
Far Descendant

Fenrir a descendant or should i say born from the abomination between a Vampire Count and the Vampire Queen and had his lineage killed. "born with two different colored eyes 'Blue and Grey.' Born with the bat tattoo at his back and a yin yang symbol at his left chest. How did he try to find balance when the king found out he was alive. ...... Adult mature contents R18.

Paragon_09 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

A huge Mistake

Fenrir, Iris, Bryan and Susan chatted as they enjoyed themselves mostly the others as Fenrir just tried whatever he found to his taste and didn't actually talk much. As time went on Alexander came over too, same as Vee and then Lucy who joined them at rhe table, Fenrir just enjoyed his time with Iris and then Vee, he even forgot about Susan who he planned to tease.

A while later, Fenrir asked Vee if she was ready to go as he lost interest on the party activities which she happily answered to.

"You are leaving already?" Iris looked at a little bit unhappy as she held Fenrir's hands.

"Been a hectic day,and i have a meet & greet tomorrow." Fenrir said as he adjusted his look.

"Oh, Mrs Cole, man you are one lucky guy....but i still don't wish to be you" Bryan shook his head.

'a married woman, one of the strongest in this city, it takes great courage to keep a straight face'

"Yh i know, even i sometimes don't wish to be myself" Fenrir shrugged it off.

"Really? I wish we could switch bodies, imagine the things i could do bro. Hahaa" Alex laughed.

"You really shouldn't be laughing, who knows you might die they moment one of his sisters find you out. Fufufuuf" Susan joked.

" I don't really care, who knows i might smooch Iris by then" he winked at Iris who just smiled.

"Keep dreaming fufufufu"

"Alright nice chat, see y'all anyday. Let's go darling." Vee said as she walked towards the exit with Lucy who hasn't still said anything.

"Wait" Iris immediately pecked Fenrir's chick.

"Don't forget me" she said.

Susan moved over to hug him and whispered in a low voice. "You didn't talk to me....We would meet in school later right?"

Fenrir just smiled at her after the broke the hug.

"See y'all later, and you. Get a girlfriend" Fenrir said to the guys especially Alexander.

"Hahaha, soon. But please you'll stay away from her" he laughed as he extented his hand for a shake which Fenrir surprisingly took, same with Bryan. After the greetings Fenrir and Vee finally left them at the party.

After some minutes of driving, they finally arrived at a huge villa, it was much bigger than they Silver's which was surprising, and look much more beautiful, there were beautiful servants managing the environment, mostly only wearing skimpy dresses, there were also male servants, there were surprisingly other races who were working as servants here, mostly this place looked the most extravagant and beautiful.

Fenrir and Vee walked their way to where Vee said was arranged to be the meeting place with Miss Rebecca. It was already 7:19 pm evening so they planned to have dinner.

"How was your party at Lucy's darling" a seductive voice was heard as the headed to the dining room, soon a figure of a beautiful looking woman which looked flawless with a black hair and radiant pink colored eyes.

"It was blissful" Vee answered as she smiled seducingly at her mother who walked upto them, she was just on a white flay mini skirt and black crop top which did nothing to cover her big breast and also the mini skirt which hardly covered anything. Rebecca hugged Vee before she finally looked at Fenrir and just like Iris, she looked lost immediately her eyes locked in with Fenrir's.

She walked sensually to Fenrir and hugged him to before saying to them.

"Why do i smell him all over you darling"

"Oh i forgot to tell you, we did it and truly mom, he is the best. You'll have a hard time fufufufu" Vee replied her as they all walked to the dining.

"Really? I'd love to see that, he's just as they i last saw him when i visited the Silver's. He was just 3years old then, he looks more sinister now"

"Can I shower before the food?" Fenrir asked Vee as they were about sitting.

"Letme take you" Vee said as she took him to the guest bath. After she showed him she came back to the dining, actually she wanted to wash him but Fenrir just threw her out before she even resisted.

"Thought you'd shower with him?" Rebecca asked Vee who returned and was smiling.

"Fenrir is difficult to handle, he threw me out before i even tried to seduce him" Vee complained.

"Hmm? You didn't do it right then. Don't worry I'll see for myself if he's the one. Even though he's a Vampire with mystery, i need to be sure he has an Alpha trait to handle mother and daughter". Rebecca said as she stood up and started walking to the exit.

"Your going to him right? Just do be clingy and obsessed with darling later" Vee replied as she looked at her mother's seductive back.

Miss Rebecca walked towards one of the guest chambers, most especially the one prepared for Fenrir. She found her way to his bath, it was like a pool but in an enclosed room, the water was prepared chilled for him. She was currently standing at the door, she was just one door away from seeing Fenrir's figure.

"Let's see if this familiarity i have with him is real, hope you are as good as Veronica says you are."

Fenrir's POV.

Fenrir was currently sitting on the edge of the pool like bath tub, his legs were soaked inside the chilly water, he could have already been done by now but he was actually looking to lure the Queen's mother from her hive, he knew after sending Vee parking Rebecca would want to use this opportunity to tease him.

Right now he was just looking at the door and just waiting for the woman who had been standing in front of it, he could see her through the door with his moon eyes.

"Let's see if i can seduce this Succubus"

Fenrir could feel a familiar feeling with Vee and Miss Rebecca which he already linked with having something to do with the sex demon race but the Lust Family were still humans who just inherited the power and charm of them.


The sound of the door knob being unlocked was heard as Miss Rebecca walked in with extremely slow steps, her eye sight immediately locked on Fenrir's well chiseled upper body, his hair were already loosed and wet as the curled on his face, his sharp eyebrows were looking at her as she walked closer to his position.

"I don't remember asking to meet with Lady Rebecca at the bath tub"

Fenrir started the conversation.

"What? You're at my house, i do whatever i want" Rebecca said as she squatted down to Fenrir's eye level before holding up his face and running her other hand on his wet body.

"This, i thought Vampires are blood creatures, why do you have a yin yang tattoo, are you a sex Vampire?" She said as her fingers were pointing at the tattoo at his left chest before she touched his nipples and pinched it a little to see his reaction.

"Maybe, what do you think? If i was a sex Vampire don't you think you're making a huge mistake by being here?" Fenrir slowly raised his hand and held her neck before bringing it closer to his face, their eyes stared at each other for a long time before Fenrir licked her neck, then her ear lobes next after which he aggressively threw her inside the water and jumped in too.

*A huge Mistake my dear" Rebecca said as she was soaked in water.

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