
Far From Free: Secrets of the Soul

"What does it mean to be free?" That's the question that's always lingered in Nicolas Gregory's mind, a prince struggling with internal turmoil and suffocating feelings from the life he has as the only heir to the throne. After regaining all his memories from that dreadful night of his 7th birthday with the help of those involved and a little bit of digging, he decides to abandon everything in search of the freedom his soul is longing for, along with the hope of saving his loved ones from the threat that's been chasing him. Later on his journey, he would meet adversities that would answer the mystery of his unearthly ability, a twin, his origin, purpose, and mission. All of it came to light as he decided, for his last act, to end everything and face the truth. Will he achieve freedom? Will he fall into despair? Is freedom even part of his choice? Only he can decide.

Grey_Petrichor · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Hide and Seek

Nicolas grasped for air as if he haven't inhaled oxygen for eternity. Wet and soaked, it took him a whole minute to process what was happening. Recollecting himself as he sat up, he found himself facing an irregular rock wall. It appeared out of place yet camouflages perfectly to the rest. Behind him was the angry waterfall dispersing the orange rays of the sun into the surroundings as it passes through.

"Where am I?", he muttered, coughing as he stood using the wall for balance. No sign of his pursuers can be found and that relieved the distress in his palpitating heart. "Did I got away?", he thought as he tried to walk, but being out of energy, he ended up leaning on the wall instead.

To his surprise, the wall felt like it's unsupported and he continued falling as it broke down. "What the—", with his mouth half open, he could only admire the opening he found, for a little bit, he can feel that he's finally in an adventure.

As he finally sat back up and assessed himself for injuries, another out of an adventure book delighted his heart. "A— A temple", he rejoiced while excitedly standing up, not minding the bump on his head that he got from the fall.

The temple was large, there are great implications of passage of time, yet it retained its shape and integrity. One can compare it to an Aztec pyramid in terms of scale and design. Some of the bricks were already deteriorating and mossy but what took most of his attention were the lamps that illuminates the temple from both outside and inside as he ventured deeper.

Although spacious, it's interior is rather simplistic, having an entrance from four different sides, all leading to a single room at the middle of the temple. At the center was a circular platform surrounded by stone tablets on its sides. As mysterious as it is, they bore an incomprehensible scripture that Nicolas found similar to the ones at the well back at Gregoria.

With his mind full of questions, he took one of the lamps and surveyed the room. As he ran his fingers into the walls, he observed that they similarly have etchings on them. Although indecipherable, Nicolas can somehow understand what it pertains to, all thanks to the illustrations, a moon, swords, bows, shields, and a figure that seems like blasting a stream of light into a dark circular entity.

"Could this be the Legend of the Blue Moon that Madam Veronica talked about?", he whispered as he once again ran his fingers to the engravings. He was met with a realization, "This isn't their hiding place right?", he thought while starting to feel worried that he might have unknowingly presented himself to the enemy as fodder. "I'm at the right place, I know, but in the wrong fucking time, this is suicide", he uttered as he rushed outside as soon as he can.

Yells from outside stopped him on his tracks, a few steps from the entrance. "Who the hell ruined our fully camouflage entrance to the cave", the high-pitched voice kept complaining as upset and furious tantrums can be heard in its every statement.

"This really had gone for the worst", he thought as he felt his heart pounding, failing to think of an escape plan. Base on his deduction and the confirmation that it's a cave, that hole is the only point of entry and escape. He could try and find another way but he's luck is rather nonexistent when it comes to bets.

"What the hell would you do if those pesky cult-people found this place", the voice irritably exclaimed as she kicked one of her comrades.

When everything went silent and the sound of the waterfall took over, Nicolas peeked in and saw three people on the other side. Silence had always been the greatest treat Nicolas had enjoyed, it gave him clarity of mind, but too much of it is bad for his heart, especially in his circumstance.

"See? I told you they already found this place, you piece of shit", the voice exclaimed breaking the silence. "You, hiding at the entrance", it added, Nicolas was certain he's the one they are talking about. "There's no use hiding, your shadow is sticking like a sore thumb."

A bit too late to realize that the lamp on his side causes him to cast a shadow, he began debating, "Should I fight them? They are only three people after all", he thought.


"But to fight them, I'll need to materialize my soul, and everyone that's looking for me will sense where I am", the pros and cons froze him on the spot.


"Edmund", Nicolas yelled back while thinking to himself, "Whatever, this is do or die", before summoning his blade. He took a deep breath, pulled his hood up then exhaled before sprinting forward like a bull, with his sword as his horn.

The trio got startled as Nicolas bulldoze his way, stabbing one of them as he escaped. As he passed the heavy waters of the falls, he thought he was on the clear. All is well not until dozens of men came out of nowhere, waiting for him in the clearing, ready to take him down.

"Just right in time you slowpokes", the girl whose been belting high-pitched shrills can't seem to have a break, "And as for you lost boy, it's you're not so lucky day."

"Nobody moves", Nicolas exclaimed, threatening everyone who dares to get close with his sword. He was hopeful that it would ward them off but they did not flinch. Instead, they revealed that they too has swords to make things even.

The girl raised her right hand, halting her men, "That voice— could it be—", she smiled from ear to ear as she walked towards him, "So this is where you've been."

"What the hell are you talking about?", Nicolas recoiled, pointing his sword towards the girl. She might be an enemy but he knows he can't hurt a lady, at least not until she present herself as a threat like Alice.

"Nice to see nothing's change, as cold as always, that's so you", she giggled as she finally went pass Nicolas's sword.

She halted in from of him, in a blink of an eye, she's already holding his cheeks and not a single second later, she placed her soft lips into his as her hood fell off. Long blonde hair, strikingly beautiful eyes, "Surprise", she smiled dodging Nicolas's blade and backing off.

Nicolas questioned reality for a bit, are his eyes tricking him, is this some kind of a joke? He was frozen, his eyes shaking together with his body and spirit. "M— Meriane?", his heart wanted to reject what he is seeing, but his mind kept repeating the same thought. "What— what in the world are you doing here. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THEM"

"Well, going straight to the point, I came here to pick you up", she explained, her hands to her waist as if a mother calling for her child.

"Pick me up?"

"Oh sorry, my bad. I mean your soul, or was it half of it? I'm pretty sure that's what he said", she scratched her head, unfazed with Nicolas's sharp blade. "Hey, Edmund, what did the old man say again?", she added as she called one of the men accompanying her at the entrance of the cave earlier.

"Half, and if possible, more", Edmund replied walking towards his sister's side.

"Well, you heard him— now be a good prince and hand yourself over", Meriane stretched her hand for Nicolas.

"Edmund? What are you doing here too—", Nicolas held his sword tighter. "You know what, I don't even care anymore. I will never surrender myself to anyone."

"You really were just like Uncle Frederick", Meriane giggled as she too showed her soul's reflection like the men at their back. In contrast to his pursuers earlier, it's pitch black, similar to the bearded man. "You see, when I asked him to surrender that time, that's what he also replied", she shrugged her head, "So stubborn."

"What does my father have to do with this."

"Nothing exactly— because— THEY. ARE. DEAD.", Meriane laughed.

"What did you say?"

"I said they're dead", she once again proclaimed with a louder cackle.

"Stop bluffing, why would they die, they are safe at the castle", Nicolas refused to believe her, although he's starting to have a bad feeling about what's going on.

"Do I look like I'm kidding? I stabbed them with my own hands you know— I'm pretty sure they're dead. You can even ask Edmund here, and also— wait a minute—", the princess looked at him straight in the eyes, before digging her bag then threw something out, "Here—"

It clinked and clanked as it bounced from rock to rock, it had a golden color to it together with a sprinkle of brown. He did not find the need to have a closer inspection, the insignia confirms it, it was the crown as golden and gallant, that brown stain is not just a thing, it's dried blood. Nicolas suddenly felt devastated and looked pale. There is no denying it at this point.

"YOU MURDERER", he roared rushing towards Meriane as he failed to contain his emotions, "IS THIS KING FERROL'S PLAN", his eyes determined and burning in anger.

"Of course, not", Meriane blocked his sword, "At least, not this time" she added before pushing Nicolas back without breaking a sweat.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember the incident on your 7th birthday? that's his fault, he admitted it to me. See? I'm quite useful aren't I", Meriane started her counter with a full swing.

Nicolas knows the princess has no combat experience, not handling any weapons, and so her movements came as a surprise.

"He's fault?", he asked parring her at the last second.

"Don't worry about that my handsome prince, he's already dead, I killed him too. The old man said he needed sacrifices so we did, half of the people from Algernon and half from Gregoria—"

"Why would you let that happen, why the hell are you even here for", Nicolas felt rage surge through him as he imagined the hellish sight he once lived, happening again to his own kingdom. "Is Darius also here then, SO YOU CAN ALL DIE AT MY HANDS"

"He's with someone VERY important—", she went for his neck but failed. "And If you're wondering what 'you' being a 'sacrifice' is all about, come with us and you'll be enlightened", she grinned before returning to Edmund's side. "You know what? I'm already tired. RESTRAIN HIM", she ordered her men whose keeping watch until now.

Nicolas knowing he'd have no chance for a one versus many, immediately climbed a boulder to gain a vantage point but this also placed him cornered. All he could do was push anyone away as they tried to climb and subdue him, but no matter how many times he push them, fall, be bruised, bleed, or even broke their bones, they still get up as if nothing happened. He was quite amazed at how tough they are, but one particular person made him reconsider. Bald, bleeding, and rigid moving, the man he stabbed earlier, to which he made sure he killed, was now joining the fun once again.

Meriane and Edmund just watched him from below as if they have all the time in the world.

He desperately fought for his life when out of nowhere; dozens of arrows drilled themselves to Nicolas's pursuers causing them to all fall at the same time.

"You sure got here fast", Meriane complained as she furiously gazed at the people from afar. "Okay boys, change of plans, kill all of them, LEAVE NO ONE BREATHING", she pointed at the archers.

"NICK, COME HERE", Alice called for him as their vanguards took over the front line. If he had a piece of gold for every time he had been confused today, he'd already have enough saved for his entire life.

Meriane also hearing the girl's call gave another specific order. "Kill them all, but leave that girl to me", her burning gaze directed at Alice and only at Alice.

The battle had already started but Nicolas was still in the dark about what's going on. Nonetheless, he found it as a nice chance to flee. He had already jumped into the bushes when he saw Meriane effortlessly dodging Alice's shots.

"I'm glad you're still alive and well, I never thought I would have the chance to kill you with my own hands, ALISA", Meriane shouted as she chased Alice whose desperately trying to gain distance.

"GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU HELL SENT BITCH", Alice replied as she fired a shot, but her nervousness got the best of her. A single mis step led Alice to meet the ground and Meriane who's at her tail caught up to her.

"You can't escape me—", Meriane stepped on Alice's back, full of force meaning to break her spine if she could. "YOU RAN OUT OF LUCK", she burst out in laughter while preparing to skewer the girl. All is going well for her, not until someone tackled her to the side.

"WHAT THE HELL NICOLAS", she complained.

Alice who's very thankful, heard Meriane's squeal as she hurriedly stood up, "Did she— no, that's impossible—", she thought as he watched Nick fought for her.

"Run Alice", Nick yelled at her and so she did.

"WHY ARE YOU HINDERING ME, I'M TRYING TO FREE YOU, CAN" T YOU SEE?", Meriane thrusted he blade, gritting her teeth in annoyance.

"I don't know what's everyone's deal here but you should not just go around killing people", Nicolas yelled at the princess, pushing her back once again.

"Coming from you, as if I don't know you tried to kill her just today", she landed on her knees, "You know— I really wished you had succeeded. So that I can see your handsome face, terrified, and despairing when you find out that she's the person you admired the most."

"You're delusional", Nicolas pushed her away again and again but she just went back again for another slash every time.

"You're really dense aren't you? You don't even recognize Alisa—"

"DON'T BRING HER INTO THIS, SHE'S DEAD", Nicolas replied not giving in to her obvious lie.

"Don't worry, if you let me be, she really will", holding her blade with her right hand she deflected Nicolas's sword to the side then delivered a punch with her left. It took Nicolas by surprise as he was rendered immobile for a second.

"Did not expect that didn't you?", Meriane proudly grinned at Nicolas who's grasping for air, kneeling on the ground. She gave her one last kick before continuing her chase with Alice.

As soon as Nicolas caught his breath, he pursued too but Edmund had other plans. Calmly, the crown prince of Algernon covered the path as he slowly removed his gloves, throwing it to the ground, "Would you give me the honor to test your skills, Prince of the now fallen Gregoria", he smirked, condescending, and full of pride.

The girls on the other hand continued their game of tag.

"Are my ears deceiving me or did she really call him Nicolas?", the thought lingered on Alice's mind as she tried to disappear into the shrubs and trees.

Despite her efforts, the princess can seem to find her wherever she go, "Run girl— Run— It's the least you could do, I will always find you."

Alice kept running around the forest, traversing her normal path, passing the traps he laid out for her hunts, but none can seem to work. The princess always finds a way to avoid if not free herself immediately. As she reached a familiar grove of Oak trees, she knew that shooting her by surprise is her only chance. So, as quickly as she could before Meriane pop out the bushes like a morbid wolf, she hid behind one of the trees, preparing to shoot with no intention to miss.

"How does it feel being loved by the prince?", Meriane shouted, echoing through the woods.

"P— Prince?", Alice's assumptions was confirmed upon hearing it loud and clear.

"How rude of you. Didn't your mother educate you on how to treat a princess, AAALLLIIISSAAAA?"

She had no intention to answer at first, but with her dragging her mother into the fight, she lose her cool.

"Enough with this nonsense", Alice cried, the echoic grove saved her from being immediately found. "I don't know who you are but Nicolas is dead, almost ten years ago on his birthday", she fired a shot seeing that she has a stationary target.

Meriane was surprised for the most part, but with a grin, she sliced the arrow with ease before charging towards where it came from. She slice the tree with all her strength, not giving mercy hoping that it would take Alice with it but to her disappointment, no one was there.

"I see, you fancy hide and seek. I had a little bit of bad experience with it, though. Do you want to hear my story?", Meriane eagerly waited for her to ask but it never came. "Your insolence knows no bounds huh, fine, I'll just tell you whether you like it or not."

She continued surveying the area, "Would you believe it. That bastard, Nicolas, trapped me inside a cabinet. If only I had not scream Selene would not have found me. He later got scolded and slapped by my late Uncle Frederick, so I guess we're even"

"Enough with your lies, stop bringing someone dead into this. Besides, you only have your gullibility to blame."

"You're the one whose lying to yourself. But that's an old story, and that story wont changed the fact that you'll die here"

"Start the chant then and come find me"

Meriane beamed before starting to chant the game's song, all while chopping every tree she came across, "Hide and seek, the moon is bright, no one in the front no one in the back… When I count to three, to behead will be—"

"ONE—", Alice's heart began to rise as she heard the voice getting closer and closer with each count. "TWO—", she's already tense but there were no more large trees to hide so she's out of options. "—", the third count did not come. For a moment, she thought she was spared, but as the second she felt safe, Meriane fell from above, catching her by her long black hair. "THREE"

Meriane laughed at her prey, the despairing look in Alice's face was peak entertainment for her, matched with her squeals as the soundtrack, "Such well-groomed hair you got here, Alisa, the strands are strong and long. Good for aesthetic but not for combat. Although not for me, I'm both aesthetic and skilled after all", Meriane threw her to the ground.

"How did you know my name—"

"Shush, this is supposed to be my monologue as the victor, I don't care what your name is, so, shut up", she kicked her on her side. "How do you feel being the target for two murder attempts in just a day, was it fun? Was it fun especially when the other one was by your prince?", she did not hold back and finally fulfilled her desire to kick the poor archer in the face. "A perfect place for my foot"

"NICOLAS IS DEAD, let him rest in peace, and even if he's alive like your deranged mind is saying, he'll never do that to me", Alice weakly, her nose bleeding.

"Are you implying, THAT ME, Princess Meriane Algernon is a liar?, she again caught her by the hair.

"A— Algernon?", Alice uttered as she felt a bit enlightened and even more confused.

"Oh my, you remember, how nice of you—", Meriane rejoiced, delighted that the girl knows who she was at the very least. "For that, I'll give you a chance", she whispered, "Run, and if I couldn't tag you after five seconds, I'll let you live, am I clear?"

"And if I don't"

"You'll die of course, how silly of you", Meriane giggled pulling Alice close to her face. "Now be a good girl and prepare to run okay?", she had let go of Alice who wobblingly stood on her weak knees, determined to get out alive. "One, two, three, go!", Meriane clapped.

Alice placed all the hope she had left on her first step as she desperately ran. She felt the fresh breeze and the ray of light from the setting sun as she pushed forward. For a little bit, she felt a spark of hope, a spark of hope that only lasted like a cheap sparkler on a new year's eve.

"Woops", Meriane covered her mouth innocently before retracting her feet.

"YOU LIAR", Alice squealed as she once again hugged the ground.

"I thought we're clear that I don't tell lies?", she pinned her even more, stepping on her legs to prevent any chance of escape. "You're not listening, I said I'll let you run, just that. I made no such statement that I can't impede your escape", Meriane explained, proud of her accomplishment.

Alice tried her best to crawl, trying to get away with the little strength she has left. There she is, hopelessly fighting for her life while the princess laughed her ass off to what she thought was a comedic act. Meriane raised her blade up in the air with its point towards Alice. Thrusting it down with a smile on her face, she can taste victory.

"That reminds me, this is the first time we ever spoke. Well, nice talking to you I guess."

The blade bored itself deep and fatal, as Alice accepted her faith on the forest floor. Not knowing the truth about Nick and Nicolas. She saw a bright light illuminating her field of vision similar to her bow. With her cherished memories of her childhood flashing in her eyes, she knew it was the end of her. Bleeding on the foliage, food to the passing wolves, and fertilizer for the trees as she finally closed her eyes.

"I'll be there soon— Nicolas—"