluffed by me, what should we do next?"

A row of black lines formed on Muniang's forehead—she must have been crazy to think he had an imposing aura!

Suddenly, a voice of great authority rang out, "Yin Shiping, is this your way of governing?"

Muniang turned to look and saw a middle-aged man walk out from the crowd, his face stern, eyes piercing. To address the County Chief by name like this, he mustn't be a minor official, but his attire was understated, though still far superior compared to the dress of common folks like Muniang.

The County Chief also seemed unsure of the newcomer's status, but didn't dare to be reckless, stammering, "Who, who, who are you?"

A young man following the middle-aged man spoke sternly, "The Royal Envoy is here, to see the Royal Envoy is to see His Majesty!" As he said this, a glittering waist badge was held up for all to see.

Muniang sighed inwardly, indeed, those who traversed to this world were luckier than others; just stepping out of a mountain ravine one could meet such an important person.

The crowd erupted into commotion, all kneeling down in unison. Muniang hurriedly pulled Er Liang to kneel, but he stood there, dazed and motionless, as if kneeling was a very inappropriate act in his eyes. Muniang was incredibly frustrated—here she was, a highly educated woman from the twenty-first century, not feeling humiliated, yet this ancient man, born and bred in the soil, apparently thought his knees were made of gold. If this Royal Envoy took offense and added a charge of disrespect, were they to survive or not?!

As the two were at an impasse, the Royal Envoy called out, "Stand up." His gaze swept over them without much reproof but rather with a calm demeanor, indicating that his focus was not on them but on the County Chief.

The moment the County Chief saw the Token, he was scared out of his wits and immediately knelt down, his earlier arrogance gone, replaced by a sycophantic smile, "It turns out to be the Royal Envoy, this official had heard of the Royal Envoy's private inspection and had made preparations to welcome you, but had no idea you'd come so quietly, and I've not had the chance to prepare properly."

Sir Xu swept him a cold glance, "Prepare? Prepare what? To feign being a Fair God to deceive this official? The commotion on the street was all caused by you; you've smashed the people's stalls, crashed into the people's ox carts, and you even have the audacity to blame others. The court has officials like you to thank for so many of these incidents!"