
Fantasy Treasure Collector

When MC stumbles upon a whimsical mouse with a knack for finding fantastical treasures, his mundane life takes a magical turn. Join them on a thrilling adventure through enchanted realms, solving riddles, outsmarting mythical creatures, and discovering treasures beyond imagination. for additional arts and chapters https://www.patreon.com/SUN_MOON_EARTH

KLNovel · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Mythical Mouse

"Oh my stars, what in the cosmos have you unleashed upon us?" Xue Yang exclaimed, eyes wide with horror as he beheld the small purple mouse nestled within the jade shelves. His distress was palpable, though the tears refused to cooperate.

This diminutive marvel had entered Xue Yang's life innocuously, discovered in the depths of the store not too long ago. Originating as a mere rat emerging from an egg-like rock, its beguiling cuteness and the enchanting hue of its purple fur captivated Xue Yang, sparking his curiosity to nurture it.

However, the jade pendant housing this delightful creature harbored unexpected consequences. It was an integral part of a jewelry set commissioned by a customer. Due to insufficient materials and pending completion of the remaining pieces, the delivery was still pending. Now, with the jade pendant shattered, Xue Yang not only had to replace it but also had to procure additional raw materials, complicating matters further.

Regret weighed heavily on Xue Yang as he confessed, "Apologies, Boss. I've inadvertently shattered a jade pendant. How should I compensate? Shall I deduct it from my salary?"

Song Yu, the shop's proprietor, nodded distractedly, her mind elsewhere. She sighed, "It's fine; accidents happen."

Yet, the repercussions were more intricate than Xue Yang anticipated. The missing jade ornament, a creation of Mrs. Chen, jeopardized the shop's reputation. Song Yu elaborated, "Mrs. Chen desires a complete set of jade ornaments, and we are missing several crucial pieces. I scoured the ore market all day but found no suitable alternatives. It's not a puzzle that can be pieced together, and the absence of that specific item may have severe repercussions."

Concerned about the financial strain on the business, Xue Yang suggested, "Is it a financial matter, Boss? I have ten thousand here. Take it to alleviate the situation!"

Grateful but resolute, Song Yu declined, "Xue Yang, thank you for your support. I haven't paid you in two months; I can't take your money."

Undeterred, Xue Yang insisted, "It's okay! A bit more money might make it easier to find materials. When the shop prospers, I'll surely receive a better salary, won't I? Besides, I didn't stay here for the salary..."

The unspoken sentiment lingered in the air, prompting a moment of surprise from Song Yu. She thanked him gently, "I appreciate it, but there's really no need. I'll figure something out."

Faced with the impending crisis, Xue Yang was determined, "If you don't want the money, I'll try my luck. I might find some good materials for you."

As Song Yu chuckled, "How would we know without trying? Alright, it's lunch break now. I'll try my luck."

Meanwhile, the mischievous little mouse, having watched the drama unfold, darted towards Xue Yang. It scurried up his leg and into his pocket.

Ignoring the mouse's antics, Xue Yang scanned the market for potential materials. The little mouse, seemingly injected with energy, leaped out of his pocket, indicating something with fervor.

Xue Yang teased, "You're still unhappy? If you can find a good rock to eat, I'll let you eat your fill."

To his surprise, the mouse seemed to understand and excitedly led him to a seemingly ordinary rock. Skeptical, Xue Yang followed, only to witness the little creature gnawing on the rock with newfound enthusiasm.

Curiosity turned into disappointment as Xue Yang realized the rock was far from valuable. Dismissing the idea of letting the mouse roam freely, he attempted to retrieve it, but the creature persisted in gnawing on the unremarkable rock.

At noon, with the market sparsely populated, Xue Yang noticed that the prices of semi-exposed gemstones were surprisingly high. He contemplated using the ten thousand yuan in his possession but deemed it insufficient.

Disheartened, he decided to explore the lower-grade ores. The little mouse, still in high spirits, continued its antics.

Xue Yang sighed, "What else can you do besides eat? Do you realize the trouble you've caused the store? If you're so capable, find a rock to eat yourself. I'll let you eat your fill."

Seemingly offended, the little mouse scurried away, prompting Xue Yang to follow. Eventually, they stopped in front of an unassuming rock. The mouse's bright eyes suggested something significant.

Despite Xue Yang's skepticism, the mouse began clawing at the rock with newfound determination. Rocks fell, and to Xue Yang's astonishment, they revealed something unexpected.

Panicking, Xue Yang realized he had unintentionally caught the attention of a nearby stall owner. The unscrupulous merchant demanded compensation for the broken rock and insisted on a high price for the seemingly worthless one Xue Yang now possessed.

Cornered, Xue Yang reluctantly agreed to an exorbitant price, earning scoffs from onlookers who deemed him foolish.

As he walked away, Xue Yang's regret was palpable. The little mouse, seemingly triumphant, continued its antics on his shoulder. Unbeknownst to Xue Yang, the seemingly ordinary rock held a hidden treasure.

The tense atmosphere in the shop was shattered by an unexpected voice, interrupting Wang Lei's attempt at coercion and pulling him out from the brink of humiliation.

The door swung open, and there stood Xue Yang, his demeanor exuding an air of confidence. "Mrs. Chen, you seem to be in a hurry for the compensation. I hope you haven't forgotten our little arrangement from yesterday," he said with a sly smile.

Mrs. Chen's face changed, and a touch of annoyance flashed across his eyes. "What do you mean? Yesterday, I didn't agree to any arrangement."

Xue Yang chuckled, revealing a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Oh, didn't you? I distinctly remember you offering eighty thousand for this lovely piece of jade." He held up the stone he had found, its vibrant green color gleaming.

The expressions of Mrs. Chen and Wang Lei changed simultaneously. The once envious onlookers now eyed the jade with renewed interest.

"Eh? This kind of stone can be sold? What the hell!" A bystander exclaimed, breaking the silence that had fallen over the shop.

Xue Yang's heart quickened as he witnessed the reactions around him. His eyes were fixed on the green patch of jade, and he couldn't help but clench his fists.

"Humph, you think of me as an idiot too? You only gave such a good piece of jade fifty thousand yuan? I'll pay eighty thousand, are you selling me as a young lad?" declared a voice from the crowd.

"Ninety thousand!"

"One hundred thousand!"

The excitement in the shop surged as a bidding war erupted over the unexpected treasure Xue Yang had uncovered. Completely engrossed, Xue Yang held onto the jade, oblivious to the escalating prices being offered by the eager buyers.

After a while, he snapped back to reality, observing the fierce competition for the jade. It dawned on him that the substantial piece of material could resolve the predicament with Mrs. Chen. With a sense of urgency, he turned and sprinted back to the market. This unexpected turn of fortune could potentially conclude the business with Mrs. Chen and alleviate Song Yu's woes.

In the shop, Song Yu faced the challenges brought by Mrs. Chen. "Little Song, how's the jewelry? I'm eagerly waiting to use it. Can you speed things up?" Mrs. Chen inquired with deceptive gentleness.

However, Song Yu found herself in a tight spot. "Mrs. Chen, due to the lack of raw materials, we haven't completed processing your jewelry. Could you...?"

"What? Not done yet?" Mrs. Chen's demeanor shifted abruptly, her tone turning cold. "How do you manage your business? It's just a set of jewelry, and it's taking forever. Do you expect me to give you more time? Can you afford to waste my time? If you can't fulfill the contract, then compensate me according to the agreement."

Song Yu found herself in a dilemma, as the absence of raw materials left her helpless. She hesitated before reluctantly agreeing to compensate Mrs. Chen with the specified amount.

Mrs. Chen sneered, demanding an exorbitant three hundred thousand yuan. As Song Yu turned to retrieve the money, she felt a sudden shock at the exorbitant figure.

In a moment of realization, Song Yu recalled that Mrs. Chen had intentionally paid a hefty deposit of thirty thousand yuan. It struck her that this miscalculation was no coincidence, and Mrs. Chen had orchestrated the entire situation.

Accusingly, she confronted Mrs. Chen, "Mrs. Chen, you did this on purpose, didn't you?"

Mrs. Chen offered no denial, instead reveling in her success. "What if I did? The deposit has been paid, and the contract signed. Now that you can't deliver the goods, you'll have to pay, regardless of what you say."

Song Yu, feeling cornered, looked at Mrs. Chen with a sharp gaze. The situation seemed hopeless, and Mrs. Chen had the upper hand.

However, a timely intervention occurred as Xue Yang entered the shop. "If I remember correctly, tomorrow afternoon is the agreed-upon time for the contract, right? Isn't it a little early to talk about losing money?"

Song Yu, startled, turned to see Xue Yang standing confidently at the door. In her eyes, the young man who had stayed behind for her had become a towering figure.

Mrs. Chen's displeasure was evident, but Xue Yang's statement held merit. The expiration date for the contract was indeed the next day.

Undeterred, Mrs. Chen scoffed, "What's the difference between tomorrow and today? In any case, none of you can do it!"

Xue Yang, unfazed, retorted, "A lot can be achieved in a day! Alright, let's see what else you can do."

As Mrs. Chen left with a final warning, the shop felt a renewed sense of hope. Xue Yang, still holding the precious jade, beamed with confidence.

While Mrs. Chen and Song Yu engaged in their standoff, Xue Yang embarked on a race against time. The piece of jade he possessed could potentially resolve the impending crisis. The unexpected turn of events brought a glimmer of hope, and Xue Yang couldn't help but sport a silly smile as he made his way back to the shop.

Upon his return, Xue Yang presented the jade to Song Yu. The sight of the exquisite material left her in awe and gratitude. Their collaboration seemed poised to overturn the dire circumstances.

While Song Yu busied herself with the newfound treasure, time swiftly passed. On the second day, just past noon, Mrs. Chen returned with a few people in tow, ready to claim her compensation.

"Boss Song, today is the delivery date. You should be losing money, right?" Mrs. Chen declared as she entered the shop, her tone oozing with arrogance.

However, this time Song Yu remained calmer than the previous day. "Today is the delivery time, not the compensation time. Why are you in such a hurry for payment?"

Mrs. Chen, unfazed, insisted on immediate compensation. Xue Yang, who had been conspicuously absent during this exchange, suddenly appeared, holding the vibrant green jade.

Mrs. Chen attempted to deny any prior arrangement, but Xue Yang skillfully reminded her of the bidding war and the escalating offers from the crowd. The tension in the shop heightened as the bidding history unfolded.

As the competition reached its zenith, Xue Yang realized the potential of the jade in his possession. It was not just a mere ornament; it was a solution to their financial woes. The bidding war became a lifeline for Song Yu, and Xue Yang's role in this unexpected turn of fortune could not be overstated.

In the midst of the commotion, Mrs. Chen and Wang Lei found themselves on the losing side. The tables had turned, and Xue Yang's cunning move had put them in a precarious position.

With the jade as a bargaining chip, Xue Yang addressed Mrs. Chen confidently. "Mrs. Chen, you seem to be in quite a predicament. Would you like to reconsider our arrangement from yesterday?"

Mrs. Chen, visibly displeased, begrudgingly accepted the reality. The unexpected twist had turned the situation in Song Yu's favor, and the impending crisis seemed to be averted.

As the victorious atmosphere settled in, Xue Yang couldn't help but wear a triumphant smile. His resourcefulness and determination had not only rescued Song Yu from a dire situation but had also exposed the deceitful intentions of Mrs. Chen and Wang Lei.

In the end, the unforeseen treasure proved to be more than just a valuable piece of jade—it became the catalyst for turning the tide in their favor.