
Chapter 160: This face in front of me, it's really beautiful

After much consideration, Qiao Xiaomai resigned herself with a sigh. She couldn't change the papermaking technique, nor could she produce soft toilet paper.

There was no cotton here, she couldn't stuff cotton into her menstrual pads.

Then she was left with only one option: to make money, to stuff silk into her menstrual pads.

Moreover, these menstrual pads were all disposable.

Thinking about the price of silk, Qiao Xiaomai couldn't help but rollover in her bed. Damn, being a woman is really troublesome!

After lying in bed for half a day, pondering, and drinking some medicine at night, her stomach pain finally eased to a tolerable range.

It wasn't completely gone, but it didn't stop her from working.

After having breakfast, Qiao Changshun drove the donkey cart out to the fields. He went to check the growth of the wheat and to cut some green grass for his donkey. Qiao Dami was boiling soybean residue to feed the chickens.