
New Life

Ira's vision was blurry. She sat up on the grass she was on. Her glasses fell off.

Ira picked up the glasses and put them on. She then imagined a a black haired girl with 2 braids hanging off. The girl had black eyes and the glasses were opaque so you couldn't see her eyes clearly.

Ira then looked around and saw she was on top of a small hill. The hill was near a dirt road, so she assumed that led to the city. She felt a sharp pain and she saw fake memories.

She was a normal girl in a small village, she had a talent in baking treats so a pastry chef in another city scouted her. She left the village 2 days ago and she was just about to reach the city.

Her personality was shy and sweet, so she had many friends. Ira was a tad bit disgusted.

"Huh? Do I have to act like this?" Ira thought.

"Heeee....Well I can use this as like a cover or something..." Ira groaned. But then she realized something. She just made up an appearance, and it looked exactly like the girl from the memories.

"Is it that woman's doings?..." Ira just sat up, and walked down to the road. She had a small bag with a few coins, food, some water, and a doll she made in the village. Ira looked at the doll.

"This...is really ugly." Ira was right, it was made out of a bag and straw was sticking out. The button eyes hung loosely and the arms were sticks in the cloth bag.

Ira just shrugged and tossed it back into the bag. She then headed towards the city. When she walked over a small bump, she saw huge walls surrounding some buildings. She also saw carriages lining up to be let inside.

She walked in line, and nobody paid attention since they were getting ready for the guards to come. After 14 minutes, a guard came up to her.

"Card." The guard said


"Your identity card, or are you from a rural village?"

"I'm from a small village yes."

"Ok, what's your purpose?"

"A pastry chef wanted to have me work with her."

"Hmm.. Well follow me."

Ira just followed him, but was a bit confused. The guard led her to a room with an orb. Some people were on the seats waiting.

"Put your hand on the orb."

Ira placed her hand on the orb. It glowed green then stopped.

The guard wrote down something and handed it to Ira.

"It's permission to get a identity card from the city hall." The guard explained.

"Ah, thanks."

Ira hurried out of there and was amazed at the things she saw.

People with animal ears,blond haired beauties with green eyes, short men who look sturdy, girls with bird wings, everything was beautiful. Ira's eyes shined. So...beautiful...

Ira went to the pastry shop first, Ira walked in silently. There a middle aged woman was at the counter.

"Ah! Ira, you're finally here!" She smiled.

"Mhm, thanks for inviting me mrs Jo." Ira replied. Jo Tark is a pastry chef she and her husband created. Her kids have moved out already, so Jo went to a village and met Ira. She was impressed by her cooking skills, so she invited her to work in the city.

"Aww, it's nothing sweetheart!" Mrs Jo replied.

After this Ira talked to Mrs Jo for a few more hours, then Mrs Jo advised her to rest. Ira agreed and went to her room. When she opened the door, she saw a simple room of a bed, a small table, a lamp, chair, closet, and a few books.

Ira unpacked, and went downstairs. She told Mrs Jo she had to shop a bit before she went to sleep, which Mrs Jo agreed.

Ira went clothing shopping, and brought a black skirt, a white long sleeve, a gray trench coat, and then some long socks and pajamas. Ira already had glasses to hide her identity, but she wanted to have one of those cool hero masks.

She brought a festival mask for a festival coming up soon.She then brought dark black berries from a vendor. She skipped back, and went into her room. She crushed the berries into a bowl, and dipped the white bunny mask into it.

After she was done, she was satisfied and took a nap.


When she awoke, it was in the middle of the night. Ira could tell that something was in her back, so she tried to scratch it. All of a sudden, something popped up and Ira was so scared she almost screamed.

Luckily, she stopped herself or else Mrs Jo would have came to her room to see 8 spider like things pop out of Ira's back. Ira was a little freaked out, so she tried to retract the legs.

She succeeded to draw back the legs, but Ira left 2 out. She then wore her skirt, long sleeve, trench coat, and long black socks. She put on her mask and looked in the mirror. She almost squealed in joy. She looked so cute!

Ira then remembered she had to fix her appearance, so she imagined a light brown haired girl with a beautiful face. Too bad she had the mask though, or else Ira would have gotten cuter.

So with her things ready, she went out of the house.

My friend/editor doesn't want to work so...things in this chapter might be a bit weird.

EDITOR: Bro who wants to read your wack stories? No one, so i'm not gonna correct it. -Koru.

..She's just lazy

Kistcreators' thoughts