
Far From Free: Secrets of the Soul

"What does it mean to be free?" That's the question that's always lingered in Nicolas Gregory's mind, a prince struggling with internal turmoil and suffocating feelings from the life he has as the only heir to the throne. After regaining all his memories from that dreadful night of his 7th birthday with the help of those involved and a little bit of digging, he decides to abandon everything in search of the freedom his soul is longing for, along with the hope of saving his loved ones from the threat that's been chasing him. Later on his journey, he would meet adversities that would answer the mystery of his unearthly ability, a twin, his origin, purpose, and mission. All of it came to light as he decided, for his last act, to end everything and face the truth. Will he achieve freedom? Will he fall into despair? Is freedom even part of his choice? Only he can decide.

Grey_Petrichor · Fantasy
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24 Chs

What’s Left

Slowly and surely, Alice entered the base of the clock tower. She can feel her heart racing with each and every step due to the risky feat she's about to execute. She peered out the double oak wooden doors checking if she's in the clear, safe from the possibility of Nick's sudden detour.

"So far so good—", she sighed, her hand to her chest while shutting the door.

Without further delay, she began ascending the spiral staircase. Her heart began to beat harder than before as every footstep sounds the whole tower with echoes as if a blacksmith was hammering a sword, it was obnoxious, but still, she continued. It was her first-time setting foot at the top of the tower ever since she can remember. By the time she reached the top, her sweat finally dripped down her face, relieved.

"Just as you'd expect from the inside of a clock", she examined the gears and all there is to see. Nothing was out of the ordinary except for the wooden hanging rack at the side of the staircase. "Hmmm—", she groaned as she took a closer look.

It was poorly made from a crooked branch of a tree, strips of cloth served as its rope, binding the branches together. Although it was normally a normal item, she questioned the fact that it's there. In a secluded place that probably no one ever goes to, thus, it raised her suspicion.

"Not quite the evidence that someone's living here though"

She spent the whole afternoon searching for a piece of evidence, up and down the stairs she did, until she felt tired. Her knees were already weak from the task and she's reaching the end of her patience and mental fortitude.

"Seriously, what am I doing?", she questioned herself as she caught her breath, standing beside a window while looking down at the busy streets below.

Having no leads and progress, the thought of going home grew stronger every minute as she stared at the people below. The sun is already turning orange as it prepared to dive into the sea, so she decided to head back.

Defeated as she tiredly scanned the place once again, she finally found something peculiar, "Are you kidding me?", her eyes focused on the wall.

Patched to the wall were two wooden boxes stacked above each other with a dark cloth covering them. "Who in the world hides something like this—", she smiled. "Never bothering to actually hide it, somehow it works, especially for an over thinker. Cheeky bastard."

She nudged the boxes out of the way and it revealed a crack in the wall. The wall conceals a room, not that spacious but big enough for a single person. On the far corner, a cloth topped with a single bag, open with no other protection. Remarkably, it was clean and not even a speck of dust or a cobweb could be found, but her attention was taken by what's inside the bag.

Debating whether she should step inside, Alice once again peered at the window, this time, towards the forest. "If he comes back now, I'm toast", she took a deep breath before finally examining the contents of the bag. Without giving it much of a thought, she grabbed the first item that she saw. A small wooden box decorated with an intricate design of flower etchings, expensive looking and authentic.

"A hair clip?", she wondered upon opening the box.

Like the box, the hair clip was beautiful, intricate, and well made. Something only nobles and royalties could possess. She did not know why but she felt as if she had already seen it before, or at least took a glance of something familiar from somewhere.

"Strange, I'm really getting a feeling that I have seen this before… mother", as she was about to stand up, a figure prevented the light from entering the hole.

"PUT THAT BACK", a voice thundered from behind her. There was no need for her to turn, for she was certain who it was. Startled, sweaty, and worried, she froze on the spot with nothing for an excuse to try and dismiss her crime.

"Put it back or I'll chop your arm together with it"

Terror climbed Alice's body as if feeling a sudden cold breeze on her nape. She just sat there as tears slowly built up at the side of her eyes.

"Chop my arm or do you mean kill me, just like those two poor innocent people"

Wha— what?"

"I know— I saw what you did there. With my own two eyes. The way you slaughtered that man while that lady dead and lifeless. Why did you do it, Nick"

She finally gained the courage to turn around only to come face to face with the knife Nicolas was pointing at her. With its sharp tip once again inches away from her face. The knife reflecting the light towards her sorry expression as her tears finally poured knowing that this time, it might really plunge her neck.

"Alice", he uttered in surprise. "S— sorry—", he lowered the knife as he got back to his senses. Stepping away from the crack to let the girl out, "You should not be accusing anyone with such heavy allegations."

"Accuse? I SAW YOU", Alice roared. "I thought you were a good person"

"No one told you to think like that", Nicolas shifted to a serious tone.

"You're a murderer"

"Yes I am", he projected a devilish smile. "But seriously, you should not be accusing—"

"It's not an accusation if it's true."

"Can't you shut your mouth until I'm done talking", Nicolas in irritation, kicked one of the boxes, shattering it to bits. Alice could only submit to the corner in terror as the boy started his advance. Her hands to her ears, trembling. "You should NOT go around town, accusing someone, with such heavy, allegations. ESPECIALLY, when you don't know the whole story."

"I saw it— I—", Alice whispered softly while slowly scouring for an escape, she knows that if she remained there, it might become her grave, among the cold cogs and cranking metals.

"Shut up, SHUT THE FUCK UP", Nicolas tried to calm himself by walking across the room vigorously but it did not seem to work. "What did you see exactly", he asked looking straight at Alice again but the poor girl could no longer speak out of fright, "ANSWER ME"

She almost jumped, "When you pulled the man's tongue."

"Oh—", Nicolas paused as if finding relief, he was quick to change moods and started laughing, "That man— I see". Letting out a sigh, "Yes, I killed him and I do not regret doing so. Are you satisfied now?", he explained, his arms spread out in the air before deciding to sit down the opposite side from where Alice were, "He deserved it anyway."

"You killed a person Nick, murder is murder. You took a life, that's not something to be proud off", Alice as stared in Nicolas's cold eyes.

"After all I've been through, I don't care anymore", Nicolas finally calmed.

"After all you've been through?", she wiped her tears. It took her two whole minutes to calm down but after a long pause, she finally continued her inquiry, "Then what about this", She raised the hair clip, "Where did you get it", for whatever reason, she noticed Nicolas's face turn from calm to aggrieved.

"I'll ask you again, please, put that down. I don't want to keep yelling at a friend", he uttered softly. Looking to the side, avoiding her as he balled his fist, holding it with the other to stop it from shaking.

Alice felt relief hearing the words friends from the boy but she'll never it sway her, "I will not, not until you tell me where you got it", she tried raising her voice as she stood. Acting cool despite the screams of her body to run.

"Why do you even care. Sorry, but even if you want it, I can't give it to you."

"I don't want it; I'm just asking why you have this thing."

"That's none of your business", Nicolas sighed, once again feeling annoyed.

"Where did you get it then", she continued asking, the feeling that she really has seen it before is fueling her pursuit.

"Haven't you had enough already. You're annoying."

"Don't talk to me like that or— or I'll throw it out the window", Alice threatened Nick, but his sharp gazed came back along with his knife unsheathed.

"Do that and I'll kill you, right here, on the spot. I'll chop you up and feed you to the animals in the forest and no one will ever know you're dead", he stood up, his brown eyes blitzing a streak of blue, quickly fading before Alice could even notice.

Feeling the same crushing force she felt from a day ago, Alice immediately recoiled from where she stood, gulping every bit of her saliva down her throat. Asking herself if it's even worth her life knowing the answer behind the familiar box. The mysterious force as prompt as it appeared, quickly washed over her, long before Nicolas could even lowered the knife back to its sheath.

"You know what, fine. I'll tell you just so you would leave me alone", he walked towards the window. "A friend gave it to me— After the orphanage I was in was burned down. Don't ask me why because I don't know— so would you please give it back. Even though I'm not sure, I think that's something important and no value in gold would tie its worth".

There was a long silence, only to be taken over the by the ticking of the hands of the clock.

"You grew up in an orphanage?", Alice repeated, feeling sorry and shaken.

"That doesn't make me less of a murderer does it?", Nicolas stretch his arm for the box while Alice looked at him straight in the eyes, a mixture of pity, empathy, and confusion flickering in them. "What? are you suddenly feeling sympathy for a murderer?", he smirked.

Alice handed him the item. Victorious, for she got the answer that she want yet defeated for its not the answer she wanted to hear. Silently, as she went down the stairs, she's even more confused than when she started.

"By the way, Alice", Nick called so she looked up. "Check the bulletin boards in front of the town's library tomorrow, you'll know the whole story. And no, I did not kill the lady", he watched as she finally reached the bottom and later followed her from the window until she slowly disappeared in the crowd.

He took the box and placed it back. Laying down the cloth that had been serving as his bed for a year and a half now, he can still remember the lively life he had once lived and the bright days together with his only friend Alisa. Someone who he spent his whole childhood for seven years. Although it is not perfect, it's much better than his current state.

"This is my most important possession more than anything", he thought, fidgeting with it before finally unfolding its contents. The hairclip that was the only proof of their friendship and most likely what's left of it. "It is what's left of those bright and warm days, a memento of the times full of smiles and laughter".

He stared at the low ceiling above him, "Before everything went downhill", he closed his eyes, "I already know what I'll be dreaming tonight, of course I do, it never changed. The same nightmare over and over", At first it was a dream that felt like a nightmare, but as time went by, he got used to its horrific nature.

He opened his eyes once again when he remembered the bulletin board this morning. He was particularly worried about one of the announcements pasted on it.



Nicolas Gregory

"Prince of Gregoria and Heir to the throne"

Any information that would lead to the Prince will be rewarded.

"1,000 Gold"


"They're here, it took them a little longer than I thought but I'm sure they're here. They even had my face on it, but that's a problem that can be avoided. I should probably take that announcement down before more people sees it, especially Alice. Since she tends to pry on another's business", he then rolled to his side before finally giving in to his exhaustion.

"I just hope mother is holding up well"