
Chapter 002 Take off your pants_1

Such an incident, falling upon any household, would be their misfortune. Naturally, the Qiao family did not want to be the fools left to shoulder the blame and wished nothing more than to sever ties with Muniang promptly.

Old Madam Qiao made a beeline for Qiao Muniang's home, with Mrs. Ji, who relished chaos, hurriedly following behind. She would not miss such an exciting spectacle and constantly fanned the flames in front of Old Madam Qiao, fueling her rage even more intensely.

Muniang couldn't extract any useful information from Yu Ze; he couldn't even remember his own name. However, she noticed a wound on his chest, and the bandage was from her embroidery basket, making her realize something. This man must have suffered a serious injury and passed out in her room. As for his current condition, he must have injured his brain and become foolish!

Muniang guessed that the man now probably had the mind of a five or six-year-old child because, upon waking up, the first person he saw was her. Thus, his dependence on her was extremely strong; as for why such a young child would so stubbornly call her his wife, Muniang felt quite powerless.

What made Muniang feel even more helpless was that although this man wore clothes made of such fine material, he had only two taels of silver on him! Are you kidding me?!

Yu Ze, sensing Muniang's resentful gaze, tugged at the hem of her clothing with a pitiful look, "Or should I take off my pants too and see if there's any silver there for you to find?"

Muniang, with a face full of dark lines, squeezed out three words from between her teeth, "No, thanks."

Seeing the tall, strong man with pitiful, watery eyes made Muniang feel the guilt of a child abuser. She finally let out a sigh of resignation, "Fine, at least you're a good-looking guy. Since you can't remember your name, from now on, you'll be called Two Taels."

A look of disdain crossed Yu Ze's handsome face. "I don't like that name."

Muniang slapped him on the forehead, "If you had three taels, could the name be nicer? It's your own fault for being so pathetic, so that's your name!"

Yu Ze sniffled, feeling aggrieved, Three Taels also doesn't sound nice!

Suddenly, a sharp voice rang out from outside, "Qiao Muniang, you shameless, cheap harlot, come out here!"

Qiao Muniang frowned slightly; the voice was familiar, wasn't it Old Madam Qiao's? If she was being sought out now, it was probably because of the issue of hiding a wild man. Muniang instructed Yu Ze, "Stay here, don't go out. I'll go and see what's happening."

Yet he clung tightly to her clothes, "No! She's scolding you. I want to go out with you and protect my wife from being bullied."

Though the words were childish, Muniang couldn't help but be moved, yet she still smiled, "Don't worry, no one dares to bully me. You stay put here."

Yu Ze wouldn't budge an inch, "No! I must protect my wife!"

With no other choice, Muniang let him have his way. As she pushed the door open, she saw Old Lady Qiao standing with her hands on her hips, cursing vitriolically in their courtyard.

Old Madam Qiao saw that Muniang had the audacity to bring that vagabond man before her, and her fury erupted like a volcano. Pointing at Muniang's nose, she berated, "Look at you, shameless thing! The rumors outside turn out to be true. At such a young age, you can't bear loneliness and even bring wild men home to create chaos, completely disgracing our Qiao family's reputation!"

Muniang's expression remained unmoved as a mocking smile played on her lips, "Grandma, didn't you kick my mother and me out of the Qiao family when she was critically ill? Now you suddenly remember our kinship."

Old Madam Qiao was taken aback, seemingly not expecting such a response from Muniang. She had thought that Muniang, with her timid nature, would be crying out of fear by now. How had she changed so much during this time, as if she had become a different person?

"Ha! Just look at her, Old Lady Qiao, she is completely defiant. This little harlot even dares to be self-righteous now, acting like she doesn't even regard you at all," Mrs. Ji said in a sharp and scathing tone.

These words were like an injection of adrenaline for Old Madam Qiao, who instantly turned livid with rage: "Our Qiao family truly doesn't have a granddaughter who flouts moral decency like this! But when people in the village curse, don't they also mention our Qiao family?"

Yu Ze glared at Old Madam Qiao, "You old witch, don't you dare speak to her like that."

Old Madam Qiao looked at him with contempt, "Committing acts that can't see the light of day and still forbidding others from cursing, what a joke. Such a lowly creature should have been drowned in a pig cage a long time ago!"

Yu Ze's face turned red with anger, and he was about to charge at her but was stopped by Muniang. Muniang turned around and addressed Old Madam Qiao, "What I've done and whether I deserve to be drowned in a pig cage is for the Village Head to decide. Now that I have nothing to do with the Qiao family, even if there's blame to be assigned, it's not your place to do it! As for the village people cursing the Qiao family because of me, what does that have to do with me? Back when my mother was seriously ill, the Qiao family never offered a penny, leaving us to fend for ourselves. The village people openly and secretly said how mercenary the Qiao family was, and the Qiao family thickened its skin and pretended not to hear. But now, you suddenly care about face!"

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Qiao's old face flushed with shame. Indeed, she had driven Muniang's mother out because she didn't want to care for a sick daughter-in-law, and the village had been full of gossip. Now that Muniang was bringing it up, she felt as though she couldn't show her face.

"Mother, don't blame Muniang, she had no idea, and it's not at all as others have spread. Muniang has always been well-behaved; she's not that kind of person," Mrs. Lin said, somehow having gotten out of bed and, supporting herself against the door, stood with an even paler face.

Mrs. Ji sneered, "She's well-behaved? Sister-in-law, you must be confused. You didn't see how she just spoke to Old Madam Qiao!"

Old Madam Qiao's face darkened, and she looked at Mrs. Ji with eyes sharp as if spitting venom, "It's you, this jinx, who brought unrest to our Qiao family! You caused the death of my son, and now the daughter you've given birth to is corrupting our family's morals! How could I have been so blind to choose you as such an ill-fated daughter-in-law!"

Mrs. Lin slowly bowed her head, and tears flooded her eyes. Her husband's death was a deep, inerasable pain in her heart. Hearing Old Madam Qiao speak like this, she felt nothing but grievance and sorrow.

Muniang's gaze hardened, and her voice became colder, "My father died of a serious illness; it has nothing to do with my mother, so do not falsely accuse her! Since the Qiao family abandoned us, mother and daughter, we have nothing to do with you. No matter what we do, it's not for you to stand here and preach to us!"

Old Madam Qiao was so angry she could barely breathe, "Goodness! You little wretch truly have turned against us. Now you even dare to speak to me like that. I must discipline you today and show you the consequences!"

With that, she rolled up her sleeves and lunged at Muniang. Seeing Old Madam Qiao moving to strike Muniang, Mrs. Lin grew anxious and hurried forward to intercept, but Mrs. Ji shoved her to the ground. Mrs. Ji sneered at Mrs. Lin, gasping on the ground, "Sister-in-law, you better take care of your own frail body. Someone about to be buried should not meddle so much!"